
標題: 邊間大學愉快學習,活動教學,又唔谷? [打印本頁]

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-25 23:44     標題: 邊間大學愉快學習,活動教學,又唔谷?

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-9-26 12:26 編輯



作者: ccspy    時間: 12-9-26 01:45

HKU - difficult in easy out!
作者: dailam    時間: 12-9-26 02:22

我的姨甥女入了CU,現階段仍十分清閒,遲些就唔知啦!不過,我的兒子今年參加UST的summer programme後,認識該校的year 3學生,齊聲說好"chuur",不知是否屬實。
作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-26 07:57

入到U就輕鬆la....4年畢業又得, 5年又得,6年都得.....除非要1st Hon/ 讀"神"科o者....
作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-26 08:06

本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 12-9-26 08:08 編輯

再問落去會唔會係: 有邊份工近屋企, 壓力唔大, 無OT, 進昇機會大又高薪? (你係咪想引我問呢個問題?)
作者: khmama    時間: 12-9-26 08:07     標題: 回覆:dailam 的帖子


作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-26 09:24

Difficult in and easy out is not bad at all.  Afterall, Us are teaching us how to learn but not really teaching, apart from some technicall degrees.  At least, I think some subjects in HKU are like this.  Yet, I am from "old school" and may be out dated @@
作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-26 09:51

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作者: dailam    時間: 12-9-26 10:08

回復 khmama 的帖子

Exactly! What I want to say is BBA of UST.
作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-26 10:09

本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 12-9-26 19:35 編輯

其實呢個post語病處處(I know you're making fun of some parents), 大學從來都唔谷人la. 大學生活should be the happiest years in one's life. 至於活動教學嘛.....走來走去上lectures, 算唔算活動?
作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-26 10:43

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 11:03

回復 Yanamami 的帖子

You read my mind.
Too boring last night and look at those too naive questions in other sub-forums.........

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 11:05

回復 Annie123 的帖子

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 11:06

回復 khmama 的帖子

For BBA, HKUST is the best choice among Big 3.
作者: KK07    時間: 12-9-26 11:17

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-26 11:06
回復 khmama 的帖子

For BBA, HKUST is the best choice among Big 3.

How about science stream, is HKUST better than or comparable with HKU and CU? Would you mind sharing some of your ideas?

作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-26 13:18

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-26 11:03
回復 Yanamami 的帖子

You read my mind.

Haha, I mainly read those sub-forums and will automatically screen those "interesting" questions out
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 13:37

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-9-26 15:28 編輯
KK07 發表於 12-9-26 11:17
How about science stream, is HKUST better than or comparable with HKU and CU? Would you mind sharin ...

For Science stream, it's too board, you may need to consider Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computing Science & Engineering independently.

Here is the link which may help you to identify the individual ranking by program....


作者: annie40    時間: 12-9-26 15:23

回復 Yanamami 的帖子

D 妈咪已经开始问埋以下边样会好D,

1) 阿仔去英国入名校,可以认识国内大欵的独生女,娶埋做老婆
2) 最少个女友应该要有豪宅做嫁妆
3) 跟位医生同学仔拍住拖先, 如果有以上 1) &2),毫不犹豫就应该飞左佢.

原来D阿妈已吃了很多'大头菜'.把自己的'公主梦', 继续希望阿仔帮佢延续下去..........

作者: kym    時間: 12-9-26 18:14

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 18:36

kym 發表於 12-9-26 18:14
Junior civil servant.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 12-9-26 18:53     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子

Absolutely right!

作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 12-9-26 19:08

作者: khmama    時間: 12-9-26 19:17     標題: 回覆:annie40 的帖子


作者: CYC2012    時間: 12-9-26 19:40

I always see these kind of funny questions like (less effort wanna become good achiever)in the other sub-forum. Those parents' kids age usually range from 3 to 12.  Once their kids enter to secondary, they no longer trust on the "myth". THEN, they realise they find that out too late.............
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 20:45

ZZdaphne 發表於 12-9-26 19:08
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 20:46

khmama 發表於 12-9-26 19:17
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-26 20:52

回復 annie40 的帖子

作者: Snakemama    時間: 12-9-26 21:12

Yanamami  我唔鍾意呢個term"剩女". 有學識, 有厚職, 有一大班朋友, 不知幾開心. 唔洗無稱搵個砣, 同人"湊仔".   發表於 21 分鐘前

作者: KK07    時間: 12-9-26 22:27

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-26 13:37
For Science stream, it's too board, you may need to consider Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computing ...
AnChan, thanks. This is very informative.

