
標題: IB 42分入到醫科嗎? [打印本頁]

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-8 16:44     標題: IB 42分入到醫科嗎?

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作者: bforbtec    時間: 16-7-8 19:10

本帖最後由 bforbtec 於 16-7-8 19:11 編輯

男拔上年 41分都有offer




作者: 73662710    時間: 16-7-8 19:49

本帖最後由 73662710 於 16-7-9 00:18 編輯

The quota increases from 420 to 470
For a score of 42, with both Lang A
I would say quite secure.

If Eng is not Lang A, need good interview to fight for a place.
Medical schools put more emphasis on English, but I'm not an insider.

作者: dse2017    時間: 16-7-8 19:51

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作者: sheenaho    時間: 16-7-8 22:36

dse2017 發表於 16-7-8 19:51
咁SPCC and 男拨幾乎全部IB 可以讀醫?。
To my knowledge, conditional offers frm hku med is 44; cu med/43
作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-8 22:45     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+bforbtec+於+16-7-8+19:11+編

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-8 22:46     標題: 引用:咁SPCC+and+男拨幾乎全部IB+可以讀醫?。

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-8 22:51     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+bforbtec+於+16-7-8+19:11+編

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作者: nintendo    時間: 16-7-9 01:28

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum ... &extra=page%3D1


We can legitimately presume that a PG of at least 43-44 is required to get you to an interview and subsequently an offer with condition of at least 43-44.

Not sure about what happened to the student with 41 from DBS. A few years ago, someone at ESF got into CUHK med after only completing only one year of IB. I would never use these exceptional cases as reference.

Note also that IB students go through non-jupas applications. And the procedures are very different from jupas. IB students all got conditional offers a few months back. If you did not get a good PG and did not have any interview or offer,  I would say you have slim chance unless you have really high final grades and loads of strong references.
作者: bforbtec    時間: 16-7-9 05:20

本帖最後由 bforbtec 於 16-7-9 05:30 編輯
catcatlun 發表於 16-7-8 22:51

因為最後醫學院開學, 一些人最後無出現

41/45 . ,  原本無offer ,男拔生


找non jupas 之前面試好的學生,

一個個打去問, 問佢地讀不讀



作者: dse2017    時間: 16-7-9 05:35

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作者: samsam123321    時間: 16-7-9 07:54

本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 16-7-9 07:58 編輯

唔使羡慕,任何人都可以去讀。無錢都有奬學金的,可以全免費。不過,SPCC DSE平均分都5-5*,都係得40分。如果42分,我估那學生考DSE都會平均分去到5*以上。
作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 09:25     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+bforbtec+於+16-7-9+05:30+編

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 09:29     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+bforbtec+於+16-7-9+05:30+編

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-9 10:12     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+bforbtec+於+16-7-8+19:11+編

原帖由 bforbtec 於 16-07-08 發表
本帖最後由 bforbtec 於 16-7-8 19:11 編輯

男拔上年 41分都有offer

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-9 10:15     標題: 回覆:bforbtec 的帖子

是否 double cohorts 那一年?

作者: 73662710    時間: 16-7-9 11:03

本帖最後由 73662710 於 16-7-9 11:14 編輯

As the system of IB becomes more transparent. A mere score may not reflect the ability of a student, but rather the admission officer will look at the subjects a student takes.

I would say a score of 41 from a student who takes Lang A and history carries a heavier value than a score of 42 from  another one who takes Lang B and economics.
Thus, we cannot infer that all students with 42 must be admitted if one with 41 was admitted.
Just personal opinion, not intending to offend anybody nor serving as guideline for application.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-9 11:10     標題: 引用:As+the+system+of+IB+becomes+more+transpa

原帖由 73662710 於 16-07-09 發表
本帖最後由 73662710 於 16-7-9 11:09 編輯

As the system of IB becomes more transparent. A mere sco ...
好多家長是不太了解,跟炒股票一樣,看number 不看基本面的,所以我們要解說清楚!

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 11:21     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+73662710+於+16-7-9+11:14+編

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作者: 73662710    時間: 16-7-9 11:31

本帖最後由 73662710 於 16-7-9 11:31 編輯

Lang A : learn as the first Lang, more difficult
Lang B: as a second language, easier.

