
標題: victoria or esf kindergarten [打印本頁]

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-16 23:58     標題: victoria or esf kindergarten

vic 語境各方面都跟esf不同,而且我現在是用家,比較了解vic~ 有冇esf 用家可以分享一下家校之間溝通係點?謝謝!

作者: ky_lau    時間: 16-4-17 08:36     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

Interested to know about vic. Elder daughter at esf primary so won't need esf kg for priority. But heard the esf primary is very competitive and may need a stronger case to get in nowadays.

Thinking if should stay vic kg for better Chinese (younger one starting vic pn in Aug)

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-4-17 13:47

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-4-17 13:48 編輯

ESF is a larger "group" with more schools. There are different "options" for students in upper secondary (e.g. IB vs BTEC, different classes available in different schools). It is an understanding that students can request to switch to other schools if your choice of classes are not available at your school. For example, students can switch to another school for BTEC if BTEC is not available at their school.
With 5 foundation secondary schools plus 2 PIS, we have a larger alumni group and thus have stronger alumni support and connections. A lot of alumni are willing to support students in other ESF schools.
ESF is a more "western" community. Even at STC where the majority are chinese, we are still more western.
All ESF primary schools are IB schools. Note that IB have strong emphasis in a "second language" and all ESF schools offer Chinese as a second language. So the chinese curriculum is now much stronger than 10 or 15 years ago.
作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 13:59     標題: 回覆:kamgat 的帖子

本帖最後由 Birkin 於 16-4-17 22:17 編輯

Victoria used to be a "happy school" but not the case anymore. They changed their curriculum around 2 years ago - they have tonnes of homework for K2 and K3 kids these days. Getting more and more like a local kindergarten. This may be an upside for some parents who aim for local primary schools.  Victoria is a good choice for many parents who want their kids to go to a bilingual school (like ISF) as they have a strong bilingual programme.

ESF kindergartens on the other hand have zero homework. They believe in learn through play. They teach K2 kids to write their names and learn some simple phonics at school. They have very little Chinese/Mandarin. So if learning Chinese is important to you or if you are a believer of homework and you want your kids to learn to read and write at pre-school level, then ESF kindergartens may not be your cup of tea.

作者: Jane1983    時間: 16-4-17 17:38

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 18:27     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

今年Vic k1勁多功課,而且唔淺。

作者: Jane1983    時間: 16-4-17 18:46

回覆 phoebewong123 的帖子

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 19:11     標題: 引用:今年Vic+k1勁多功課,而且唔淺。 +

原帖由 phoebewong123 於 16-04-17 發表
今年Vic k1勁多功課,而且唔淺。

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 19:13     標題: 引用:Victoria+used+to+be+a+"happy+school"+but

原帖由 Birkin 於 16-04-17 發表
Victoria used to be a "happy school" but not the case anymore. They changed their curriculum around  ...
我就係覺得victoria 冇缺點,所以先煩!
但一諗到升小,esf 真係一個好選擇

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 19:39     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

仲有一點,我女係九月B,我估佢考小一會死梗... 所以先考esf...

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 19:53     標題: 引用:回覆+phoebewong123+的帖子 點多法?每日

原帖由 Jane1983 於 16-04-17 發表
回覆 phoebewong123 的帖子

每日一樣包括中文筆劃練習,運筆練習,數學2樣,中文一樣,仲有maths tool box, phonics , copy book,加中英文圖書連工作紙

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 19:54     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

已經不是step up

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 20:05     標題: 回覆:kamgat 的帖子

I don't think you will be satisfied with ESF kindy if you think Victoria is perfect for your child. You should stick to Victoria.

Btw, ESF kindergartens (Hillside in particular) shouldn't be regarded as a backup. They are very difficult to get in if you don't have any priorities.

作者: 964000    時間: 16-4-17 20:56     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Birkin+於+16-04-17+發表Vict

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
我就係覺得victoria 冇缺點,所以先煩!
但一諗到升小,esf 真係一個好選擇

Then you will probably be quite disappointed with ESF, basically it's just play based and kids will not learn writing or reading throughout kinder. They start to count 1-10 at k2. You have to believe in the curriculum itself otherwise you will feel very insecure. I think Victoria is a good balance of both sides.