作者: Snakemama    時間: 12-9-26 23:17

回復 Yanamami 的帖子

"Mixed" 既 BB 可爱的bor
作者: talknwrite    時間: 12-9-27 00:00

近排都有大學生頂唔順功課一死了之, 大學生可能都要爭取愉快學習, 不用做功課考試
作者: 701003    時間: 12-9-27 00:50     標題: 回覆:邊間大學愉快學習,活動教學,又唔谷


作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 09:32

Last night, I talked to my hubby about this topic.  Both of us are U graduates.  He graduated from the U in US and I graduated from HKU.  Both of us agreed that in the old days, most of the parents were not really care about how and what we were studying.  As long as we were on the right track, they were fine.  Now, being a parent is such a challenging task.  We got to be their friends; their education consultant; career development counsellor, etc.  
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 10:02

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Match maker, financial adviser, fire fighter........ Finally, Monster or Helicopter parents.....
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 10:20

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-27 10:02
回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Match maker, financial adviser, fire fighter........ Finally, Monster or He ...

haha, that's why the second part of the conversation with my hubby was how to strike a balance and avoid to be a Monster or Helicopter parent
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-27 10:27

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Any conclusion or suggestion to share your second part of conversation?
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 10:36

回復 Shootastar 的帖子

We actually keep reviewing our ways in raising our kids.  As said, they are really young (just one at 5 and one at 3).  We always discuss about the good and bad examples like those fighting on the starting line, coaching those at three to do spelling and those good parents how to hint their kids to review their lives and set targets when they are still young....

I am sure you will agree that there is no strict formular.  We keep reviewing and reminding ourselves.  You know what my hubby was a naughty kid when he was young.  He failed two times in HKCEE.  He started all over his life when he went to US for high school which changed his whole life.  Thus, he has strong view on local education system.  And he knows what the naughty kids are thinking

作者: kingmama    時間: 12-9-27 10:47

Let us know the naughty kids thinking!
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 11:12

回復 kingmama 的帖子

This is a boring story actually.

He was labelled as a bad kid when he was young as just liked to play and play with bad academic result.  Actually, he was not bad but just playful.  He was not interested in studying as he could not cope with the syllabus.  The local education system is just about quick and quick plus memorise everything.  If the foundation is not good, one cannot build anything on.  The tolerance or assistant provided under the local education system for slow / slower learner is not sufficient.  While his parents are very traditional, i.e. scold and beating him very often because he was playful.  

The more he lagged behind, the more he was not interested in studying, go on and so on......  Actually, he has a clear mind that he loves taking pictures and drawing.  His friends were bad guys but he knew that he could not like those guys.

After he failed two times in HKCEE, he moved to San Fran to start all over again from High School (there is another interesting story behind), the teachers and the education system there did provide him help.  He went to US with 26 alphabets and "he is", "she is" and nothing more.  However, due to the caring teachers and the assists provided he picked up all English in just a year!  

There are too many stories in between.  Anyway, he is an Architect by now and I would say his English is far better than mine.  Also, his analytical power is very high.

作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 11:13

There is one thing he always remind my sisters.  Don't keep scolding the kids.  The more you scold to the kid, the more the kid will shut their ears.  Be consist in all kinds of incidents.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 11:17

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Thanks for your hubby sharing.
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-27 11:20

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 12-9-27 11:45 編輯

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

In his view what is the thinking of the naughty kid? How does the naughty kid think in your hubby's mind?

Rebellous? Not follow the rules? Not attentive? or Like to challenge the authority?

What is his view on local education system? Can he share?

作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-27 11:50

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 12-9-27 11:53 編輯

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

In order that your bubby can share his experience on the points I raised, I made slight amendments to the style so that he knows the points are raised to him and easier for him to share. There is no change in the substance.

作者: annie40    時間: 12-9-27 12:48

回復 khmama 的帖子

我知道左都好惊, 唯有提阿女千万别選'mommy's boy' 当男友. 阿妈的影响力实在太大.

作者: eschung    時間: 12-9-27 12:56

香港社會大學, 可以hea住來讀, 住得遠可申請交通津貼, 讀得差唔合格重可以申請綜援同公屋, 得閒就去下4日三夜泰國旅行
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 13:45

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

so as my hubby too.  He studied 5 secondary schools
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-27 14:36

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

It is interesting to note that your hubby changed school 5 times. His success story of being an architect should intrigue every parents here.

