
標題: 蒙特梭利國際學校 [打印本頁]

作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-5-22 12:39     標題: 蒙特梭利國際學校

作者: bloglo110    時間: 12-5-27 23:56     標題: 回覆:dadmumkids 的帖子

好,你可以去佢的open day了解多D。

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-5-28 10:21

反而係小朋友suitable否. 個人以為montessori 唔係個個啱, 我個女都考左, 收左, 諗左一星期, 最後放棄.  我個仔都會轉去佢地幼稚園, 希望佢ok可以上埋小學.  如果小朋友fit montessori, 讀出來可以好勁, 但呢d真係因人而異.
作者: funnymommy    時間: 12-5-28 11:34

elmostoney - may I ask why you think your son is suitable for Montessori but not your daughter? What sort of characteristics do you think you need to be successful in Montessori? I am thinking about my sons and whether they are suitable or not, and I would be interested to know your opinion. By the way, from another thread, you said your children went to Best Concept Montessori. My 3 1/2 year old son goes there but he just started so I don't have an opinion yet about its suitability.
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-5-28 12:00

我個仔本身好專注, 有好奇心之餘亦有動力去探索, 而且唔怕失敗.  我個女完全相反, 佢有機會有ADD, 好容易分心, 怕難怕失敗, 如果佢唔想做個樣野, 老師唔迫, 佢真係唔會同你做又或好抗拒.  我擔心montessori 比佢自己安排時間, 結果佢拖拉住物都做唔到, 而且個個小朋友有機會同時間做唔同野, 佢咪更分心? 所以佢考左小學後, 我都諗左一星期, 雖然我自己好鍾意montessori, 但係都要因人施教.  我唔敢講佢一定唔得, 但係就非常睇個老師, 我覺得有d搏, 所以都係留返係而家間學校.  對佢來講structured learning比較好d.
作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-5-29 11:58

我一直很喜歡蒙特梭利的教學理念, 學校剛錄取了我兩個孩子,他們性格各有不同, 希望學校能發揮他們所長.

其實在香港的國際學校學位並不是那麼多, 有些學校如英基就偏向選擇外籍的小朋友, 孩子能考入此校我很高興, 不過沒有中學連接, 到時又要頭痛.



作者: lw1123    時間: 12-5-31 10:35     標題: 回覆:蒙特梭利國際學校

我個女啱啱in完鴨脷洲嗰間,但已經有 victoria AM offer, 唔知邊間啱佢。其實邊類型嘅小朋友啱montessori 嘅教學方法呢?

作者: 濕疹仔    時間: 12-6-10 00:05     標題: 引用:好,你可以去佢的open+day了解多D。 +

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作者: bloglo110    時間: 12-6-10 01:44     標題: 回覆:濕疹仔 的帖子


作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-10 10:32

本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-6-10 10:33 編輯

主動學習嘅小朋友比較啱montessori. 如果要人多d帶住, 又或老師比多d guidelines, 咁就差d.

dms中環校舍我覺得ok啦, 都係全indoor,如果入到IMS天后或海怡,起碼佢地有outdoor. 不過最重要唔係校舍,係老師!我重來唔睇校舍選校,我個仔讀左3年montessori,如果大家以校舍揀校,呢間一定唔入流,但係我個人意見,我認為作為幼稚園,教細仔,真係超哂班.如果唔係為左入IMS小學鋪路,等佢涵接得好d,我都未必會轉我個仔入去IMS讀最後一年casa.更豪華嘅超級校舍,冇好嘅老師配合,都冇物發揮.如果真係要講校舍,係港島區,西環間casa del bambini 優勝.
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-10 10:34

本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-6-10 10:35 編輯

濕疹仔,你講個間係ICMS? 我可以話,如果你當普通英文幼稚園讀都ok,小朋友會開心,但如果你想小朋友接受montessori教育就唔好入呢間.不過呢間ICMS又幾得意,好多小朋友申請英基都抽中,有得面試.
作者: ChungTang    時間: 12-6-10 12:06

回復 elmostoney 的帖子

I'm considering to send my kid to the montessori primary but the information about IMS is very limited on line.  it's good to see that there are some parents here have some comments toward IMS primary.  i haven't arranged a visit to the IMS school yet, but can anyone tell me what is the recent school fee and debenture price for IMS?
Also, IMS claims they are running the montessori IB and montessori PYP.  do you know what's the differences to normal IB and PYP??  montessori encourages student to learn on their own pace, but at the same time, IB/PYP got a certain standard needs student to be able to achieve.  So how can IMS get the balance in between the 2 different educational methods??

