
標題: YMCA Internatinal Kindergarten 好唔好? [打印本頁]

作者: caca316    時間: 12-1-24 15:46     標題: YMCA Internatinal Kindergarten 好唔好?

My girl accepted by YMCA int'l kindergarten, any one can share something about this kinder?
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-1 16:41

hi Dear, i still haven't have the interview yet, why u're accepted so early? are u applying for K1? thanks!
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-1 16:59

Hi dear, sorry, i just receive the letter today and i got accpeted too.  Can anyone share more about this school, Thanks!
作者: Chowying    時間: 12-2-1 20:04

我老公個friend 2個仔(mixed) 加埋表妹(本地)都係果到讀, 佢地強烈推介話非常好, 讀得開心, 無壓力, 唔貴, 佢地都現讀英基, 不過中文你都係要自己補.
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-2 00:18

hi Chowying, really thanks for ur reply. I think i will decide after the school visit. My husband dreams for esf and CKY school. However, i'm afraid that after studying in IS school, my son doesn't have the interest to learn Chinese anymore.

Currently, we speak Cantonese at home. But i always read English books to him. He can answer simple english questions. Even the local school kindergarten teacher mentions that he likes English at school very much.

And i'm a Christian, i really hope he can study in a Christian learning school. do you know if they have school bus from kowloon tong to TST?

Thanks alot!
作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-2 14:06

老公心儀的學校一直是YMCA Int'l Kindergarten, 而家又有此offer, 真是心大心細......Be honest, 我的小朋友不是native english speaker, 我怕佢去到唔適應, 有無人有此經驗?
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-2 17:29

hi caca, i read from previous post that students can learn very fast. They will get used to the english environement very soon.

I don't think u need to worry too much!
Btw, does anyone knows for the K2 full dayclass, there are lots of activities in the afternoon session. Do you know does these activities need to pay extra learning cost? such as swimming lessons, golf lessons, etc??

作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-2 17:50

hi Godbaby,
pls check PM, i have sent you the contact for the bus servcie which provided by YMCA.
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-2 22:59

hi caca, thanks for the info!
Will u consider to go to IS stream or local stream for the future?
作者: wai_wai_121    時間: 12-2-2 23:06

Hi all, my son will probably go to YMCA for K1... but not TST one, is Beacon YMCA~ I know that's a new branch of YMCA Int' ... Does anyone has idea of this kindergarten? Is it good? Same as TST one?
作者: alunsweeney    時間: 12-2-3 00:50

我的小朋仔在ymca int:l 讀了3年,現k3,

好處- 好開心的學校。fullday下午可以swimming, 打golf,沒有功課。

中文一定死, 因為學校不看重,比起其他學校, 沒有那麼競爭性。因為學校沒有notice,有都係一個月一張papers, 老師不會打比你同你說你個仔在學校的事(local school的老師會)

去esf都有,不過聽ms susan說strong competition,

作者: alunsweeney    時間: 12-2-3 00:51

回復 godbaby 的帖子

pm class的activity不用extra收貴,
full day包lunch的費用是8515hkd

作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-3 10:28

回復 alunsweeney 的帖子

在YMCA 讀的朋友們, 你們是 Full day OR half day? 我想知half day 會唔會無咁多活動? 其實full day 有咁多野玩, 如果出去學野比的錢都差唔多........不過學音樂/Dancing 就要出去學, right?

作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-3 10:45

回復 godbaby 的帖子

Hi Godbaby,

We are still thinking which way should we go........but now my girl has st.clare, true light offer, those are traditional girl school and she can go to their primary directly, no more interview she will do.

If we choose IS stream, let's say she studying at YMCA, she will need to go for another competition after her K2/K3. Actually, i already feel tired for the interviews in the last few months.

So, what's your plan?

Our situation is similar to you. We are Christian family. My girl also speak Cantonese well but she loves to read English book. But we all are Totally HK Resident..........so really not easy to get in ESF in the future. For other school like CKY, TSL , competition are quite keen. Therefore, hope thu this EK channel to know more.

作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-3 14:36

回復 alunsweeney 的帖子

Thanks Alunsweeney for ur detailed information la!

I am really happy for you! So are u going to apply ESF or local school in the coming year.

For me, actually, it all depends on my husband 's decision la. My husband said if u target for CKY or RC, the first criteria is that ur English language must be good. So, he is afraid that for local school education, the english proficiency may not be as good as studying in an international school.

And i like YMCA is that it provides K3 too. Even if my son cannot admit to ESF schools after he finishes K2, he can still study in K3 and try out local school lucky draw or reapply again for ESF school in the next year.  Is that right??

Of course for local school admisstion, then we have to work hard again for his chinese.
But luckily if he gets into some international schools, that's great.

For us, I hold a Canadian passport la, i don't know if it helps to apply ESF. and our future plan is to move back to Canada.  

Btw, caca, will u go to visit the school on Feb 14, 10am?

作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-3 15:12

btw, 其實我想知多D學校嘅教育理念, 是否learn through play? teaching in Chrisitian values. And at the same time, it is a more Rounded education, that means focus on all aspects of life?

Oh btw alunsweeney, how's ur kid's english? i know i shouldn't expect my child to speak in a total foreign like accent, but do you think he still behaves Good and speak well in English?
作者: alunsweeney    時間: 12-2-4 14:51

孩子可以用英文同人交談, 不過比起local小朋友, 天真好多, 因為沒有接觸本地的tv/story/, 他只喜歡eng書,

沒有foreign accent, 我都想, 因為cantonese人真是太多

full day的full payment係hk8515, 包lunch。 school bus另計。swimming golf gym, french, mandarin, bible class,都係下午classes進行的。

學校有什麼野可打去找fion - secretary 問.