作者: totheend    時間: 12-9-27 15:00

chunyatmama 發表於 12-9-27 11:13
There is one thing he always remind my sisters.  Don't keep scolding the kids.  The more you scold t ...
你先生說得很對! 我要經常提醒自己, 不要太多責備.

其實孩子們已經很自覺了, 但小兒一偷機玩, 我總是忍不住要教訓他.

作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-27 15:45

本帖最後由 chunyatmama 於 12-9-27 15:45 編輯
Shootastar 發表於 12-9-27 11:20
回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

In his view what is the thinking of the naughty kid? How does the naughty k ...

Hi Shootastar, my hubby's answers to your questions are as follows.  He gives his opinion with respect to a very young kid.  I am asking for his view if the subject kid is a teenager in deed.

1) In his view what is the thinking of the naughty kid?
Naughty kids are generally taught by their parents, of course, unintentionally. Kids were born as a plain white paper. They love to observe, learn, act and react. While schools are responsible for teaching them mainly knowledge, parents are mostly responsible to teach their kids the rules and righteousness, and they are solely responsible for their kids' behavior. Kids' behaviors could easily reflect the values of their parents.
2) Rebellious?
Not necessarily! If there is no right or wrong but the adult is forcing the kid to do somethings just to satisfy the adult's own ego, then the adult is the problem.  However, if the kid keeps ignoring the teaching/guidance and insists wrong doings, then he is naughty.

3) Not follow the rules?
That's depended on what rules. If the parents believe that it is okay for their kids to play in a restaurant like at a playground, then there is no rules to them. Parents should give them freedom within boundaries.

4) Not attentive?
It is natural for kids to be inattentive when they are little, but the parents should guide them to be more attentive; otherwise, they will be naughty students in the eyes of a teacher. BTW, kids are very attentive to interesting subject matters. ( Note by Chunyatmama: this is one of the way my hubby start all over again to learn English by reading magazine in English with topics that he interested to, e.g. magazine about cars, cameras, etc.)

5) Like to challenge the authority?
It depends on how the parents see authority and Chinese's traditional value of respect. Western parents want their kids to treat them like friends, then there is no authority to them.  I believe in traditional chinese value of respect to teachers and parents, kids who challenge this would be considered as naughty to me, expected in the case stated in item 2.

6) What is his view on local education system?
Hong Kong inherits a British system based on levels. Traditional local schools mostly emphasize academic achievement of only three main subjects, namely Chinese, English and Mathematics. Students who could even marginally pass, may be, two of these main subjects would be promoted to the next level. However, these students may still have difficulties on other subjects, and their performance could only get worst because they were promoted without a solid foundation. Besides, traditional local schools are too rely on model answers, which would only kill creativities.
On the hand, I prefer the American education system which is based on subjects. Even a student is promoted to the next grade, he/she would still have to retake the failed subject until he/she could pass it. Besides, the teachers often stimulate different ways of thinking and discussion in class. I believe that's why the US leads in innovation.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-27 15:58

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Thank you for your sharing.

How about his story of studying in 5 schools? What was the turning point for him to have the achievement today?

作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-27 16:08


Such an interesting story of your hubby.  Would love to hear that of Annie40's hubby......I'm so nosy~~~~

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 16:21


作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 12-9-27 17:45

sorry to say但作為揀活動教學既家長, 而俾人覺得覺得"naive", 我覺得題目係offensive
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 19:14

Charlotte_mom 發表於 12-9-27 17:45
sorry to say但作為揀活動教學既家長, 而俾人覺得覺得"naive", 我覺得題目係offensive ...
Sorry to give you such impression, that's not my intention.
Pls don't take part of the title literally. I would say "naive" if 3 conditions are met.