Whether success or not in the admission depends on the overall picture and not on  an individual factor, take it easy and prepare for the interview.
作者: sheenaho    時間: 16-7-9 12:02

回覆 catcatlun 的帖子

我自己估計今年如果你本來已有cu conditional offer (43分), 最後考出嚟42分而即時去 cu 叩門的話, 可能有機會. 因其實大部份ib 生(以我見SPCC 計) ,有不少成績好的學生都唔係選med. 所以估計CU MED 可能會考慮. 但如果你之前無 offer 的話, 就很難講.
作者: Artie    時間: 16-7-9 12:05

catcatlun 發表於 16-7-9 11:21
Sorry, I don't know the meaning of langA or Lang B. Could you explain about it! I m little bit stre ...

Your child?
Do you mind telling us more his background?
Should you know what lang A and lang B are?

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 12:17     標題: 引用:Quote:catcatlun+發表於+16-7-9+11:21+Sorr

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作者: manning2014    時間: 16-7-9 12:27

回覆 sheenaho 的帖子

Yes, to my knowledge too, this year conditional offers from HKU medic is 44; cu med/43 (44 for direct entry to 2nd year CU Medic)).

Last year, the lowest mark to get the CU Medic from DBS was 42 (had interview but no offer, finally  got in after result released).

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-7-9 12:38     標題: 回覆:IB 42分入到醫科嗎?

去年有孩子中大面試後conditional offer 43, 可惜final 42, head of school 出埋信也無用, 今年中大港大共多了50個學位, 情況不知会否不同

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-7-9 12:42     標題: 引用:去年有孩子中大面試後conditional+offer+43

原帖由 poonseelai 於 16-07-09 發表
去年有孩子中大面試後conditional offer 43, 可惜final 42, head of school 出埋信也無用, 今年中大港大共 ...
sorry, 應是港大

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-7-9 12:55     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Artie+於+16-07-09+發表Your+

原帖由 catcatlun 於 16-07-09 發表
Anyone telling me what mean of Lang A and Lang B? Interviewed but no offer yet, status is waiting of ...
language A 是母語水平, 包括文學分析, 水平高過 language B, B 只是語文運用。

作者: Artie    時間: 16-7-9 13:12

catcatlun 發表於 16-7-9 12:17
Anyone telling me what mean of Lang A and Lang B? Interviewed but no offer yet, status is waiting of ...

Someone has already answered you at #20 and #27.

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 13:20     標題: 引用:Quote:catcatlun+發表於+16-7-9+12:17+Anyo

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-9 13:21     標題: 引用:回覆+sheenaho+的帖子 Yes,+to+my+knowled

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作者: nintendo    時間: 16-7-10 13:00

catcatlun 發表於 16-7-9 13:20
Yes , thanks jm ! my son is Lang A ! hope get offer soon

Everyone must take at least one Language A.

作者: manning2014    時間: 16-7-11 10:53

回覆 catcatlun 的帖子

Good luck and do let us know your update.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-11 12:51

To my knowledge, the small batch conditional offers always higher than final offers after releasing the exam results.

Like an U gave conditional offers 44, it doesn't mean the final offers of the balance are 44, the final offer can be 42 or lower, but have an impression my students are better, it's gimmick.

If an U gave lower conditional offers, it means the U wants the student even he lost some points in exam, it doesn't mean their students have low quality.

Just look at Oxbrige, conditional offers always 38/45, not 43 or 44.
作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-11 18:32

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-11 18:33     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+ANChan59+於+16-07-11+發表To

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作者: 964000    時間: 16-7-19 01:03     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+ANChan59+於+16-07-11+發表To

原帖由 catcatlun 於 16-07-11 發表
Yes , my son got offer from Oxford and Imperial  only 38 and 41
Then why not take Oxford and stay in HK ?

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-19 07:44     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+catcatlun+於+16-07-11+發表Y

原帖由 964000 於 16-07-19 發表
Then why not take Oxford and stay in HK ?
Taking medicine in overseas had many issues, like spaces of houseman in UK and need to take the professional assessment before registration.

作者: 964000    時間: 16-7-19 08:11     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+964000+於+16-07-19+發表Then

原帖由 ANChan59 於 16-07-19 發表
Taking medicine in overseas had many issues, like spaces of houseman in UK and need to take the prof ...
Government is releasing overseas registration, 比我會去外國讀,見識下

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-19 08:26     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+ANChan59+於+16-07-19+發表Ta

原帖由 964000 於 16-07-19 發表
Government is releasing overseas registration, 比我會去外國讀,見識下
How about releasing The requirements of Chinese doctors to HK?

