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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF Induction Class
樓主: Onsen

ESF Induction Class [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-9 16:30 |只看該作者

回覆 5# bvbaby 的文章

Hi bvbaby

我個女本來讀Rightmind Kindergarten nursery (只有英文及普通話),係apply Rightmind 前我已經入application 去ESF。我本人同先生好明確地選擇行IS路。當個女係Rightmind 讀緊K1下學期時ESF call 我話可以offer 個位給我。當我同先生相量此事時他同我講反正我們一定不會入local school,到時在Rightmind 畢業,只想選擇陳守仁,蔡繼有這些IB小學,到時K3畢業又要考一輪試,所以最後我們二話不說就轉校,到現在為止我們沒有後悔。今天收到Abacus (ESF Kindergarten) 給我們的4-6月份報告,睇得出老師非常了解我的女兒。在國際學校裡她們不會太在意書本的智識,但她們確實著重全人發展,我發現自已女兒獨立了很多,愛reading,英文好更不用講。父母要好好決定及計劃妳想她們的將來怎樣?會否出國讀書?對香港的教育信心有幾多?好值得父母深究!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-9 20:13 |只看該作者

I used to have my mind set for Sacred Heart or St. Paul Convent kind of schools.  However, after my worst experience with the teacher-interviewer of SPCK, I really dislike this school for its "dog eyes" attitude to a poor man like myself.  Sacred Heart is different, a really nice school with positive attitude from the vice principal and the old principal.  The drastic shift from local to IS was really a big change for my child.  She is going to be a first grader of a regular ESF school.  Looking back, would I have a different choice?  The answer is no.  The independent, nothing to fear attitude, self motivation to read and color free in playing with friends are more than enough to offset the loss of the Chinese studying.  Well, my child still need to study Chinese on the side, amid better than some of the locals.  So far, I come out ahead.  I totally agreed with the traits in "獨立了很多,愛reading,英文好更不用講".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-29 18:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 Onsen 於 09-6-9 20:13 發表

I used to have my mind set for Sacred Heart or St. Paul Convent kind of schools.  However, after my worst experience with the teacher-interviewer of SPCK, I really dislike t ...


i had the same thoughts as u, spck or shck;  same experience in the two- minute-interview at spck, "dog eyes" to poor family like us; got offer from shck, happy and paid, then suddenly, before school, i changed my mind to apply ESF kinder, then lucky enough to got the offer 4 days before school. now, i start to do research on which ESF primary to apply, still long way to go, hope i can also settle everything like all of u next year.

besides, i'm so impressed to read all the comments to ESF kinder and primary here, i know i made a right choice for my girl.

[ 本帖最後由 蜜蜜 於 09-8-29 18:34 編輯 ]
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