作者: CYC2012    時間: 12-9-27 19:50

回復 CYC2012 的帖子

eviepa, I feel happy for you as your daughter is very self-discipline in balance of life!
There must have some motivations behind?! But, in reality, too few children can handle that not even adult

作者: piagetmum1    時間: 12-9-27 20:16

印象中美國本土學生的drop out rate都不低,所以纯粹美式教育亦有它的缺點,不然虎媽狼父便不會在西方國家都有其粉絲。在十多年前當女兒上幼兒園選擇要讓她快快樂樂地學習,到後來覺得自己完全失敗,再調整方法,讓她不失學習興趣和動機,又能面對現實,箇中經過幾番折騰,心力交瘁。
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 21:04

回復 piagetmum1 的帖子






到中學,成間學校都唔谷,谷都是部份家長自己谷,或者塘邊鶴話谷。好奇怪,班男生到中二中三會開竅 -  理想、抱負、自發、歸屬感...... 代替家長的催谷...... 期望......

我深信不只是我小兒的學校,其他孩子及學校都有不同的轉化(Transformation) 過程,成熟,獨立思考,有理想.......

到高中,他讀得頗辛苦,課程要求高了,功課深度提升,有壓力,睡眠不足 ....... 但他達到目標,他也好開心,他的開心不是滿足父母期望,而是他的自我肯定(Self actualization) 。


作者: piagetmum1    時間: 12-9-27 21:21

回復 ANChan59 的帖子

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 21:30

piagetmum1 發表於 12-9-27 21:21
回復 ANChan59 的帖子

女兒現在都能做到對自己有要求,肯付出,只望過兩年有好結果。 ...

作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-27 22:35

chunyatmama : This is always a hot topic between my hubby and myself.  I pro the British way while my hubby pro the US method. There is no right or wrong but just a suitable one.  
很多都說在英讀中學(較正規, 沒US那么無王管), 再到US讀大學最好. 取其所長. 你認為呢?
作者: eviepa    時間: 12-9-27 22:57

本帖最後由 eviepa 於 12-9-27 23:31 編輯

//eviepa, I feel happy for you as your daughter is very self-discipline in balance of life!
There must have some motivations behind?! But, in reality, too few children can handle that not even adult//





作者: PoPofamily    時間: 12-9-28 07:18

本帖最後由 PoPofamily 於 12-9-28 07:22 編輯

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Very good sharing, You two are on the right track for good parenting. It is not easy in Hk to up-hold one's believe.  My job is half done, my elder one had gradulated from U, Parents add oil !
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-28 09:17

Yanamami 發表於 12-9-27 22:35
很多都說在英讀中學(較正規, 沒US那么無王管), 再到US讀大學最好. 取其所長. 你認為呢?
Haha, to me, if possible, I would like to have my kids study in UK for undergraduate and go to US for post graduate.  If they can finish their secondary school here in HK.  Otherwise, your suggestion is also acceptable to me.  I do not like too much freedom and the value system in US.  Though my hubby has second though.
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-28 09:17

本帖最後由 chunyatmama 於 12-9-28 16:16 編輯

Just obtained the permission from my hubby to write about him.  (Actually, I have written about him already)

As said, his parents are just like other traditional local ones.  They were busy for their works rather than the children's education.  When he was in P.6, he picked a Secondary School randomly.  He was given a Band 5 2-storey shopping arcade like Secondary School.  He stayed in that school for about two weeks.  

Then he was successfully switched to his 2nd school which was a Band 1 school near Yaumatie.  When he was in form 2, there was once he was scolded by a male teacher for talking in the class.  My hubby was angry as he had not.  Thus, he kicked the teacher@@  He was then expelled by the school.  

Then he switched to his 3rd maybe band 3 to band 5 school to complete his junior secondary.  He was then switched to his 4th school near Sham Shui Po.  I guess it was a band 3-5 school at that time.  At the school, he was still very playful and not interested in studying.  He made a lot of friends.  Some were bad, really bad, and some were good.  He reminded himself that he should not follow the bad guys even if they play together.  I think he was mature in this aspect.  Those friends from this school are still his best friends by now despite most of them are not well educated.  

After taken two times HKCEE, he failed in most of the subjects, except Chi and Maths.  His brother at this time was preparing to go to San Francisco to continue the high school.  My hubby asked himself what he should do.  His strength is taking photos and drawings (while her family supported him nothing).  Yet, he did not want to have his career just with these two skills.  He asked for his parents if he could go to US with his brother to further study.  The answer was……..

作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-28 09:29

chunyatmama 發表於 12-9-28 09:17
Just obtained the permission from my hubby to write about him.  (Actually, I have written about him  ...