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-10 15:58

chungtang, just curious.  how old is your child?

I don't think  IMS is IB/PYP. According to their website, "The group chose the Montessori Method over the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP)."  Perhaps you are mistaken.

Personally, I don't think IB/PYP is superior to any other methods in any way.  I truly can't understand what is all the hype about it.

IMS debenture is $75,000.  School fees for full day is $12000~$13000/month.
作者: ChungTang    時間: 12-6-11 01:00

回復 elmostoney 的帖子

it is written that - IMS will review regularly to the highly respected IB/PYP n will get in tune with it. I personally also dont think IB/PYP are more superior to other ways, but it is just being more clear to me of what IB is trying to bring the kids to, i mean the aspects they are targeting the kids to get achieve (as what i can read fr the IBO website). im just simply not very sure has IMS set the min target for student at each different level to get achieve, or they just allow student to work on their own pace, n wont push student to move up to the next level until the student get ready or feel comfortable to do.  cox i couldnt see a very detiled course outline at their website, so does the AMI site.
maybe it is still to early for me to deside for my kids. He will only start his n class after this summer, n most likely i will let him to continue the montessori school.  i put him in school as early as 1 year old, in both montessori school n also a normal IS school. it is easy to tell his difference of attending the 2 schools.  i agree that u say whether a kid can suit into the montessori schooling is highly depended on his character. my boy is the kind of kid never need to push, very academic, n take initiative to learn new tasks.  the montessori teacher alerts of his ability n let him to try the teaching material which is even beyond his age.  nfor the normal IS school, my son is just not that get into it n always trying to get the attention fr th teacher to show him some new things, while the other kids are just enjoying song singing or being happy to play with the repeated toys or games. may be my boy learns a bit too fast n he get bored easily. im struggling whether should put him in the montessori kindy or the normal kindy, as i also need to consider about the sibling priority for his little sister, yet it is still to early to tell if the little sister can get along with the montessori method.

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-11 10:28

Montessori's casa has a very clear program, but how much a child achieves highly depends on the child.  For sure, the teacher will teach every aspect of all the Montessori material.

As for primary, more self-motivation is necessary because they use less tools.  If you have any questions, join the school tour.  

I think by saying that, IMS is trying to make sure that it is not too out of sync with IB/PYP, but it doesn't make it a an IB school.  And frankly, after what I have heard from many friends about what they do in PYP/IB primary, I hardly think you miss too much by not doing it during the kindergarten and primary (esp early primary) years.  What they claim to be self-exploratory way of learning is implemented by many schools - which is probably the most important IB feature for the early years.  It is not a unique approach and is adopted by many non-IB schools.  Only for IB, they have other criteria, e.g. something about using mother tongue and other areas.  Most important, the school needs to pay a hefty annual maintenance fee to the IB organization.
作者: funnymommy    時間: 12-6-11 12:50

I agree with you entirely. I did the IB Diploma Program many years ago, and I had no difficulties at all changing from GCSEs to IB, without ever having heard of the IB until I was 16. I think if you come from a sound primary and secondary education, then you are definately capable of taking advantage of many streams of education.

I also don't understand the obsession nowadays with IB. IB emphasizes whole child development, inquiry based learning instead of rote learning, activity (played) and project base instead of textbook based, developing intellectual curiosity and community service. As many elementary teachers told me, this is exactly what school should do anyways, whether or  not they are IB accredited.
I also applied for IMS, but we applied late so havent gotten an interview yet. My 4 year old son is in an IB school currently. I am not sure that there is really that much difference between the two.
I think instead of worrying so much in the Primary years about IB or Montessori, the more relevant question should be which school is best at implementing and putting into practice the goals of a curriculum, which school has caring, loving teachers who put the children first and have a stable teacher population (in many IS, the teachers change every 2 teachers).