作者: mamaishere    時間: 16-4-17 21:59     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而且真係深!有同學仔家長另一小朋友讀SC都覺得Victoria功課較深,尤其英文拼音!星期六日功課好多時可以做足半日都未做完,未計練習presentations!當中包括數份中英閲讀報告,閱讀練習,中文寫字,工作紙,剪報,練習報導新聞,數學實驗式功課.... 唔好幻想好似以前咁嘆!

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 22:09

964000 發表於 16-4-17 20:56
Then you will probably be quite disappointed with ESF, basically it's just play based and kids will  ...
Well, Victoria is quite different from what it used to be, so parents who still think it is a happy school may also be "disappointed".

Anyway, for parents who believe in homework and want their kids to be able to read and write and do simple adding and subtracting before P1, then steer clear of ESF kindergartens to avoid mismatch of expectations.

作者: dbchu    時間: 16-4-17 22:12     標題: 引用:Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而

原帖由 mamaishere 於 16-04-17 發表
Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而且真係深!有同學仔家長另一小朋友讀SC都覺得Victoria功課較深, ...
邊間VIC? 我果間冇你咁誇喎

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-17 22:15     標題: 引用:Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而

原帖由 mamaishere 於 16-04-17 發表
Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而且真係深!有同學仔家長另一小朋友讀SC都覺得Victoria功課較深, ...
我想問除做功課外 ViC 點樣教?
佢地點train 小朋友d英文?

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 22:44     標題: 引用:Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而

原帖由 mamaishere 於 16-04-17 發表
Victoria呢兩年嘅功課真係多咗好多好多,而且真係深!有同學仔家長另一小朋友讀SC都覺得Victoria功課較深, ...
絕對同意,特別是phonics 功課好深。完全不是嘆。量同質都不易

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 22:47     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+mamaishere+於+16-04-17+發表

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
我想問除做功課外 ViC 點樣教?
仍然好多活動,英文的program 也精益求精。k2開始有reading scheme 同writing program

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 22:48     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+mamaishere+於+16-04-17+發表

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
我想問除做功課外 ViC 點樣教?
以pn為例,佢地主要從遊戲中學習,例如老師講故事,玩遊戲,唱遊等... 我女學習得好好,好受老師教佢果套,而且喺屋企佢會主動用英文對答,又有時會講普通話詞𢑥

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 22:49     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+bellarie+於+16-04-17+發表&#

原帖由 phoebewong123 於 16-04-17 發表
仍然好多活動,英文的program 也精益求精。k2開始有reading scheme 同writing program


作者: Jane1983    時間: 16-4-17 22:50

Phonics功課我們那個時候都有,吾知而家係咪一樣,佢上完堂自己做。每日功課都吾耗太多時間,math tool box直頭係玩具,又ok wor。
作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-17 22:50     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+bellarie+於+16-04-17+發表&#

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
以pn為例,佢地主要從遊戲中學習,例如老師講故事,玩遊戲,唱遊等... 我女學習得好好,好受老師教佢果套, ...
多謝!咁VIC 令人好放心!

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 22:51     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+mamaishere+於+16-04-17+發表

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
我想問除做功課外 ViC 點樣教?
另外for PN學校會定期派小肌肉訓練教材比小朋友番屋企練習,每星期有一本圖書要睇

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 22:53     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+kamgat+於+16-04-17+發表以pn

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
多謝!咁VIC 令人好放心!

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 22:56     標題: 引用:Phonics功課我們那個時候都有,吾知而家係

原帖由 Jane1983 於 16-04-17 發表
Phonics功課我們那個時候都有,吾知而家係咪一樣,佢上完堂自己做。每日功課都吾耗太多時間,math tool box ...
以pn為例,我女好樂意去做,如果local stream 佢d所謂功課可以培養小朋友責任感,容易適應做功課呢回事

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 23:03     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+phoebewong123+於+16-04-17+

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
K1 開學至九月是沒有功課。好似十月之後一星期有一樣兩樣,加閲讀圖書加工作紙。k1下學期再加左中文筆劃練習,運筆練習,phonics , copy book 。

小朋友返學仍然超開心。維記一向是見小朋友的能力教,如果家長同小朋友做minimum, 老師咪教慢d,如果小朋友同家長跟得緊,學得多,老師咪教深d多d,所以我唔覺得學校有任何谷的感覺。因為小朋友的能力人人不同,不會話小朋友做不到什麼什麼就打電話同你投訴話你要點谷佢又乜嘢要外補。程度落後太多就另當別論。

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 23:03     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

I have a feeling that 樓主 prefers Victoria and is simply looking for people to second her opinion so she either inadvertently or deliberately missed or misinterpreted some of the posts about what the homework load is like for Victoria K1, K2 and K3 students...