Wow~~~ What a story.  To be honest, your hubby would be someone I definitely keep away from at school (sorry to say that....). Kicking the teacher....@@''''' I'm surprised that he wasn't forced to join the real bad guys' group (gangsters) at that time.  Lucky! He has his target and unlike the others who don't really know what they want and heading towards in the future.
作者: MacMa    時間: 12-9-28 10:24

本帖最後由 MacMa 於 12-9-28 10:26 編輯

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

An impressive story!

Frankly speaking, your hubby was so lucky and knew to remind himself not to follow the bad guys that time, otherwise, it would be another story!  But not all the teenagers can have such a clear mindset, and they even don't know what is right or wrong, especially they are all mommy's boys and girls,too bad!  

Monster parents' over-protection should take the blame for such situation nowadays.

作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-28 11:03

本帖最後由 chunyatmama 於 12-9-28 16:10 編輯

Just back from a meeting

The 2nd part of the story:

His mother said if he could manage to obtain an approval from the embassy for which no one would help him (in fact, I guess his parents was lazy and not really care if he managed to get the approval : P), he could join his brother.  So, my hubby sought all information and went to apply for the student visa.  I guess there were not many agents or consultants offered assistants to students who want to study overseas.  

When he arrived the embassy, a Chinese ambassador met him and commented that his academic result was far too bad and he did not think my hubby could manage.  Thus, he rejected his application.  Not knowing that one being rejected could not apply for the 2nd time, my hubby did not believe in faith and applied again.  Strangely, the embassy did not know this was his 2nd time to apply and arranged another ambassador to meet him.  For this time, it was an American lady.  My hubby presented sincerely with his limited English (remember he knew only 26 alphabets and some simple English only) to talk to the lady.  The lady was moved by him and granted him the chance to go to US with his brother to start all over again.

Thus, he started his 5th secondary school in US.  This was his turning point that he realized he could not waste this chance and thus he studied all subjects seriously.  The high school in SF offered students like my hubby a supplementary English Foundation class.  My hubby said his teacher was wonderful.  His English improved a lot.  His brother even said he could chase back all the time wasted in HK and his English standard becomes very good since then.

Afterward, he chose to Study Architecture in US with minor subject of photography.

Boring story, huh?  I strike out some details in between and to make it not so bored.

作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-9-28 11:15

chunyatmama 發表於 12-9-28 11:03
Just back from a meeting

The 2nd part of the story:
Not boring at all! It's actually so very inspiring.  He had such courage to go for a 2nd time meeting with the ambassador and that proved his determination to study overseas.  The story also shows two completely different approaches by Chinese and Westerner towards people with less achievement.
作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-28 11:21

Yanamami 發表於 12-9-28 11:15
Not boring at all! It's actually so very inspiring.  He had such courage to go for a 2nd time meetin ...

In addition, there is a lesson to learn from as a parent.  My hubby's parents provided him with not much help but just scold and beating because 1. they have no knowledge and 2. they do not believe he can achieve something good owing that his academic result was bad.  They even do not believe that my hubby was a honour student in the high school.  Even if my hubby's aunt in US told my hubby's parents about this =='
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-28 11:35

回復 Yanamami 的帖子

Same actor, different approaches, different results !!!

作者: One-Mama    時間: 12-9-28 13:05

What an inspiring story to both teenagers & parents!

As parents, we always find it difficult to achieve an equalibium point - not too authoritative & neglectful to our kids.  Add oil!
作者: annie40    時間: 12-9-28 13:37

回復 chunyatmama 的帖子

Dear Chunyatmama,

Tears swam in my eyes when reading this true story.  Thank you so much.

经常想最差成绩的孩子的内心也是很想学好的, 只不过是没有机会, 勇气, 和方法吧!  这儿有个很重要的关键是你的丈夫当年的自发性, 不必helicopter parents 安排, (父母却少知识), 自己对自己负有责任, 把握机会,做到最好.  

忽发奇想,  今天还是毫无方向的大孩子, 父母要否扮'破产' 扮'患绝症', 让他们从绝境中重新认真地思考自己的前途.