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-12 22:44

funnymommy, so glad to have someone who holds similar views about IB.  In my days at an American public high school, projects, community services, experiments, after-school sports, even music and a foreign language were ALL encouraged as part of the curriculum (though not required) if a student wanted to have a fair chance with a good university.  It's just...not so special.  What IB is asking children to do now is just putting down all these as requirements, but I tell you - it's been out there for YEARS.  Only in HK, emphasis has always been placed on grades and exams and pretty much nothing else, so now this IB "thing" has become the latest fad, imho.
作者: funnymommy    時間: 12-6-13 09:58

Elmostoney, what will you decide for your son? I have learnt a lot from reading your posts. Have you decided whether you take ICA or IMS for your son? As you stated yourself, it seems that IMS is one of the few truly bilingual IS, with a great focus on Mandarin. One point you could consider - I was once told that an issue with Montessori is that the Montessori method is highly structured and planned out in detailed. So to the child, he may think that there is an element of free choice (you can do activity A or activity B) but in fact, the Montessori curriculum is rigid in that there is a list of material that each child needs to cover by a certain stage (so in fact, you have to do activities a - z,), and there is a prescribed order to a majority of it. On one hand, thats great because I sometimes wonder if the IB is too vague and too focused on soft skills (like environmental awareness and cultural diversity) at the expense of the core basics like literacy and numeracy. On the other hand, is it too regimented?
Very happy to have the opportunity to share with other moms
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-13 10:44

The problem with IB, as I gathered from many different sources (parents, students, and former teachers), is that it aims to achieve too much with very little guidance to the teacher.  So teachers teaching the same subject to two different classes of the same level may have VERY different expectations.    In other words, it could be quite unstructured - unless the school steps in and coordinates an IB curriculum centrally (and some schools are going in that direction).  

You are right in that Montessori is quite structured, but to a highly motivated child, it will not diminish his curiosity.  A good teacher will also allow room for a child to explore.  I really like the fact that Montessori lets a child  work at his own pace.  Lately, my son is very much into math. The first thing he does in school is usually math or take his biscuit.  He is able to focus for a long stretch of time.  If I put him in a regular school, he will have to go with the flow  - math time, reading time, golden (play) time.  What if he wants to do more math?  What if he wants to read more?  A normal school won't allow him to set his schedule, and will instead, ask him to break his concentration and move on.  What if his "discovery" lies in his lengthy work and thoughts?  

So I still haven't decided yet.  ICA is also a great school.  I know the teacher has been doing adjustments with the children.  Those who are capable and want to do more are given something that suits their need.  Those who need extra help have been getting some one-on-one attention.  So in a way, they do customize.  So I have schedule to meet up with my daughter's teacher to discuss how the class will be run and how my son can benefit. Keep my fingers crossed.

作者: stephentcw    時間: 12-6-13 13:15

Hi there. May I know any comments to various Montessori school? Such as ICM, IMS or else?

Many thanks!
作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-15 10:30

Elmostoney, 謝謝你的分享, 看過你的帖子後更明白蒙特梳利的理念與實踐.
你囝囝在tin hau 上last year casa班, 那麼將會就讀Grade 1,你覺得IMS的老師有愛心嗎? 有能力帶領小朋友用其方法學習嗎?

我兩個小朋友將會就讀Grade 2 & 3 at lower primary, 之前有上過其他蒙特梳利的Playgroup, 希望他們會適應.

另小學過後, 沒有中學連接, 這也得要想想的. 當然我會觀察他們的學習表現, 但對於香港那間IS中學可延續蒙特梳利的理念, 到時怎樣選校, 想請教你有什麼見解?  

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-16 21:04

本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-6-16 21:05 編輯

dadmumkids, 我比較活在當下, 覺得那一間學校在現階段適合孩子, 我便選那間, 特別是幼教和小學, 因為小時候培養了學習的好習慣和對品德的觀念, 到中學孩子才懂得選擇和堅持. 亦因此, 我家老二一直在一家非正規的蒙氏中心念了三年, 因為我真的覺得作為蒙氏幼教, 除了沒有固定的學伴外, 這中心我覺得是最有愛心最正宗的. 至於中學如何涵接, 我認為有麝自然香. 如果孩子的基礎打得好, 我相信中學一定能找到一家好學校.

IMS小學老師的情況我實在不太清楚. 不過他們的幼稚園班別太多, 老師的投入感自然就很難劃一, 要知蒙氏持牌老師本來就不很多.   我家老二還要多念一年casa (現在四歲半), 所以上小學起碼也是一年後的事.  不過現階段我尚在猶豫, 老二的性情, 上蒙氏學習真是再合適不過.  可是他這人太害羞, 我又怕他繼續在蒙氏發展, 更助長他個人工作的習慣, 因而變成更不合群.  他不是不喜歡群體, 而是害羞得要命, 這也是值得關注的.  