作者: phoebewong123    時間: 16-4-17 23:05     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+bellarie+於+16-04-17+發表&#

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
以pn為例,佢地主要從遊戲中學習,例如老師講故事,玩遊戲,唱遊等... 我女學習得好好,好受老師教佢果套, ...

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 23:11     標題: 引用:I+have+a+feeling+that+樓主+prefers+Victo

原帖由 Birkin 於 16-04-17 發表
I have a feeling that 樓主 prefers Victoria and is simply looking for people to second her opinion s ...
Yes i prefer victoria because I know nothing about ESF, I wanna know what they r doing at school but no one answer me.

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 23:16     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Birkin+於+16-04-17+發表I+ha

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
Yes i prefer victoria because I know nothing about ESF, I wanna know what they r doing at school but ...
I know the concept of learn thru play, but there must be some learning objective from the school.

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 23:18     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

I think you already got the answers you want to hear so have faith in Victoria and stick to it.

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 23:22     標題: 引用:I+have+a+feeling+that+樓主+prefers+Victo

原帖由 Birkin 於 16-04-17 發表
I have a feeling that 樓主 prefers Victoria and is simply looking for people to second her opinion s ...
In addition, I heard that some esf kids need to learn a lot of academic stuff during free time. That is the thing I dun wanna do to my gal. Does it mean that kids r really learning "nth" at school even simple counting from 1-10?
To me, counting is the basic. My gal who is 2.5 yrs old at pn was learning to count 1-8 in this term.

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 23:25     標題: 引用:I+think+you+already+got+the+answers+you+

原帖由 Birkin 於 16-04-17 發表
I think you already got the answers you want to hear so have faith in Victoria and stick to it.

I wanna hear from a user of esf to tell me more about their kids.

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-17 23:39     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+kamgat+於+16-04-17+發表Yes+

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
I know the concept of learn thru play, but there must be some learning objective from the school.

Sorry 我吾系用家,但有熟人讀。但我想幫下手答。
我眼見佢兩個ESF 囡囡都好交際,比較獨立,好talk 得,外向,好發問!
同local train 個d,local 會比較文靜。。

其實我都好欣賞佢兩個小朋友,所以我都爭扎棄Vic 揀ESF

作者: kamgat    時間: 16-4-17 23:49     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+kamgat+於+16-04-17+發表I+kn

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
Sorry 我吾系用家,但有熟人讀。但我想幫下手答。
系學校玩,玩下d化學小爆炸,煮 ...
你講esf果d特質,其實我都buy㗎,我唔讚成抄寫功課。另外因為我女性格係老師教一次就會記住果種小朋友,所以我好想知學校每學期有冇learning objective... 雖然佢升小有priorty啫,我唔想佢乜都唔掂,到人地唔收佢我都唔知死因!

作者: oooray    時間: 16-4-17 23:50     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Birkin+於+16-04-17+發表I+th

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
I wanna hear from a user of esf to tell me more about their kids.
首先你去ESF kindergarten 個website睇完再番黎問問題。想當年维記PN我讀完便跳左船,因為唔係我杯茶。

作者: oooray    時間: 16-4-17 23:57     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+kamgat+於+16-04-17+發表I+kn

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-17 發表
Sorry 我吾系用家,但有熟人讀。但我想幫下手答。
系學校玩,玩下d化學小爆炸,煮 ...

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-17 23:58     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+bellarie+於+16-04-17+發表So

原帖由 kamgat 於 16-04-17 發表
你講esf果d特質,其實我都buy㗎,我唔讚成抄寫功課。另外因為我女性格 ...
系!如果你buy 就好!
因為所有IS 都似系咁,少d學術!
「我吾可以將個囡同local 比,因為人地學字時,佢可能系學校學緊炒米粉,洗米」


作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-17 23:58

本帖最後由 Birkin 於 16-4-18 11:00 編輯
kamgat 發表於 16-4-17 23:25
I wanna hear from a user of esf to tell me more about their kids.

I wasn't going to respond anymore but saw your post on another thread and understand that your girl got an offer from ESF TY...  I think you should look at the bigger picture instead of just focusing on the kindergarten curriculum.  You should ask yourself whether you want your child to go to a local primary school or an international school in the long run.  Do you want your child to go a bilingual school like ISF or VSA, or a typical international school like ESF, CDNIS, Kellett, HKIS, GSIS, etc.?

