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Teacher & school life in GH

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-4 00:30 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry to jump in your forum.  I heard some people said GH primary teachers don't love & care to those student with bad academic, is that true?  Also, how's your kid's school life in GH?

My daughter is now in GH kinder.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-4 08:11 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-6 06:18 |顯示全部帖子
Dear icbb1230,

As we observe these two years, GH's teacher are caring and professional.

For academic, we consider GH is quite in system and very good.  Better than a lot of elite school.


原帖由 icbb1230 於 11-1-4 00:30 發表
Sorry to jump in your forum.  I heard some people said GH primary teachers don't love & care to those student with bad academic, is that true?  Also, how's your kid's school life in GH?

My daughter  ...

發表於 11-1-6 20:29 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-6 23:24 |顯示全部帖子

回復 2# parentslove2 的帖子

thanks, parentslove2.  I've read your posts before, I have no doubt that your daughter must be having wonderful school life in GH.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-6 23:26 |顯示全部帖子

回復 2# yinyin0609 的帖子


I don't really understand what you want to tell......

What I wanted to say is if you are not top of the class, the teacher will not spend time on them, such as no remedial class, etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-7 00:13 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 6# icbb1230 的文章


Rank: 2

發表於 11-5-18 15:52 |顯示全部帖子
前天下雨了, 所以雨褸濕了, 所以回家後便要攞出黎整乾!

因此,昨天忘記帶雨衣! 怎知, 放學時下雨了,老師很惡的鬧忘記帶雨衣的學生, 還收了他們的學生証!

今天老師要他們逐個攞手冊去見她取回學生証, 目的是要在他們的手冊上簽上"欠雨衣", 而且還要用嚴勵的眼神逐個學生"掘" 他們, 請問小朋友做錯了什麼, 要用那樣的眼神來嚇他們? 只是忘記帶雨衣吧了, 需要這樣嗎? 不可以原諒嗎? 老師們沒有忘記過東西嗎? 沒有做錯過事嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-18 17:35 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# sosleepy 的文章

我親眼見過有學生用錯校門返學(正常應用旁邊的小側門入) 立即被老師起勢地鬧....
In their sports day, they were advised to sit quietly on their chair. If they walked or stand-up, their teacher looked unhappy or 開咪鬧 if they're noisy.....boring....:(
In their normal school life, the best and the worst academic results will be announced (with names) in their class.
You need to consider whether your girl can 承受得起.....

Rank: 2

發表於 11-5-18 17:46 |顯示全部帖子
上年SPORT DAY, 我都見到有個學生當着那麼多的家長面前起勢咁鬧, 當着家長面前都可以咁鬧, 是她們鬧慣了? 還是忘形了? 沒家長時, 她們的面目可會更可怕???

錯左, 當然可以鬧, 可以罰, 但不是好像同學做了什麼傷天害理的事般, 竭斯底理的在鬧, 這些老師們的 EQ 真的很低,佢地要上堂, 學習控制情緒至得!

當然亦有好有愛心既老師, 但比例相對地小!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-18 18:49 |顯示全部帖子




P.S. - 我小朋友很喜歡番GH小學,病都話要番學,奇怪!我細個時就好enjoy放假啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-5-18 19:39 |顯示全部帖子
唔該你睇清楚些, 我從來無講過唔可以鬧喎, 因為我都會鬧自己的小朋友, 只係你無見到佢地點鬧啫?! 無交功課當然要欠交啦, 但無帶雨衣都要勁鬧勁啤佢地, 駛唔駛呀?!仲要係前一日落完雨雨衣未乾啫, 是否情有可諒, 做錯了什麼大事嗎? 我說過鬧不緊要, 因為她真的忘記帶, 但是否可以原諒呢? 要咁多日都要去"掘"佢地嗎?

我只是講事實, 我沒有太保護自己的小朋友, 她亦不會是港孩, 因為自問對她都好嚴勵的, 我都喜歡學校教她們守紀律, 但絕對不是竭斯底理的只會鬧鬧鬧鬧!!!!!