我也好奇, 不竟到二年班和三年班才轉校的始終屬少數, 能知道原因嗎?

作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-19 14:31

Elmostoney, 對於為何轉校, 簡單來說: 一般直資學校有很多新概念, 但concept 幾新都好, 無奈都要比較成績, 雖然他們分數是可以, 但佢地唔喜歡不停地做作業, 在行為上也表達不喜歡這個學習模式, 例如寫字ugly, 唔想做功課等. 事實上小朋友由星期一至日都要上補習或興趣班實在太辛苦, 連我自己也覺得很累..

有鑑於哥哥寫字醜樣, 帶佢去睇專業o既治療師, 結果有輕微的讀寫障礙, 但一般來看, 唔會察覺到佢有很大的問題, 可能只會覺得佢比較男孩子d, 闊佬懶理咁.

其實大仔性格活潑好動, 喜歡交新朋友, 愛看書及認識新事物, 有些導師會覺得他很聰穎, 但遇到唔喜歡o既中文科, 情況就相反.  

香港o既教育制度唔係搵學生的長處, 而係要求十項全能, 考唔到就係你o既事.  如果話有什麼怪獸家長, 眼光應該放遠d, 係畸形社會產生出來, 就好像破壞左環境, 依家講環保去補救一樣.

作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-19 14:32

跟治療師談及, 讀國際學校應該更適合他的發展, 其實慶幸及早發現. 我好喜歡蒙特梭利的理念, 希望IMS幫助他的學習.

而細仔的性格可能與你囝囝相似, 比較慢熱, 因為習慣有阿哥, 想去做又唔會去主勳, 因此也不懂得主動結交朋友.  他喜歡玩智能遊戲, 肯思考, 記性好, 駁咀個陣講野仲好到位.  兩者性格各有不同, 互有長短, 我相信IMS會幫到他們發掘潛能, 而不是找瘡疤.  

我明白你擔心囝囝缺乏群體生活, 我諗性格是先天後天形成, 放佢落去大海未必一定可以學懂游泳, 我細仔一直也是一群人上課, 不代表社交力強, 因為佢個人比較斯文, 狼死個d同學已經唔o岩玩, 治療師都話物以類聚, 要製造多些機會找與他o岩key的人玩, 作為媽咪當然要多d鼓勵啦, 另join mind master的program, 訓練他多與人相處., 希望有所改善.

另多謝你對升中的看法, 係o既時代步伐好快, 幾年後又可能有新的IS中學. 遲些再跟你探討依個問題!!

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-19 16:42

dadmumkids, 我們最後決定讓兒子進Island Christian Academy (Small World的小學), 就是我女兒現在唸的那家.  

對於我來說, 放棄蒙氏就有點像放棄我的夢想. 我很懶, 沒有看多少蒙氏書, 但去唸了九十小時家長班, 上部份課堂時, 還是挺著8個月的大肚子.  所以對兒子不能完成蒙氏幼教課程, 實在很感惋惜, 更何況我知道他是絕對能勝任的. 但我的確擔心, 以他的性格, 如果找不到朋友, 雖然他也渴望有個伴兒, 但他可能真的會自己做自己的事情.

我讓兒子在蒙氏唸書, 除了喜歡其概念外, 亦因為我知道他真的能在蒙氏發揮.  不過我也不想他成了一個科學怪人, 只會讀書.  始終將來面對的是人, 不是機器.  

作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-19 17:56

雖然有些可惜, 但相信你在孩子幼年時期已培養了良好的基礎, 這個很重要呀, 依個能力唔會因為環境轉變而停止, 只要在家庭裡有適當的協助, 一樣會做得好好. 而且兩姊弟就讀同一間學校, 安排上的確會比較方便, 他們倆感情上也會建立得更好. 依個都係我讓他們一起轉校的原因. 大家都要努力!!

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-20 09:26

dadmumkids, 希望你九月後會來update一下, 我也很有興趣知道IMS小學的情況.  

其實我的老二明年在 esf 也有一個學位, 不過我想我們多數也會放棄.  一來, 不想讓他重讀一年班 (八月開學時在 ICA 他會是一年班), 二來ICA對我們來說, 應該是一個更好的選擇.
作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-20 11:26

本帖最後由 dadmumkids 於 12-6-20 15:12 編輯

你仔仔都好叻呀, 可以有咁多選擇. 如果ESF 跟ISA比較, 我都會鍾意ISA多d.  當然要看那間ESF, 不過佢始終鍾意收外籍小孩, 依個point可能會引申到對我地Chinese有影響. 再者ISA是全新校舍, 資源配套都會update些, 整個education group也很有規模.