P.S. 非常残忍, 未必容易做到.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-28 13:44

回復 annie40 的帖子


作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-28 13:49


作者: chunyatmama    時間: 12-9-28 13:52

回復 annie40 的帖子

Thank you very much.  Knowing my hubby's story, I love him even more.  He deserves more love but just his parents do not understand him.  He was such a good kid with strong mind.  When he is focused, he can do things good.  It applies in his old days and present.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-28 13:57

回復 annie40 的帖子

未至於咁樣做。我覺得小朋友會明白既,給他們少少空間,壓力少,他們會知父母的苦心。昨日阿仔講俾我聽,他知我們的鋪排,苦心,期望。他扮野,調較及管理我們的期望..... 到達他的目標,他先盡訴心中情。好感動。
作者: laorenjia    時間: 12-9-28 15:23

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-25 23:44
ANChan59 講的,不完全是戲言。很多時候,包括自己在內,在子女揀選大學時,總放唔低份虛榮心,往往以學校名氣為依歸,而忘記了子女的能力、興趣和目標。我自己就有點後悔鼓勵女兒揀了一間雖然開學冇耐但半夜12點圖書館依然高朋滿座的大學。
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-30 01:23

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-30 23:53

Yanamami  OZ人個mindset好relax, 與世無爭嘛, 點會自殺?  


所以都唔鼓勵阿仔去澳洲讀大學,因為太 lay back,阿仔應該識平衡,EQ及AQ都OK,唔會搞到自殺。
作者: vincher    時間: 12-9-30 23:57

回復 ANChan59 的帖子

此帖子係你幽默之作,反而能引發各網友的討論和分享!妙!I like
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-1 00:17

vincher 發表於 12-9-30 23:57
回復 ANChan59 的帖子

此帖子係你幽默之作,反而能引發各網友的討論和分享!妙!I like ...
作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-10-4 15:53

annie40 :"见过很lay back 的父母, 很lay back 快乐的孩子, 很幸福的家庭, 孩子同样会走上绝路, 看似EQ IQ 极高, 还是估不到...."

作者: nodameport    時間: 12-10-5 19:21

好快就開始香港個d大學open day, 我都諗住由得個仔自己去~
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-6 01:44

nodameport 發表於 12-10-5 19:21
好快就開始香港個d大學open day, 我都諗住由得個仔自己去~ ...
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-10-6 10:35

I heard some cases that the parents attended the open days for the kids because it was too busy for the final year students.
作者: nodameport    時間: 12-10-6 10:38

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-6 10:52

回復 Shootastar 的帖子

We may go to HKU & CUHK together and split to 2-3 teams, get as much info as possible.
We were there last two years with different focus, this year may be final call for new targets before the application.

He may not go for HKUST this time. I may go for Business School only.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-10-6 10:56

回復 ANChan59 的帖子

Good tactics.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-7 09:49

Shootastar 發表於 12-10-6 10:56
回復 ANChan59 的帖子

Good tactics.
Not really, the only practical choice.
作者: Jackieson    時間: 12-10-7 10:39     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子


作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-7 10:48

回復 Jackieson 的帖子

作者: Jackieson    時間: 12-10-7 11:02     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子

回想當年自己選科時,有d科目讀咩,第時做咩都唔知。有d尖子同學可以話任揀,有個入咗醫科,但對唔慣d血,污慒野,內臟… 最後中途轉科。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-7 12:05

回復 Jackieson 的帖子

有個入咗醫科,但對唔慣d血,污慒野,內臟… 最後中途轉科。




作者: Jackieson    時間: 12-10-7 12:21     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子


作者: Jackieson    時間: 12-10-7 12:32     標題: 引用:回復+Jackieson+的帖子 有個入咗醫科,但

原帖由 ANChan59 於 12-10-07 發表
回復 Jackieson 的帖子

有個入咗醫科,但對唔慣d血,污慒野,內臟… 最後中途轉科。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-7 12:38

最近同阿仔討論 30-50年後,香港會變成點,那些專業會式微,變質,被取代......


作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-7 12:46

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-10-7 12:47 編輯
Jackieson 發表於 12-10-7 12:32
讀書時解剖一條漂亮完整的老鼠,及現實解剖一條各式各樣的人體死去的屍體,加上人體屍體的味…係好大分別架 ...


阿仔Shadowing, 看過 Open surgery, Endoscopic surgery...... 血淋淋的教育......

見到病人在手術室搶救不果,宣佈死亡時間的震撼..... 跟著到下一個病人...... 情緒的衝擊最難處理.....

作者: patrick2960    時間: 12-10-8 00:19

作者: Sum_Ba    時間: 12-10-8 00:44

本帖最後由 Sum_Ba 於 12-10-8 00:46 編輯

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-10-8 08:15

回復 Sum_Ba 的帖子

令我懷念 Good old days!

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