I think most HK parents want the best of both worlds - they want their kids to build a strong foundation in Chinese (thereby going to a local or near local school) and then switch to an international school later (late primary or secondary) for better university placements but life is not that ideal - (1) top tier international schools are very competitive these days so unless students from local schools are very good at English and very smart, they simply won't fit in at international schools; (2) local school students are missing out on the best part of international school education. In my opinion, it is character building more than academic achievements that matters at the pre-school stage.

作者: Park88    時間: 16-4-18 00:10

回覆 Birkin 的帖子

Yes, very well explained!
作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-18 00:21     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+bellarie+於+16-04-17+發表So

原帖由 oooray 於 16-04-17 發表

作者: Park88    時間: 16-4-18 00:55

本帖最後由 Park88 於 16-4-18 09:46 編輯

回覆 kamgat 的帖子

My girl now 2.5 yrs old and she can count to 30! She speaks good English with grammar in a complete sentence! But that's not My main focus on her kinder life on academics, cuz I believe once she understand why she has to learn, how to learn well, then she can pick up all these academics quick anytime in her life, as long as she has the passion on learning! What my husband and I think, all these A-Z, 1-100, even secondary contents for studies are all easy things, as long as your kid has the motivation in his/her own learning initiative! That's enough! I'm not too care what academics she will learn in kinder, I just care how I can plan a better route for her to land on a good university by using a relatively easy and relax way for both kids and parents! Cuz I concern heavily on family life, I need time to play with them but not to do homework with them till 11-12pm. I'm not suggest totally zero homework, what I think is.. Adequate amount of useful homework starts from Year 9 to Secondary! The toddler and pre-school should be focus on building their curiosity and the love of inquiry. By the way, Vic is a good school too!

作者: Radiomama    時間: 16-4-18 07:06     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

N年前,小兒在Vic完成了k1-2, 然後可以輕鬆地考到RC, 但KJS就連面試機會都沒有。維記同班同學有late submission的,就考到SJS;
也有本來上午讀維記、下午讀TY ESF kindie的,在K2時改為只讀TY, 最後又在RC做同學。

不過今時今日,不要只比較幼稚園學幾多幾多,有無int'l school 的interview priority才最重要;除非你根本不再考慮國際學校或你預咗一筆nomination fee買面試機會。

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-18 07:48     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

簡單d講,系咪預左ESF ,

作者: Radiomama    時間: 16-4-18 08:00     標題: 回覆:bellarie 的帖子

是,因為這樣才有interview priority!

作者: 964000    時間: 16-4-18 08:56     標題: 引用:簡單d講,系咪預左ESF+, 就應該一早入佢地

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-18 發表
簡單d講,系咪預左ESF ,
Depends on your target, if it's ESF primary, of course should get into ESF kinder first. If your target is IS type including Chinese heavy ones like CKY, ISF, even other local 直資even 神校,then Victoria is better.

作者: dbchu    時間: 16-4-18 09:17     標題: 回覆:victoria or esf kindergarten

Esf not 唯一一間IS , 其實我眼見今年VIC k2 都有人考到IS, 我覺得讀VIC 只要keep到eng好,入is 唔太難。其實樓主會唔會考慮VSA?而vsa就只收VIC 學生,除非買公司債券

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-18 10:39     標題: 引用:是,因為這樣才有interview+priority! +

原帖由 Radiomama 於 16-04-18 發表
是,因為這樣才有interview priority!

作者: lovecasey    時間: 16-4-18 10:51

回覆 bellarie 的帖子

yes, pls refer to http://www.esf.edu.hk/policy2013#2.

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-4-18 10:58

The reality is VSA doesn't have enough places for all VKN graduates, so competition is very keen.  As for other top tier international schools, unless you have some sort of priorities, they are difficult to get in and in some cases, you may not even get a chance to be interviewed.

作者: chumiguan    時間: 16-4-18 12:21     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+Park88+於+16-4-18+09:46+編輯

原帖由 Park88 於 16-04-18 發表
本帖最後由 Park88 於 16-4-18 09:46 編輯

回覆 kamgat 的帖子
I have the exact same thoughts as you. Hence I go for ESF kindie. Academic for kids below 6 is 0 importance to me. ESF TY is following IB PYP. In K1 may daughter has the Unit of Inquiry of transportation, material, and play. In K2, she has "how we express ideas", "living things", and this last term she has "structures". At school she has lots to play and experiment. I can tell from her weekly news letter what she played and experienced. In the past few months she kept on doing cooking, restaurant, and hair dresser at home, as she was playing that at school. She was a very quiet and timid girl before going to ESF. She is now much more willing to talk and explore, and be a funful and very creative kid just as I want her to be.