而IMS比我感覺就好純樸, 好natural, 我都鍾意依個feel, 唔會話好似有d 名牌 IS咁, 希望小朋友從而培養到正確價值觀.  不過校舍配套就好似一般左d. 你有咩睇法?

作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-20 11:28

elmostoney, please check pm
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-21 10:25

蒙特梭利話, 比小朋友guidance, 到適當時候, 佢嘅興趣出來, 你想唔比佢做, 想擋都擋唔住.

呢樣真係好因人而異, 我個女身上我唔係太體現到, 可能因為佢係ADD, 所以集中唔到做野.

我個仔就引證哂, 之前三年嘅功夫, 而家終於開始收成, 但係佢已經要離開.  

最近佢瘋狂迷上數字, 唔洗我地迫, 佢主動要學睇鐘, 好留意時間, 而且會自己練習寫數字, 做單位加數, 甚至會答我地口頭出題, 連沖緊涼都做, 而且佢已唔用手指數, 係心裏默默數, 雖則會數錯, 但關鍵係佢有興趣做.  

呢樣就係蒙特梭利, 冇時間限制, 唔係學校迫, 要小朋友做, 係小朋友興趣來了, 擋也擋不住.
作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-22 09:06

elmostoney, 見到你仔仔的發展咁好真替你高興, 學習由興趣產生,不用迫,也是我想追求,底子打得好,跟著build up上去便容易得多了。

我在孩子的幼年時期並沒跟進得這麼好,總是忙著自己的任途,就算現在都有同樣問題,不過暫時是佢地行先,我都好想strike bal。

其實我大仔都有輕微活躍, 或者依d係一個名詞, 因為那些測試是悶到嘔, 但看來他年長一點, 能找到自己的興趣後, 他便能集中到精神做他有興趣的事.


作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-22 10:50

我所據聞IMS中文係谷谷地, 但係同傳統學校有別. 佢地係以小組形式, 因應程度上課,  我覺得課堂上, 小朋友參與程度較大.  其實學中文, 最後都要靠死記, 呢個難以避免. 我喜歡IMS其中一個原因, 就係佢中文好, 唔係我似我個女咁, 而家教到嘔血.

我個女而家睇緊e生, 食緊一d維他命 (我堅拒比佢食藥), 好左好多, 不過之前幾年, 就好似miss左d黃金時期咁, 性格同習慣, 好多已形成.

summer我都會比我個女返返以前間montessori school, 唔係求佢學到太多野, 畢竟得一個summer, 不過希望佢ADD有左改善, 老師係學術上可以重新啟發下佢.
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-6-22 11:01

dadmumkids, 你為工作, 其實最後都係為屋企, 為人父母不易, 你已做得很好. 係香港呢個現實社會, 個個都追求成績同cert時, 唔係好多父母能好似你咁, 為佢地, 你唔隨波逐流 (就係呢樣, 我都要頂好大壓力, 我阿爸成日 um 我, 話我幫仔女揀d咁嘅學校), 而只係想揀一間合適佢地嘅學校.  

至於你個大仔, 你再observe一下, 因為有d小朋友, 因為某d原因, 需要特大量某d vitamins又或佢地吸收唔到, 我個女就係.  而家食返d相關vitamins and minerals, 情況改善左好多.  佢讀IS, 我都可以兩個月比老師的去照3次肺, 當然我講得過嚴重, 老師係真心想幫佢, 但係做阿媽嘅我, 當時真係唔好受.  以前我以佢懶, 原來佢係控制唔到自己, 所以成日遊魂, 包括我係屋企同佢讀中文都係. 我都係近月先find out, 浪費左佢幾年, 所以佢而家係學習上自信心都有d低落, 我都要慢慢幫佢建立返.
作者: awah112    時間: 12-6-22 12:55

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作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-6-22 15:41

elmostoney, please check pm.
作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-4 00:25

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作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-7-4 09:44

唔敢當, 大家都係為自己小朋友盡力.  可惜係香港有心辦學嘅人少, 賺錢嘅人多.  唔洗去到外國, 淨係去台灣走個圈就睇到港台如何不同.  或者香港嘅租金真係太高昂, 政府又鼓勵教育百花齊放, 導致而家大家咁少選擇嘅惡果, 不竟人唔係一件係工廠生產出來, 大家一樣嘅物件. 所以有咁多小朋友返學返得咁痛苦.