作者: 964000    時間: 16-7-19 09:34     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+964000+於+16-07-19+發表Gove

原帖由 ANChan59 於 16-07-19 發表
How about releasing The requirements of Chinese doctors to HK?
That's what the present doctors are against for, 但政府一意孤行,想放多些大陸醫生來便可以拉低醫療開支,所以硬推醫改,但市民不知內情,以為醫改只是增加投訴機制。

作者: samsam123321    時間: 16-7-19 10:55

catcatlun 發表於 16-7-11 18:32
Yes , my son got offer from Oxford and Imperial  only 38 and 41
好少有呢,你仔一定係尖子,難得你連lang a b都唔知,一定好放心阿仔自己去讀書,一定唔係怪獸家長。
作者: hksarah    時間: 16-7-19 11:28

I think the main point is maybe subjects the student take. A student with IB 41 and accepted by both medicine schools. The result are

Maths HL  7
Chem HL 7
Bio HL 7
Econ HL 7
Eng A 6
Chin A 6
TOK & EE  1

作者: manning2014    時間: 16-7-19 11:58

回覆 catcatlun 的帖子

Having the IB released some time ago, where is your son decided heading to finally? Stay HK (Medicine) or UK (other subject)?

作者: Artie    時間: 16-7-19 12:16

本帖最後由 Artie 於 16-7-19 12:21 編輯
hksarah 發表於 16-7-19 11:28
I think the main point is maybe subjects the student take. A student with IB 41 and accepted by both ...

And what was his PG? And what was his CO?
Offers that were issued AFTER results came out would not mean a lot. Because the first threshold is still the PG, right?
Yes, I was told that there are students that finally got into medicine with 41. But they have high PG and have got offers. Just that they kind of slipped and did not make it with the condition.

作者: bristol    時間: 16-7-20 10:32

本帖最後由 bristol 於 16-7-20 10:50 編輯

HKU和CUHK醫學院的2015年官方入學數字是 IB 最低 43 及 42分。   HKU和CUHK醫學院的 Conditional Offer 一般是 IB 44 及 43分

我經常講,IB 分數不可以直接比較,要看你考那些科目及那些科考得好,有些科 (e.g. Econ)比較易拿7。學生考 Lang-A+Lang-A 與 Lang-A+Lang-B 不同,學生在 HL 科拿7 亦比在 SL 拿7 優勝 。 如果總分一樣,EE+TOK (Bonus Points) 一個拿3 一個拿1 ,我相信單看成績, EE+TOK拿1 的學生會較大機會被取錄,因其他主科考得好以42分為例,我覺得有 Strong42 (考 Lang-A+Lang-A,但EE+TOK、SL等科低分)及 Weak42 (考 Lang-A+Lang-B,英文、HL等科低分)單看分數,43vs42 或差一分的分別不大。今年拿45分的 IB 狀員,我有興趣知他們是否考Lang-A+Lang-A

朋友兩年前 IB 考到 42分 (Strong42),EE+TOK 只得一分,結果入了CUHK MB ChB。  聽聞 IB 學生喜歡入 CUHK 的其中一個原因是很多科目有 exemption ,第一年可以 hea ,每星期上少於 10 小時課,多機會時間到外地交流,宿位較多,4月起便可以放四個多月暑假。

據我所知,香港的 IB 學校中,只得 DBS、SPCC 全部學生考Lang-A+Lang-A ,亦沒有考 Lang-AbInitio、Math Studies 等科目,其他學校的大部份學生都是Lang-A+Lang-B。 大家在比較總分時要留意這一點。

作者: brother4    時間: 16-7-20 10:50     標題: 回覆:sheenaho 的帖子


作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-20 11:07     標題: 回覆:bristol 的帖子

我估大部分狀元不會是 Lang A + Lang A, 可能有 Maths Studies.