作者: Park88    時間: 16-4-18 12:58

本帖最後由 Park88 於 16-4-18 13:07 編輯

回覆 chumiguan 的帖子

Yes! You are right! Guess what! Just as a reference,  I happened to talk with an ex- international school parent (a foreigner) whose son is a pilot at Cathay Pacific now, she told me what's the differences between those local school trained up graduated pilots and those of international school graduates trained up pilots... The difference is the "common sense". She said local pilots are not as flexible as internationally trained one coz they cling on just "following and memorised things in a plain straight way".. they work in a rigid way! That's very obvious among pilots in their industry! Of course, cannot be generalised all the local school background pilots, it will also depend on their grow up environment, culture and peer groups! So.. Don't overlook those play-based activities, it's building kids with common sense and what the reality is look like! I can see nowadays many Young adults do not know how to mingle with people from all walks of life, their self-help ability is low, problem solving skill is not realistic and inefficient! i think literacy is not ALL, behaved with common sense is important!
作者: 964000    時間: 16-4-18 13:34     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Radiomama+於+16-04-18+發表

原帖由 bellarie 於 16-04-18 發表
兄弟姊妹priority比ESF kinder還高

作者: HulkBuster    時間: 16-4-18 14:35

964000 發表於 16-4-18 13:34
兄弟姊妹priority比ESF kinder還高
Yes, that's true but the challenging part is to have a sibling who is already in one of the ESF primary/secondary schools in the first place...

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-18 15:23     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Park88+於+16-04-18+發表本帖

原帖由 chumiguan 於 16-04-18 發表
I have the exact same thoughts as you. Hence I go for ESF kindie. Academic for kids below 6 is 0 imp ...
That's so valuable ! Yes I do agree that ESF produces those kids with confidence and high self esteem!

That's good that there was such a major make over for your girl! Congrats !! That's way to succeed!

Do you guys also think ESF has good support in extra activities ? U know local schools always indirectly force the young ones to learn dance music and art. How ESF balances those ?

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 16-4-18 16:08     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+Park88+於+16-4-18+13:07+編輯

原帖由 Park88 於 16-04-18 發表
本帖最後由 Park88 於 16-4-18 13:07 編輯

回覆 chumiguan 的帖子
Agree no more!

作者: Pigkei    時間: 16-4-21 08:37     標題: 回覆:kamgat 的帖子

I'd be really interested in what decision u made for your child. I'm facing this decision to make too and would be interested to hear more views.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-4-21 12:35

kamgat 發表於 16-4-17 19:13
我就係覺得victoria 冇缺點,所以先煩!
但一諗到升小,esf 真係一個好選擇

If you like Vic that much, ESF will not be suitable.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-4-21 12:44

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-4-21 12:48 編輯
kamgat 發表於 16-4-17 23:25
I wanna hear from a user of esf to tell me more about their kids.

What would you want to know?
My kids were not from ESF kindie but they have been with ESF since Year 1.
In their times, no homework from Year 1 to Year 6 (but now, ESF primary have moderate or very light homework, I heard).
From Year 7-11, moderate homework. At least a lot less when compared to local school.Note that ESF secondary is gradually switching to IBMYP, and this may have slightly heavier work load later.
You can compare the university destination of ESF students with other international schools and even local schools. ESF students definitely have really good university destinations.
You can go to ESF website to look at where the alumni are now.
ESF have raised many doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. Note that many of them have been with ESF since primary school.
So looks like you do not need "more work" "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school, to produce "successful" people in the future.

作者: tcbobo    時間: 16-4-21 12:53     標題: 回覆:nintendo 的帖子

Which ESF schools are switching to IBMYP?

