
標題: 遲一年入小學 [打印本頁]

作者: TripleLFamily    時間: 14-5-14 23:13     標題: 遲一年入小學

女女2009 年中出生,照年齡今年九月k3 下年P1. 但我們剛由外國迴流,女女不懂讀寫中文。我想讓她入讀K2 instead of K3,打好底子明年再考我心儀的幾家私校同直資。相信今年就甘去考一定不會有好result.  


作者: hellomiffy    時間: 14-5-15 17:02     標題: 回覆:遲一年入小學


作者: lauwingtai    時間: 14-5-15 17:23

TripleLFamily 發表於 14-5-14 23:13
女女2009 年中出生,照年齡今年九月k3 下年P1. 但我們剛由外國迴流,女女不懂讀寫中文。我想讓她入讀K2 ins ...
「年中」即係咩月份? 教局在自行分配學位階段, 「適齡學童」加十分, 適齡學童指在九月一日入讀小一時, 年齡是五歲八個月至七歲正。

若果你小朋友係八月三十一日前出世, 小一入學應已年滿七歲, 將會冇左「適齡學童」的十分, 由於呢十分幾乎人人有, 所以等於放棄教局的「自行分配學位」。

作者: gatochat    時間: 14-5-15 23:53

My son was born in 2009 and we also relocated to HK in 2013.  My son didn't know any chinese writing but he was ok.  He joined K1 half way and didn't start learning to write until K2.  Even now he is only writing simple things like 手, 羊 etc which I think can be picked up easily.  

If I were you I would try n see whether you can find her a K3 place in sept and try apply DSS school.  if not success, you can try again next year. This is my plan too lol.
作者: TripleLFamily    時間: 14-5-16 06:56     標題: 回覆:lauwingtai 的帖子

she was born in June so will lost her 10 point.

作者: TripleLFamily    時間: 14-5-16 06:58     標題: 回覆:gatochat 的帖子

what's dss school?

作者: TripleLFamily    時間: 14-5-16 07:19     標題: 回覆:gatochat 的帖子

do you mind to tell what kindergarten your son is going?  if she is joining k1 or k2 I wouldn't worry,  but k3 now and primary next year.. this worried me... maybe I should let her go private Tyrion?

作者: rainbowcov    時間: 14-5-16 10:48

回覆 TripleLFamily 的帖子

其實你無需太擔心, 學券K1無寫字, K2才開始寫非常簡單的字, 最緊要係俾佢睇多D生字, 認字, 其實依家出外補都黎得切, 好快的, 只需幾個月, 小朋友就可以認得好多生字, 唔洗靠學校。
作者: Jane1983    時間: 14-5-16 11:51

吾少直資私小都好似有年龄限制,有d寫minimum age,有d有寫不大於幾多歲。你最好上心儀的幾間望吓。

作者: Jane1983    時間: 14-5-16 11:58


作者: gatochat    時間: 14-5-16 17:08

回覆 TripleLFamily 的帖子

My son goes to the Creative Kindergarten in Kowloon Tong, the one that uses Cantonese as the medium of teaching (not the one that is English/Mandarin n leads to a private IB school)
Most people think my son's kindy is way too easy but I'm very happy with it.  I think if you aim at these kind of kindy, your daughter can catch up the writing quite quickly.  it's a bit unfair to pull her a year behind just because she doesn't know how to write Chinese, especially if she is not delayed in her development.  She will be much older than the other children and she will feel left out.  Children at this age adapts very quickly so I think she will be ok.  Might be harder at first but soon she will be fine.  I've seen children join primary from overseas and caught up fine. You also have more choice now as she's of school age and if you apply one year later she will be disadvantaged.  

Another point to notice is that although your child can speak Cantonese, she might be still behind in her speaking compared to most children in HK.  I thought my son's speech was good until we moved here, so maybe a Cantonese Speaking kindy is also good as you would like her to concentrate on developing her level of Cantonese.  

DSS school application has started already so I think it's worth applying n see.  You never know, your child might get an offer.

作者: TripleLFamily    時間: 14-5-16 19:04     標題: 回覆:gatochat 的帖子

你個問題真系好煩。今日收到兩個offer 一個黃埔德寶國際k3, 一個嘉德麗黃埔k2. 今日都in 左啟思小學附屬幼稚園,in 得不錯,老師亦suggest k2 因為小朋友會學習得開心點。


作者: gatochat    時間: 14-5-16 23:30

Another option is go to K2 but try applying for DSS anyway.  I know someone was in a similar situation, relocated to HK with no spoken Chinese, she was K2 age but was put back a year and went to K1 instead.  Mum tried applying for DSS when the child was in K2 and went straight to P1 without K3.

As Jane1983 has said, even with 20+ points you still might not be able to get into popular schools so it wouldn't matter much whether you get 5 or 15 points really, as neither can get you into popular schools.

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