
標題: St. Paul Co-Ed. 係咪好谷呀? [打印本頁]

作者: mat媽    時間: 10-5-7 17:53     標題: St. Paul Co-Ed. 係咪好谷呀?

我聽人講課程超深, 小朋友會唔會好辛苦呢?
作者: brian61950    時間: 10-5-7 17:58


原帖由 mat媽 於 10-5-7 17:53 發表
我聽人講課程超深, 小朋友會唔會好辛苦呢?

作者: GIPW    時間: 10-5-7 19:26

原帖由 brian61950 於 10-5-7 17:58 發表

Well, my friend told me quite a lot of homework not very difficult but the point is if you score under 90 marks in the test or exam then you are one of the last in the class.  Most of the people can get 95 or above.
作者: dolphin123    時間: 10-5-7 22:25

原帖由 brian61950 於 10-5-7 17:58 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.

For P.1, not very difficult, even a bit easier than some private schools, but I know it will get more harder in higher grades.

The school doesn't really emphasis on the marks, even the principal said no need to get very high marks. I think the pressure is from the parents.
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 10-5-7 23:43

Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.
咁亦真係幾多富貴人家......我果時幫我老闆個仔攪生日party, 係會續個問邊個係xx club member方便統計人數的

The school doesn't really emphasis on the marks, even the principal said no need to get very high marks. I think the pressure is from the parents.呢樣我唔認同.......學校擺明教深一年, 為咩? 有次我老闆跟老公出trip3日, 班主任好認真咁問"咁邊個同佢睇功課?" 我唔覺得學校真係無所謂

作者: Chole    時間: 10-5-8 11:30

喺學校簡介會,校長明 hint唔收細仔/女,因為佢地要喺五年裏面教六年嘅嘢。六年班要教F1嘅嘢。

作者: primary2007    時間: 10-5-8 22:49

作者: primary2007    時間: 10-5-8 22:59


原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 10-5-7 23:43 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.
咁亦真係幾多富貴人家......我果時幫我老闆個仔攪生日party, 係會續個問邊個係xx club member方便 ...

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-5-8 23:32

原帖由 dolphin123 於 10-5-7 22:25 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.

For P.1, not very difficult, even a bit easier than some private schools, but I know it wi ...

WRONG?!?!  簡單d, 學校有幾多個小朋友的父母每年總收入少於40萬??  我相對好多單單只是父母其中一人每年總收入已多於40萬.
作者: daisy17772    時間: 10-5-9 00:35

原帖由 primary2007 於 10-5-8 22:49 發表

What I heard is one of his daughter dropped out from co-ed to go to an int'l school, she is a small girl among her school mates.
作者: daisy17772    時間: 10-5-9 01:01

It's not surprised to see that there are some students with ordinary family background (ie no connection, middle class, without prestigious social status, nor from a family of listed companies , nor from a family of long line prestigious occupations .....).  The principal emphasizes to the parents that they have students who have successfully applied for subsidy.  So if they don't accept students from this sector, how could they claim they are a fair and impartial. So tactically, there must be some students with very ordinary background, and in fact there are many smart children out there.  But this is a minority in the school.
I knew a couple of families whose children got accepted are having prestigious background or they know ppl sit in the committee.  Are their children really smart....sorry only the Principal knows. Don't you observe children of HK gov't secretary always been accepted.   And the rest indeed are mainly pretty rich.  

My cousins have been studying there since primary school...and I have heard stories about those rich children......
作者: Ving    時間: 10-5-9 01:10

So accordingly, the school want the parent can pay much time with the children's work and homework in school and at the same time to be rich or at least middle-clas. So does it mean that either the father or mother (one should be high salary professional while the other is full-time dad or mum). Otherwise, i don't know how can the parent be so dedicated to the school.

Besides, anyone knows the drop-out rate from school from P1-P6, high or low. And what sort of school to go if drop-out. Thx
作者: brian61950    時間: 10-5-9 12:13



原帖由 dolphin123 於 10-5-7 22:25 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.