作者: Conniemom    時間: 16-7-20 12:53

本帖最後由 Conniemom 於 16-7-20 12:55 編輯

回覆 bristol 的帖子

跟據IBO所提供的資料,DBS是有Chi B及French AB:

而SPCC亦有Chi B, Mandarin AB, Englich B及Spanish AB:


另外,兩校都有Math. Studies

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-7-20 12:54

bristol 發表於 16-7-20 10:32
IB 分數不可以直接比較,

你的 comment 十分中肯。


外國大學看 IB 夠經驗,佢地看重 HL 係邊 D 科,HL 幾多分,
同是 777666,三科 HL 7 比三科 SL 7 值錢,
另外佢地唔係睇得 bilingual diploma 咁重要,
反而 expect 香港人要有 english A,
因此 english B + chinese A + english tok etc ===> bilingual dip 呢 D "偏章" 唔吸引佢地。

一直 NJ 都冇一個框框,佢地收乜人唔駛話我地知。
香港以前少 IB,有的也是 IS 為主,少有玩 "偏章",
近年多了本地 IB school,多了 "花臣",
風氣唔好,連 IS 都似走了偏章,


作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-20 13:53     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+Conniemom+於+16-7-20+12:55+

原帖由 Conniemom 於 16-07-20 發表
本帖最後由 Conniemom 於 16-7-20 12:55 編輯

回覆 bristol 的帖子
They changed that 3 years ago.

作者: Conniemom    時間: 16-7-20 15:25

回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

I believe the info from IBO website are up to date. These two schools are  still offering Math Studies, Chi B, etc and SPCC is still offering Eng B.



作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-20 15:30

Conniemom 發表於 16-7-20 15:25
回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

I believe the info from IBO website are up to date. These two schools are  sti ...
They don't allow students to take those weak subjects.
May be they need the next IBO accreditation to drop those subjects or keep it on paper.

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-21 20:11

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作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-7-21 20:17

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作者: manning2014    時間: 16-7-22 10:29

回覆 catcatlun 的帖子


Although ICL is a very very good U, any reason not going to Oxford? Since the offer is lower than Imperial.  What is he going to study in ICL?
You said, "Yes , my son got offer from Oxford and Imperial  only 38 and 41"

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-7-23 16:11

回覆 bristol 的帖子

"CUHK 2015年入學 IB 最低分是42。 42分有機,要看看那些科拿7 (最好是 HL 科),是否 Lang-A+Lang-A 等因索 "

Yes, the student I mentioned took both Eng A and Chi A, and got a 6 in Chi A.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-24 08:03     標題: 引用:回覆+bristol+的帖子 "CUHK+2015年入學+IB

原帖由 poonseelai 於 16-07-23 發表
回覆 bristol 的帖子

"CUHK 2015年入學 IB 最低分是42。 42分有機,要看看那些科拿7 (最好是 HL 科),是否 ...

Really bilingual, both are SL?

作者: sheenaho    時間: 16-7-25 12:13

回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

SPCC 修 CHI LANG B 的, 是一些從IS 或外國回流HK 的同學, 初中時接觸中文不多.有些MATHS 真的較弱的同學就修 MATH STUDIES.
至於有冇人讀 ENG LANG B, 就不太清楚

但據我所知, 43-44分的10位同學中英文都是讀LANG A 的.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-7-27 00:46

sheenaho 發表於 16-7-25 12:13
回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

SPCC 修 CHI LANG B 的, 是一些從IS 或外國回流HK 的同學, 初中時接觸中文不多.有些 ...
Thanks for your info.
作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-8-10 12:26     標題: 回覆樓主:

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-8-10 13:09     標題: 引用:中大今年可跳級入year+2 +

原帖由 catcatlun 於 16-08-10 發表
中大今年可跳級入year 2
Yes, an option.

作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-8-10 17:38     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+catcatlun+於+16-08-10+發表

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-8-10 17:46

catcatlun 發表於 16-8-10 17:38
Not necessary, GPS still needs 6 years, MBChB + MSc.
作者: catcatlun    時間: 16-8-10 22:05     標題: 引用:Quote:catcatlun+發表於+16-8-10+17:38+所

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 16-8-10 23:08

catcatlun 發表於 16-8-10 22:05
Still need 6 years?
GPS' intention is skipped those non-core subjects like general education, languages and computing etc. Students have options to do volunteer work locally or overseas, or take up a master degree or doing research  in Ivy League or Oxbridge.

Of course, you can drop all the options and shorten the program to 5 years.

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