標題: Canadian Int'l School vs Harrow [打印本頁]
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-15 23:25 標題: Canadian Int'l School vs Harrow
My daughter has been accepted to Grade 1 in CDNIS and Year 1 in Harrow. We are now trying to figure out what is best for her. Any thoughts?
I know the curriculum is different. So any thoughts on IB vs AL also welcomed.
I Presume the culture is different too, and wonder what would suit her more.
How can you tell what school would be a good fit for your child?
Thanks in advance
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 17-12-15 23:28 標題: 回覆樓主
When did your child have the interview of CDNIS grade one?
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-15 23:38
she was actually interviewed for preparatory 2 weeks ago but they offered her grade 1
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 17-12-15 23:47
Chaella 發表於 17-12-15 23:38
she was actually interviewed for preparatory 2 weeks ago but they offered her grade 1
Since my son had the interview last week, may I ask did they give you the result through email or mail?
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-15 23:53
I got a phone call... but I think it was to explain why they offer grade 1 instead of what we applied for. The actual offer letter have not yet recieved.
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 17-12-15 23:57
Chaella 發表於 17-12-15 23:53
I got a phone call... but I think it was to explain why they offer grade 1 instead of what we applie ...
I see...thanks!
作者: Gdday 時間: 17-12-16 00:05
回覆 Chaella 的帖子
Interesting. Does it mean yr child will be the one yr younger than most if not all kids in Grade 1 (CDNIS)?
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-16 00:11
Yes that is another one of the factors that is affecting our choice.
She will be the youngest in CDNIS but one of the oldest at Harrow.
I think she prefers and will be happier to be the youngest as she is more mature and find kids her own age "Babyish". Or perhaps as kids get older I hope that delvelopment difference isn't as much and she may still be happy being of the oldest.
Any thoughts from parents experiences on this would be most welcomed.
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-16 00:14
Actually she is sept baby and cut off date is Aug so she could be just a little younger that some of the kids in her own class if she goes to CDNIS
作者: EconFather 時間: 17-12-16 21:34
作者: 1992英语baby 時間: 17-12-16 21:55
EconFather 發表於 17-12-16 21:34
作者: Bunnygirl 時間: 17-12-16 22:47
回覆 Chaella 的帖子
If no phone call that means no chance already? We applied grade one but no news so far.....
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 17-12-16 22:48
Bunnygirl 發表於 17-12-16 22:47
回覆 Chaella 的帖子
If no phone call that means no chance already? We applied grade one but no news ...
When was your interview?
作者: Bunnygirl 時間: 17-12-16 22:49
回覆 Moonlight819 的帖子
2 weeks ago....
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 17-12-16 23:04
Bunnygirl 發表於 17-12-16 22:49
回覆 Moonlight819 的帖子
2 weeks ago....
Maybe just not yet sent the mail, don’t worry!
作者: fatcni 時間: 17-12-17 15:06
Have closed friend’s child studying in Harrow now and a cousin of mine was studying in CDNIS. Here is my thought:
Both schools are great school, but Harrow seem like a fame to go because of its Uk background. My friend’s kid like reading so much but I don’t know if is just kid’s or overall students’ Practice. He is very polite and well behaved and very gentleman. Not sure about academic but according to my previous school visit, school facilities are great and expanding. And seem like more mainlanders prefer it because of location and it’s fame.
CDNIS emphasises more on personal development, quality teachers and great school facilities as well. Happy school and very chitchat character. Seem school has more focus on chinese.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Both schools carries different culture and i would ask which one sit your child more?
作者: EconFather 時間: 17-12-17 15:27
作者: elbar 時間: 17-12-18 17:16
Chaella 發表於 17-12-15 23:25
My daughter has been accepted to Grade 1 in CDNIS and Year 1 in Harrow. We are now trying to fig ...
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-18 23:29
Thanks for your comments and replies.
Harrow is better for us in terms of location.
IB vs AL : guess its just too early to say which would suit her more.
