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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 Which Language: Spanish or German?
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Which Language: Spanish or German? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-8 23:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
wanna have my kid learning one more foreign (European) language, which one is better? Spanish or German??

I see many schools offer more "Spanish" classes, why?

pls give advice...
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-9 16:23 |只看該作者
學語言有不同目的, 例如一技旁身,搵工,還是為興趣. 又要考慮流通性. 對小孩來說,都係攪掂普,英為上策. 德文發音難,多consonants,連聽都難聽. 西班牙同意大利文接近(亦似日文),大多為一個consonant+vowel, (如 i ta li a no),發音較易,也易被小孩掌握. "原子筆 ball pen", 德文是Kugelschreiber, 更長的字仲有,大人都難記, 叫小朋友點記?
如小朋友有興趣欣賞文學(如歌劇,藝術...),意大利文及法文有好大幫助.   美國人多學spanish, 因接近南美國家,對他們也較易,易過亞洲語言. 學語言是長遠的終身學習,所以要學習者有興趣先好.  香港人可以考慮學日文, 其漢字大部份為共通, 亦很易接觸到日文字,我覺得會有推動力一點.  (小朋友喜愛的玩具,公仔,都離不開日本的啊)
順便一提,法文讀起來很美,但有些發音有些人讀不出就讀不出 (例如 "r"), 能否朗朗上口,亦會影響學習興趣啊.

原帖由 my_farm 於 09-1-8 23:11 發表
wanna have my kid learning one more foreign (European) language, which one is better? Spanish or German??

I see many schools offer more "Spanish" classes, why?

pls give advice...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-9 23:20 |只看該作者
thank you very much for your detailed response. I talked to my colleague today (a local swiss guy) as well and the below points the same. So you are so "勁” :

- 德文難: indeed need to differentiate "he' "she" "it" for all objects.
- 如興趣欣賞文學(如歌劇,藝術...),意大利文及法文好
- 美國人多學spanish, 因接近南美國家 (easier to get discount if you travel to Maxico)

I've checked some of the languages playgroups and they mostly offer many "spanish" classes.. I really wonder if the parents who picked these classes really know that though "spanish" is the top 3-4 lauguages in the world in terms of population, many of these countries are a bit exotic ones (i.e spain, maxico... and will not have a huge connection to HK, i.e in terms of business, travellings, 一技旁身,搵工 in the future..).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-19 09:20 |只看該作者
Dear Jesstiff,
Great Point!
原帖由 my_farm 於 09-1-9 23:20 發表
thank you very much for your detailed response. I talked to my colleague today (a local swiss guy) as well and the below points the same. So you are so "勁” :

- 德文難: indeed need to differenti ...
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