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-4-21 13:08

bellarie 發表於 16-4-17 23:39

Not sure why everyone thinks "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school is better.
ESF students are given chances to bloom. We have alumni that went on to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. And at the same time, we have alumni that are pilots, concert organisers, chefs, actors, etc.
They may not all be doctors or lawyers (traditional professions Hong Kongers think are "best"), but many are very good and prominent figures in their own industry. And THIS is definitely more important then putting everyone in medical schools, law schools and business schools.
ESF is not like any typical local schools, where they do not respect or treasure students that love music, drama, etc.
We have a student that got 45 in IB but went on to study music. Counsellors in other schools might have already tried their best to persuade this student to go to medical school, because one more student in medical school seems to look like a better high-light (at least to local Hong Kongers).
But ESF do not believe the school's profile is more important than students' preference.
Heard that one student went on to become a chef, even though he had 38 in IB, which is enough to get himself into a second tier law school in the UK.
Is that what you want?
Are you sure you will be willing to let your daughter go to music school or drama school even if she gets 45 in IB?
If you want her to feel the "pressure" so she can be a doctor or a lawyer, do not choose ESF.

作者: 964000    時間: 16-4-21 16:38     標題: 引用:Quote:bellarie+發表於+16-4-17+23:39+但我

原帖由 nintendo 於 16-04-21 發表
Not sure why everyone thinks "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school is better.
ESF stu ...
Yes. Sometimes the mindset of the parents are more important in choosing a school. The kids are probably quite malleable and will just do what you provide. The smart ones will do well in both types of school anyway.

作者: bellarie    時間: 16-4-21 18:04     標題: 引用:Quote:bellarie+發表於+16-4-17+23:39+但我

原帖由 nintendo 於 16-04-21 發表
Not sure why everyone thinks "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school is better.
ESF stu ...
Please don't misunderstand my point. The whole time I have been really in favour of ESF! I never said that we should give pressure to the younger generation !

I just said my husband thinks its ok if they need to experience some if choosing local. I think definitely there are pros and cons of each one .

And don't judge most parents in Hong Kong. I agree that most of them want them to be lawyers and doctors ! Not only because these are traditionally seen as successful occupation! But also these occupation may appear to be more stable than musicians, right?
So I think parents also consider future job loads and future incomes ... Every parents want their best to their kids . That's why they think so much.

Not sending them to ESF doesn't mean they don't agree with those ! Simply, I can say, if my kids can live happily and make good living for herself . She can do the job she likes !

At the end, there are pros and cons of each ! Good luck in anything you choose

作者: 腸仔豬仔飽    時間: 16-5-26 16:30

Birkin 發表於 16-4-17 20:05
I don't think you will be satisfied with ESF kindy if you think Victoria is perfect for your child.  ...
Sorry, what do you mean of priorities?
holding other countries passport or?

作者: Birkin    時間: 16-6-14 16:48     標題: 回覆:腸仔豬仔飽 的帖子

Different schools have different priorities: corporate debenture holders, siblings, alumni, nationality (eg. CDNIS gives priority to Canadians; GSIS gives priority to Germans and Swiss, SIS gives priority to Singaporeans, etc.)

作者: msmiu    時間: 16-6-15 15:47     標題: 回覆:kamgat 的帖子

I had the same happy problem years ago and chose to stay with Vic
My girl now in k2 and will move to CAIS in August
We chose Vic simply because of its better Chinese teaching and opening more options for primary schools
We prefer CAIS over ESF for its emphasis on moral education and good virtues and presumably better Chinese teaching too

作者: rayonabb    時間: 16-6-18 23:49     標題: 引用:Esf+not+唯一一間IS+,+其實我眼見今年VIC+k

原帖由 dbchu 於 16-04-18 發表
Esf not 唯一一間IS , 其實我眼見今年VIC k2 都有人考到IS, 我覺得讀VIC 只要keep到eng好,入is 唔太難。其 ...
題外話: 請問維幼入VSA 要買debenture 嗎?(我聽過一個家長講話唔洗...)

作者: lui    時間: 16-6-19 02:08     標題: 引用:Quote:bellarie+發表於+16-4-17+23:39+但我

原帖由 nintendo 於 16-04-21 發表
Not sure why everyone thinks "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school is better.
ESF stu ...
睇完你寫的,恨不得即刻俾細女入ESF.因為我一直仍在猶豫.眼見大女入esf后的好改善,他的好同學。其實我真係喜歡這學校。女現在自信,但又有禮,humble.仍純真。佢亦很喜歡drama .我好贊成佢做自己喜歡的。

作者: dbchu    時間: 16-6-21 09:18     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+dbchu+於+16-04-18+發表Esf+n

原帖由 rayonabb 於 16-06-18 發表
題外話: 請問維幼入VSA 要買debenture 嗎?(我聽過一個家長講話唔洗...)

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