作者: EconFather 時間: 17-12-18 23:41
作者: Gdday 時間: 17-12-19 08:44
回覆 EconFather 的帖子
EconFather pls check pm
作者: EconFather 時間: 17-12-19 10:45
本帖最後由 EconFather 於 17-12-19 10:45 編輯
Gdday 發表於 17-12-19 08:44
回覆 EconFather 的帖子
EconFather pls check pm
作者: Chaella 時間: 17-12-27 10:09
Yes if we go for cdnis we would have to relocate closer.
My daughter enjoyed the interview at cdnis, she said harrow interview was just ok, in terms of the fun factor. We still waiting to do a school tour with my daughter in January.
Has anyone been to both schools ? Would love to hear your thoughts about the two schools.
作者: EconFather 時間: 17-12-27 23:14
本帖最後由 EconFather 於 18-1-1 22:50 編輯
Chaella 發表於 17-12-27 10:09
Yes if we go for cdnis we would have to relocate closer.
My daughter enjoyed the interview at cdni ...
作者: Chaella 時間: 18-1-1 21:44
Thanks for your advice
作者: elmostoney 時間: 18-1-3 11:11
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 18-1-3 11:12 編輯
ib上到中學, 越高班越難讀, 要求學生全能咁滯, 對入大學又未必有太大助力, 所以我都有所保留. 反而英制到高年班可側重所長, 某程度上可能比較易讀. 我識得朋友由ib school 轉去harrows 和 kellet, 都係因為ib.
其實ib到高中, 基本上就係地獄式訓練, 唔好以為因為學校環境自由就易讀. 佢比英制美制更demanding, ,
作者: EconFather 時間: 18-1-3 15:39
本帖最後由 EconFather 於 18-1-3 15:48 編輯
elmostoney 發表於 18-1-3 11:11
ib上到中學, 越高班越難讀, 要求學生全能咁滯, 對入大學又未必有太大助力, 所以我都有所保留. 反而英制到高 ...
作者: elmostoney 時間: 18-1-4 14:46
深入讀固然唔易, 但三項鐵人更難. 我家中兩個, 一個文科人, 數好差, 而家要佢做全能人, 死梗. 一個理科人, 寫野同睇書理解麻麻, 但IB不論理科文科都要寫野, 我都頭痛.
讀書能揀自己喜歡或善長的科目,即使深入d 都比被迫讀自己憎又或差的科目強.我兩個都讀緊IB, 高小, 當時轉校純粹係因為原校冇中學, 考左有學校收就入, 冇諗咁多. 而家睇返轉頭, 我會比佢地入英制或美制的學校, 條路好行d. 明明自己鍾意跑步又跑得好, 做物好地地要去做三項鐵人? 我同一d親戚仔女傾過, 佢地都係呢幾年入大學的(外國), 佢地覺得IB難讀, 但係經驗係好, 相對不是讀IB的學生,ib令佢地對大學學習模式有很好的預備. 但對入學就冇分加, 所以純以入學收生, 冇得著. 讀到死死下所為何事?
作者: elmostoney 時間: 18-1-4 14:52
有朋友個細路讀到y11由IB轉英制, 就係頂唔順ib, 因被迫要讀一d 佢極不善長的科目. 入左英制後, 如魚得水, 冇問題.
其實大部份正常人都會側重某D科, 全能人都係少數, 所以IB難就係難在三項鐵人.
作者: EconFather 時間: 18-1-4 15:20
elmostoney 發表於 18-1-4 14:52
有朋友個細路讀到y11由IB轉英制, 就係頂唔順ib, 因被迫要讀一d 佢極不善長的科目. 入左英制後, 如魚得水, ...
作者: poonseelai 時間: 18-1-4 15:38
elmostoney 發表於 18-1-4 14:52
有朋友個細路讀到y11由IB轉英制, 就係頂唔順ib, 因被迫要讀一d 佢極不善長的科目. 入左英制後, 如魚得水, ...