如果大家有時間可以走開下, 我大力推薦暑假去台灣讀montessori, 有戶外, 有大自然, 老師有愛心, 有耐性, 費用便宜.  係台北租屋可能貴d, 咁可以考慮去台中.  租屋同學費 (全日, 起碼到四五點, 仲要包埋lunch)分分鐘加埋都係一萬至一萬鬆d港幣一個月. 去完你就知道原來montessori係咁! 係香港montessori preschool中, 我覺得最接近嘅係best concept, 我老二 (以前老大)讀緊個間, 無獨有偶, 都有台灣 background, 只係好多人覺得佢冇英文, 亦唔係一間正規學校.
作者: dadmumkids    時間: 12-7-4 10:00

elmostoney, 看完你的帖子, 真係好想飛去台灣走返轉 :)
作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-4 12:33

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作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-4 12:36

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作者: bloglo110    時間: 12-7-4 20:03     標題: 回覆:elmostoney 的帖子


作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-4 23:49

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作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-7-5 10:45

Jasonbourne, 香港大部份家長求勝深切, 要快見功, 但係蒙氏係慢工出細貨. 有d幼稚園, 可能標榜點樣教一個兩歲pn小朋友學識哂 abc, 由1數到10呢d, 蒙特梭利唔會咁做, 真正嘅蒙氏係由培養一個人做起, 點樣自理, master日常生活嘅task.  我記得, 當時我個導師話, 小朋友同大人一樣, 都需要肯定自己嘅價值, 所以佢地會想自己有能力照顧自己, 甚至係屋企幫手, 但係大人怕煩, 幫小朋友做, 又或叫佢地咪攪屋企d野, 梗係易好多. 久而久之, 便成習慣, 小朋友失去左培養獨立同自信嘅機會, 要知人生唔係淨係讀書.

另外, 蒙氏主張慢, 係因為小朋友要空間諗野, 休息, 如果學野一樣接一樣, 冇時間歇下, 大人都唔得啦, 而且小朋友係玩或者發白日夢嘅過程中, 都會有得著, 你唔知幾時會係  the next big idea.  一個成日比人催佢快d嘅小朋友, 有機會變到同個大人一樣毛燥.

教學理念太多, 我係到亦無法盡錄, 而且我自己都係識皮毛.  但係香港蒙氏幼教有另一個問題, 就係老師質素同師生比例.  真正嘅蒙氏, 可能好多時真係自己做自己野, 但係我去台灣一間蒙幼睇過, 佢地嘅學生真係打成一片, 同蒙氏本身有少少出入, 但係對群體發展比較好. 我見我個仔個老師, 都會鼓勵小朋友互相幫忙, 大帶細小朋友(呢個都係蒙氏概念), 同其他人合作分享.  但係如果一班 (3-6歲)人數太多, 而且大部份係細小朋友, 老師淨係帶呢d細仔都疫於奔命, 邊有時間引導大仔去帶細仔, 又或老師教大仔?  所以效果唔會太好.  我有朋友個小朋友係歐洲出世, 讀蒙氏, 佢話一班係十幾人, 兩個老師, 佢覺得帶得個女好好.  佢見咁有成效, 返來繼續讀蒙幼, 點知一班25人, 得一個qualified老師帶一個非蒙氏助教, 結果效果差好遠.  點解我選阿仔而家間中心而唔讀正規蒙幼, 就係呢個原因, 因為我個仔個班係一個老師對6~7個學生! 都唔係學費問題, 但係呢位老闆真係有心教學, 三年未加過3~6歲學費.  
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-7-5 10:55

本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-7-5 10:57 編輯

物野叫蒙氏學習? 係咪一定要有教具? 我諗要睇年齡.  我唔係做得好好, 但係基本嘅野, 如唔用bb車(兩歲開始唔用)唔抱, 倒潟水要自己抹, 玩具要自己執, 食完飯洗返自己d碗,呢d都有做.  係咪可以做更多?  當然, 我都覺得自己做得唔夠.