For P.1, not very difficult, even a bit easier than some private schools, but I know it wi ...

作者: Rachethew    時間: 10-5-9 15:02

阿仔由一年級到依家五年級,  我淨係見過他們鬥成績, 有錢無錢成日都一齊玩, 無問題 ! 反而其他學校仲厲害啦!
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 10-5-9 21:08

咁per se我又真係好欣賞spcc教到d學生好humble, 我舊老闆雖然出生有錢家庭亦唔係好high profile既闊太(咁又有司機既), 讚成, 其他學校既學生應該比較得仲激
作者: dolphin123    時間: 10-5-9 21:48

原帖由 Rachethew 於 10-5-9 15:02 發表
阿仔由一年級到依家五年級,  我淨係見過他們鬥成績, 有錢無錢成日都一齊玩, 無問題 ! 反而其他學校仲厲害啦!

作者: ANChan59    時間: 10-5-10 05:03

原帖由 Rachethew 於 10-5-9 15:02 發表
阿仔由一年級到依家五年級,  我淨係見過他們鬥成績, 有錢無錢成日都一齊玩, 無問題 ! 反而其他學校仲厲害啦!

Smart and bright students compared of academic results and extra-curicular activities results; others compared family background, i-Phone etc, if not what can they say in school!!!!!! But they are still friends. I just share my sons views in a top notch DSS boys school.

BTW, SPCC is the school provided a lot of scholarships and subsidies for kids come from low-income families, that why their school fee is most expensive one among all DSS.
作者: Ving    時間: 10-5-10 09:48

But as somebody says, even 90 marks need to see parents. Then i want to know how parents and children deal in this enviroment. Is it really 7x24 pressure among students and parents not matter this is coming from the school or not.

So, what sort of student is suitable in this school? I am confused here whether high acadmeic standard only or taking more part in extra-curriculum activites.
作者: big-head    時間: 10-5-10 09:55

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作者: mat媽    時間: 10-5-10 10:58

原帖由 Chole 於 10-5-8 11:30 發表
喺學校簡介會,校長明 hint唔收細仔/女,因為佢地要喺五年裏面教六年嘅嘢。六年班要教F1嘅嘢。


噢... 我仔仔是細仔 (9月出世)
作者: traeh    時間: 10-5-10 15:37


原帖由 brian61950 於 10-5-9 12:13 發表



作者: traeh    時間: 10-5-10 15:40

我估呢個應該只係初小尤其小一嘅現象, 好多學校嘅小一測考, 都expect小朋友有九字頭, 因為真係比較淺. 如果小一都得七八十, 咁可能個小朋友真係跟唔到, 或者有其他例如學習問題, 咁老師搵家長傾下, 睇下點幫佢, 都係負責任的表現.

原帖由 GIPW 於 10-5-7 19:26 發表

Well, my friend told me quite a lot of homework not very difficult but the point is if you score under 90 marks in the test or exam then you are one of the last in the class.  Most of the people can ...

作者: traeh    時間: 10-5-10 15:48

年薪四十萬, 即係每月三萬鬆少少, 咁你話叫好有錢就真係唔算. 調返轉睇, 如果月入無呢個數, 可能都未必敢幫個小朋友報考呢間學校, 因為學費一個月都成六千, 仲未計其他飯錢車錢課外活動錢. 雖然學校有學費資助, 但我估如果明知學費咁貴, 家庭收入同支出會咁緊張, 好多都費事去報, 反正仲有咁多好的官津校, 仲唔駛交學費.

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 10-5-8 23:32 發表
WRONG?!?!  簡單d, 學校有幾多個小朋友的父母每年總收入少於40萬??  我相對好多單單只是父母其中一人每年總收入已多於40萬.