現時有家長以為ib会happy而選ib, 会有機會錯佩,我兩個孩子都一路讀一路鬧
作者: Drewdrewchan 時間: 18-1-4 16:38
感謝大家咁 informative 嘅分析。忍唔住講句,做父母的真係好苦惱.... 小朋友仲咁細個(得3、4歲),真係好難替佢選.... IB? US/UK制? 真係怕自己選錯會辛苦了小朋友....
作者: EconFather 時間: 18-1-4 16:55
本帖最後由 EconFather 於 18-1-4 16:55 編輯
Drewdrewchan 發表於 18-1-4 16:38
感謝大家咁 informative 嘅分析。忍唔住講句,做父母的真係好苦惱.... 小朋友仲咁細個(得3、4歲),真係好難 ...
從我經驗上看,英制是比較穩陣同保守。原因係個系統已經用左好耐,如果你一心一意俾小朋友去英國考IGCSE, 直接讀英制會比較省功夫。IB訓練係地獄,但應付到其實真係會好勁。
IB訓練出來的學生整體來說係比較醒d。醒我指係street smart,轉數比較快,食腦,話頭醒尾。英制畢業生比較專,寫個email都好似文學作品,但可能無咁street smart。IB思維比較合適創業家。英制比較合適做公司consultant。純個人意見。
作者: Bunnygirl 時間: 18-1-4 17:23
回覆 EconFather 的帖子
Very informative and interesting topic.
May I know which int'l schools in HK is following UK/ US syllabus? Many thanks!
作者: EconFather 時間: 18-1-4 17:34
Bunnygirl 發表於 18-1-4 17:23
回覆 EconFather 的帖子
Very informative and interesting topic.
全英只有3間, harrow, kellet, korea.
有部分是先igcse再接 ib, 耀中就係.
作者: Bunnygirl 時間: 18-1-4 18:46
回覆 EconFather 的帖子
thanks! seems not too much choices.
作者: elmostoney 時間: 18-1-4 19:30
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 18-1-4 19:45 編輯
CAIS和american international school也是美制. 香港人普遍熟悉英制,是因為殖民歷史原因.其實美國好大學都好多. 如你睇global ranking, 最top的大學, 美國佔大多數.
IB "street smart" 是因為接觸面較廣, 不能讀死幾科. 美國制其實比較近 IB, 但冇IB咁demanding. 即使到高中遍重修某D科, 但同時亦要修返D其他. 如你讀理科為主, 但都一定要讀返D arts, 文科去平衡, 會比較 well rounded D. 就算美國大學都係咁, 讀商科一樣要讀下D文科理科 (包括science and math), PE之類, 唔可以只係讀相關科目, 呢個就係英美教育不同之處. 美國教育是比較注重全人發展的.
作者: EconFather 時間: 18-1-4 20:29
留意一下,其實好多學校都會走去考IGCSE。ESF都會考的。但真正用全英式的應該只有3家,而HKIS應該係全美式,American international應該都係。其他大多混IB, 英美或自己。
作者: Moonlight819 時間: 18-1-23 23:46 標題: 回覆樓主
作者: 964000 時間: 18-1-23 23:54 標題: 回覆樓主:
本帖最後由 964000 於 18-1-23 23:58 編輯
其實如果到時想讀A level,到高中先去英國boarding也可以,反而比較小學你想IB定non IB先
作者: Atecila 時間: 18-1-24 00:55
elmostoney 發表於 18-1-4 14:46
深入讀固然唔易, 但三項鐵人更難. 我家中兩個, 一個文科人, 數好差, 而家要佢做全能人, 死梗. 一個理科人, ...
Thanks for the very helpful sharing. I did hear from some interns who have studied IBDP said it is indeed demanding and most students need tutoring for IBDP. Just wondering at elementary school level, is IBpyp structured enough for the children to learn the basics like math and English grammar/writing? What’s your experience ? Thanks in advance!
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