教具係死嘅, 睇下父母點教.  我覺得除非父母本身有蒙氏 background, 就咁買副教具返去, 唔識點用, 反而會越攪越亂.  montessori唔係淨係教abc同數學, 係有個sense of order, 佢地所有教具, working order都係由左至右排, 因為生活中好多野, 都係呢個順序. 做三角盒時, 老師會教小朋友用手指沿邊沿摸一次 (感受邊同角), 因為佢地相信用手做過, 會令小朋友記憶更深刻, 更理解, 然後先係將不同嘅三角組知合為其他形狀(要知好多形狀,其實都係三角組成), 如果冇受過訓練,唔好話步驟,連一套教具嘅目的都未必好理解,所以對家中用教具,我覺得簡單個d尚可,跟住就會越來越難.
作者: chansiub    時間: 12-7-5 11:08     標題: 回覆:蒙特梭利國際學校


作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-5 13:12

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作者: Jasonbourne    時間: 12-7-5 13:15

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作者: kakadaddy    時間: 12-10-9 13:47

作者: f2s2001    時間: 12-10-18 15:26

hello parents, I learnt from the news that IMS will move out from Tin Hau. Any idea where could be the new site located?
作者: DooMuiKam    時間: 12-11-20 17:41

我的女兒現在在IMS讀Casa (幼稚園), 我們很高興的看到她的成長,我們亦十分高興為她選了Montessori!
我女兒是從Foundation 一直在IMS讀到現在的,我們很認同Montessori的理念,正如之前的家長說,Montessori是慢工的,我們一點也不可以急,因為真的要給時間小朋友去培養她們的興趣。Montessori學東西的方法很有趣,我女兒現在見到英文字,不是讀A B C 的,而是讀字母的拼音,例如 Ar, Ba, Ca, 所以現在已開始懂得讀一些很簡單的字。而因為她在讀的過程中有滿足感,所以好現在對字很有興趣!
我個人覺得,不太須要為小朋友買Montessori toys, 因為其實Montessori 的理念不是在玩具當中,而是在整體的教學方式裡面。IMS是一間非常注重依照Montessori方式教學的一所學校,例如3 hours working cycle, 我很建議若您們有時間,真的要到IMS 看一看了解一下。我很讚同一位老師說,"Montessori is for every child, but not for every parent",If you really choose to let you child go to a montessori school, you should firstly prepare yourself that you child will go through a slightly different path than other kids of your friends. I still remember I went to my girls open house which I can go inside the classroom to see what she does on a normal school day, I was surprise to see my daughter was squeezing orange juice when I went in, and I was so happy to see her washing up her own dishes after squeezing her juice, I told me friend about that with excitement but then my friend looked at me and said "you pay that much for your daughter to learn how to squeeze orange juice?"
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-11-20 19:06

Sorry, but I have to disagree.  Montessori is not for every child.  I am a staunch supporter of Montessori.  My son blossomed, but my daughter didn't.  You would never believe how desperate I wanted to let her stay in Montessori and how I had to admit my own absurdity at the end.  Eventually we found out she has mild ADD and will not perform in Montessori as she cannot focus on her own task for a prolonged period of time.  She will have problem moving up to primary as she will need to organize her own schedule.  In other words, a more structured environment will suit her better.

我女兒學校有幾位從IMS轉來的同學, 都是因各種原因, 蒙氏非最合適的教學方法.  你可以說, 他們當然可以繼續唸蒙氏, but it may not be the way to bring the best out of them.
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-11-20 19:13

But i have to say pre-Casa (every school calls it differently) is for EVERY child.  They teach children rules, respect for others, independence, etc.  Academically, it's not for all.  At age 2, my kids were using scissors, sewing with needles, pouring their own water into a cup and drinking from it, etc.  Squeezing orange juice at age 3+, peeling apples at 4 years old.  My kids now (6.5 and almost 5) will take a towel and wipe spilt water, do their own set of dishes after dinner, change their own clothes.  Older one can shower herself (but cannot rinse off shampoo thoroughly and cannot dry herself).  She can read a regular recipe, loves baking and cook us dinner (當然唔係好難個d, 要開大火煮野就唔得)
作者: jolalee    時間: 12-11-20 19:31

本帖最後由 jolalee 於 12-11-20 22:37 編輯

My son has been going to the Discovery Montessori School [DMS] playgroup at DB for a year now, since he was 12 months old. He has learned a lot, especially manners and taking care of himself. He also loves circle time and constantly sing songs he learned from the school. However, like elmostoney's daughter, he gets frustrated quickly with harder puzzles and it was hard for him to concentrate for long. I've consulted with various teachers (both inside & outside the Montessori circle) and they all assured me that my son is just a normal active boy. I fear that he may have a tinge of ADHD but i guess it's still too early to tell at age 2. (elmostoney if you can PM the vitamins your daughter was talking i'd greatly appreciate it, thx!)
Anyhow I found this article via another thread and found this useful in determining which type of school is suitable for children with different learning style:

From my observation my son is mostly an Auditory learner 聆聽型 with a bit of a mover 活動型 in him, and perhaps he'd thrive better in a 'regular' International School. This would be heart breaking for me since i am a fan of the Montessori method. However i guess we've to do what is best to cater for each child's uniqueness.