上堂時, 老師一來到便"很大力的掉課本到枱上", 請問那是教小朋友什麼呢? 經常鬧她們"白痴", 又是教她們什麼呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-18 20:40 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 sosleepy 於 11-5-18 19:39 發表
唔該你睇清楚些, 我從來無講過唔可以鬧喎, 因為我都會鬧自己的小朋友, 只係你無見到佢地點鬧啫?! 無交功課當然要欠交啦, 但無帶雨衣都要勁鬧勁啤佢地, 駛唔駛呀?!仲要係前一日落完雨雨衣未乾啫, 是否情有可諒, 做錯 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-19 09:08 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 12# sosleepy 的文章


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-19 16:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 sosleepy 於 11-5-18 19:39 發表
唔該你睇清楚些, 我從來無講過唔可以鬧喎, 因為我都會鬧自己的小朋友, 只係你無見到佢地點鬧啫?! 無交功課當然要欠交啦, 但無帶雨衣都要勁鬧勁啤佢地, 駛唔駛呀?!仲要係前一日落完雨雨衣未乾啫, 是否情有可諒, 做錯 ...

Just to share with my observation at the sport day this year.

The teachers asked the students to keep quiet when they  tried to pray and  to do the opening ceremony.  The rest of the time, most students were playing with themselves or read books, or leaded by the parents volunteer to join the sport activities.  The senior grade was even cheerleadering for their classmates.

In terms of moral education and discipline training, I am quite pleased with the school.  They are very straight indeed, of course, different parents might have different expection.  The headmistress told us at the very beginning, the school expect the girls be more 'lady' and independent.  If someone don't buy the idea of 'initiative learner', I am afraid, it is the right school for your girls.

My girl did change a lot since she was in kindergarten.  She became more independent and more responsible to her stuff.  She enjoyed her school life a lot.  Of course she would make mistake, but she needs to learn from her mistake.

The teachers' expectation is quite high, as the students should be up to certain standard when they entered the school.  Unlike some other government aided school, students come from everyway, so parents might expect some kind of remedial class or so on.

My girl's class teacher told us the marks are not everything, only what the student can absorb is important.  Therefore, there is no ranking in the report card, only the comparison marks of the average for the whole grade.

Accordingly to my girl, sometimes the Chinese teacher would tell the class how many got "0" on the last dictation, but she never announced the name.   Yesterday, she told me that the teacher told the whole class even some students got '0' , they should work harder to improve.

Overall, I am pleased with school curriculum, it is very systematic.  Being a parents of GH, they should be equiped themselves to face the busy school life.  Trust me, your daughter will be very benefit when she grows up.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-19 18:56 |顯示全部帖子
Agreed and want to give you a "Like"

原帖由 QQMonkey 於 11-5-19 16:38 發表

Just to share with my observation at the sport day this year.

The teachers asked the students to keep quiet when they  tried to pray and  to do the opening ceremony.  The rest of the time, most stu ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-5-19 21:13 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 16# Bon_Bon_Pa_Pa 的文章

typo :

...If you don't buy the idea of "initiative learner" or "self learner", I am afraid, it is not the right school for your girls.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-20 10:26 |顯示全部帖子
(本人在中一時冇帶功課被一女老師'起勢咁鬧',令我印象最深刻既就係佢鬧我激動到兩片嘴唇不斷震,不過之後我依然試過冇帶功課 ,一樣咁曳 ,被佢鬧完我都唔知學左D乜 ,所以我極不認同呢種教學方法)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-20 10:52 |顯示全部帖子
Dear sosleepy & CTWCHOW,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-20 12:48 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 9# Bon_Bon_Pa_Pa 的文章

唔好意思,我只係啱啱路過,看到少少,未全部了解清楚,我也認同BON BON PAPA的說話,不要過份保護孩子,我囡囡也是早兩日沒有帶雨衣,同樣也是被沒收了學生証,我也過問她,她也說不是受到太嚴厲的責罵,個人還是較認同學校的教法.....總要讓她們學懂自己的責任.....寫下手冊只是讓家長知道,我覺得沒有什麼大不了