作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-5 00:31

thanks alunsweeney for ur sharing la!!
I'm a full time mom, if i let my kids study in IS stream, i guess i have to find a way to teach them Chinese wordings la!

But for my son, he is now almost 2.5 years, he is still reluntant to memorize ABC and color , etc...But he seems to enjoy learning through play very much.  He can speak fluent Cantonese and I like to read English books with him everyday. He likes it very much too, He can answer simple english questions.

Afterall, i guess it worths to give  him  a try to study in IS stream.  Currently he study in a Local N1 class, it takes him about 6 months time to adapt to school life. Only in the last two days, i saw him smile after coming out from the class. haha! I hope he will be happy always la!

Full day class school fee seems to be expensive compares to Local school for sure la..But compares to other IS schools like "think", it costs over 10000, but i heard that student stay in the same classroom for 8 hours. Then i rather let my kids study in YMCA and enjoy all the great facility.

Thanks again for ur sharing.
作者: ALMENNG511    時間: 12-2-5 01:05

Hello I got offer too, so happy
囝囝之前讀YMCA palygroup 成年,英文很好,二歲時已有abc學,唔係淨玩,最重要老師們都好有經驗,令我放心交低個囝,而家最大孝慮係以後是否行國際路線,加上家住南區,要搬家的問題,有無媽媽可以比多點ymca的意見及曰後的學習提議分享下?
作者: godbaby    時間: 12-2-6 14:28

hey caca, i believe that if u want ur daughter to go for local school, then it is not necessary to study in an international school la. Bc the standard of local school is higher, it maybe harder for her to "chase" the homeworks.  And i believe girl is more "stable" than boys la.For my baby, he is an active child, i believe an more open environment will suit him better.

If you really concern about English level, either u go to English classes outside, or u have to read more books to her.

Actually , i'm looking forward to their k2 full day class instead bc there is more time for the kids to practice their english. In k1, just 3 hours of listening is not really enough la. As parents, we still need to train their english as home. Students can train their listening skills at school, their speaking skills depends the way they talk to other classmates! So, don't expect too much!
作者: elock    時間: 12-2-10 10:04

My son is now studying in YMCA K2.  He enjoys going to school very much.  This is what I want for him.  

However, if you are looking for an academic kid, do not choose this school.  You will not like it.  In fact, having chosen this school, you should aim for applying for non-local school.  If you were parents that like to compare periodically between your kid's knowledge and that of locals, do not choose this school.  Your mind actually is set at local school standard.

Honestly, not many people knew about this kindergarten.  I can live with it, can you?

High admission rate to ESF schools is well-known for this kindergaten, but due to baby boom, this is not true starting for 2012 admission.  I guess this has nothing to do with the school.  Simply, ESF schools in Kowloon are packed with applicants that have parents in the alumni or siblings studying at ESF now.  

In summary, I would give a high rating to this kindergarten, but a piece of advice is that you should apply more International Schools when the time comes.  DO NOT simply rely on ESF (district one)!
作者: cakids    時間: 12-2-13 23:38

if someone "only" studies in YMCA kindergarten, I guess they are gonna study in the international stream.
for those who wanna play safe and prepare for going back to local primary school, I've heard some kids study in 2 kindergartens. and this situation does happen in YMCA kindergarten kids.
last year, YMCA still got high acceptance ratio into ESF, probably because of the principal.
作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-17 16:20

any new update for this school so far?
作者: ALMENNG511    時間: 12-2-18 00:23

14/2我有去,老師所講的大致和原本所知的差吾多,無功課,一個星期半小時普通話,k3後多去int'l school,有些esf, local都有,佢地學phonics,d字串錯晒都貼出黎
作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-20 10:03

回復 ALMENNG511 的帖子

串錯晒D字都有? so, how do you feel about the school? i didn't have school visit on that day finally but just pay the deposit.

作者: Arcana    時間: 12-2-20 11:01

Don’t panic.  It’s not unusual to find spelling mistakes in other IS preschools.

Most IS preschools do not intend to drill kids to produce perfect classworks, but local preschools do.  IS preschools are willing to exhibit all student’s pieces no matter they are perfect or not.  That’s why you always find the fine showpieces at local preschool’s open day but you only find the squiggle at IS preschool’s wall.  There are differences between them.  If you care about the accuracy of output for such age, local school’s approach would suit you.

作者: caca316    時間: 12-2-20 11:51

回復 Arcana 的帖子

As I didn't attend the school visit, so i just curious what did they observe.

作者: piggyccy    時間: 12-5-17 14:25     標題: 回覆:YMCA Internatinal Kindergarten 好唔好?

I rcvd the payment letter today
Have any parent here decide to pay yet?

I just want to get to know the parents who is going to send his/her child to this school cos I found there are not many discussion abt this school on the Internet

Hi parents!

作者: mickey.pug    時間: 12-6-9 08:04

wai_wai_121 發表於 12-2-2 23:06
Hi all, my son will probably go to YMCA for K1... but not TST one, is Beacon YMCA~ I know that's a n ...

Hello  wai_wai_121
          請問你的仔仔會入YMCA Beacon讀K1嗎? 因6月14日前最後交費。Check PM

作者: zzzchow    時間: 12-6-9 22:33

Only English, no Chinese. Target IS path.

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