I do query about the article's suggestion of placing movers in a Montessori setting, after reading elmostoney's sharing. Do let me know what you think :)

作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-11-21 09:46

jolalee, indeed, I think it's too early to tell if your son fits Montessori at age 2!  Having said that, a child with good concentration does have an advantage (as in all type of learning).  

其實我而家都有d無所悉從, 一般學校, 就算幾活動, 幾自由, 都有自己curriculum, 佢唔會因為你個小朋友有能力, 就push佢做多d. 唔好話push, 就話係比機會啦.  始終montessori跟小朋友興趣而走, 小朋友有興趣時, 佢個種投入同進步可以好驚人.  我而家對細仔, 有d唯有自己係屋企同佢做, 但係做唔到咁多, 心裏真係覺得好可惜.  但係比佢繼續係montessori, 又驚佢成日自己做自己野, 本來已怕羞, 如果由得佢, 我怕會越大越嚴重.
作者: jolalee    時間: 12-11-21 11:19

Why don't you continue with Best Concept as an after school activity? Many Montessori facilities do provide after school or Saturday interest classes. (Too bad that we live far from the BC campuses, otherwise i would enroll my son in it as well. If he does get into a thorough school, i do plan to take him there after we move closer to his thorough school.) That way, your son can work at his own pace after school, while he's exposed to more social interaction in school.

In term of teaching concentration, we do have a bit more progress lately; I'm not sure if it's the chinese herb 石合 i am giving him (suppose to calm him down), or just that he's growing up, but as long as the environment is quiet enough, he can work on a task for a longer period of time, especially if imagination is involved. The problem occurs usually in the Montessori playgroup because parents are involved and we can all be pretty loud... Maybe when he starts going to pre-casa without parental involvement he might fend better? (not so sure about that...) Anyhow, elmostoney if you know any food types or vitamins that can help a child with his concentration, do let me know. Thank you so much!!
作者: elmostoney    時間: 12-11-21 11:34

cannot do Best Concept after school.  I considered before.  He goes to school full day now and doesn't get off until 2:30.  BC's class is 2:30 to 5:30.  Even if I don't mind him being late, it's too long a day to run from 8 to 5:30!  and he isn't even 5 yet!!!  Sometimes, he still has to nap, especially if that day has PE.   Nowadays, we have dinner at 6 and he goes to bed at 8 to 8:30.  I let him go out and play for 1 to 2 hours a day after school.  So going to Best Concept after school would mean "no life" at all.  Even if I just let him go 2 days, it's too much.

You can check out this thread which I posted.  I hesitate to recommend any vitamins to your child because of his age and he has not been diagnosed.  You may want to read through this to get an idea.

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum ... ead&tid=2383535
作者: jolalee    時間: 12-11-21 15:08

本帖最後由 jolalee 於 12-11-21 15:10 編輯

oic, since your boy is almost Primary age, i guess he is going to school full day then (sorry i was thinking of my son, who only has 2 hour class a day). I remember Best Concept requires that the child do 2-3 classes a week (for it to be effective, they insisted), which can be taxing for your son's schedule. [i'm totally against the HK style interest class stuffing] how about going to a facility where he can do one Saturday class, and then you can continue with them say twice a week at home? That way you still have a qualified teacher to track his progress, and at the same time prevent over scheduling the boy.

thank you for the link. going through the thread, many things popped into my mind. i took my son to a osteopathic therapist in Singapore half a year ago (to make sure his bones were growing alright; i had no idea...), but she diagnosed my son with SI (i think that'd be 感統?), which aligns with my son's sensitivity to noise. I checked with my son's paediatrician and playgroup teachers back home, but they all said my son is fine and i shouldn't worry about it. Reading your thread reminded me of that... anyhow it's way off topic now, so if you don't mind may i PM you? thanks!

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