作者: mat媽    時間: 10-5-10 17:08

原帖由 traeh 於 10-5-10 15:48 發表
年薪四十萬, 即係每月三萬鬆少少, 咁你話叫好有錢就真係唔算. 調返轉睇, 如果月入無呢個數, 可能都未必敢幫個小朋友報考呢間學校, 因為學費一個月都成六千, 仲未計其他飯錢車錢課外活動錢. 雖然學校有學費資助, 但我 ...

作者: mandy_ma    時間: 10-5-10 17:30

同意spcc 學生humble d
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 12:07

我想問 just regular middle-class family咁你點應付每月6k學費o架.... 係唔係有津貼或資助?? 易唔易擰? 補貼後學費要幾錢一個月度?? 係唔係隨咗學費就冇乜書簿雜費o架?
ECA 駛唔駛錢o架?

原帖由 dolphin123 於 7/5/2010 22:25 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.

For P.1, not very difficult, even a bit easier than some private schools, but I know it wi ...

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-5-11 12:22


原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-11 12:07 發表
我想問 just regular middle-class family咁你點應付每月6k學費o架.... 係唔係有津貼或資助?? 易唔易擰? 補貼後學費要幾錢一個月度?? 係唔係隨咗學費就冇乜書簿雜費o架?
ECA 駛唔駛錢o架?


作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 10-5-11 12:30     標題: 回覆 27# ziyi 的文章

hi ziyi daddy,

it is called Fee Remission Scheme, you can refer to the below link:

作者: traeh    時間: 10-5-11 12:31


根據此減免學費計劃的各項優點,一個典型的四人家庭 (父母加兩名就讀本校的子女),假如其每年總收入不超過七十五萬元及每年需就所居住的主要居所繳交十二萬元租金或供樓款項,亦可享有學費減免。第一名子女將有四千元的學費減免,而第二名則有一萬六千元的學費減免。


原帖由 ziyi 於 10-5-11 12:22 發表

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 12:43

sorry ziyi daddy,
"A child from a family whose family disposable income exceeds the benchmark disposable income by more than HK360,000 would not qualify for any fee remission."
your family is way too rich!!!

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 11/5/2010 12:30 發表
hi ziyi daddy,

it is called Fee Remission Scheme, you can refer to the below link:


[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-11 12:51 編輯 ]
作者: ziyi    時間: 10-5-11 12:59

今次你錯啦,計完竟然是有差少才over remission schedule
因為有mortgage loan的關係.
我重以為是因為她不用俾application fee

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-11 12:43 發表
sorry ziyi daddy,
"A child from a family whose family disposable income exceeds the benchmark disposable income by more than HK360,000 would not qualify for any fee remission."
your family is way to ...

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 13:35

哈哈!!! 當然都要學校真係好先多人報嘅!!!
(好似有少少擦靻.... )

原帖由 ziyi 於 11/5/2010 12:59 發表
今次你錯啦,計完竟然是有差少才over remission schedule
因為有mortgage loan的關係.
我重以為是因為她不用俾application fee:wah ...

作者: SBW    時間: 10-5-11 13:46

Hi. 我朋友話識得co-ed account 既朋友,話無人會claim 喎,千萬唔好claim,如果唔係,小朋友會有不太好的待遇喎。到底係咪?
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 14:23

吓?!?!!! 不太好的待遇??!!!


原帖由 SBW 於 11/5/2010 13:46 發表
Hi. 我朋友話識得co-ed account 既朋友,話無人會claim 喎,千萬唔好claim,如果唔係,小朋友會有不太好的待遇喎。到底係咪?

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-5-11 14:37


原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-11 14:23 發表
吓?!?!!! 不太好的待遇??!!!


作者: SBW    時間: 10-5-11 14:55

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 15:01

校長? 老師? accounting friend? 小朋友?! 家長?

原帖由 SBW 於 11/5/2010 14:55 發表

作者: SBW    時間: 10-5-11 15:25

D家長朋友都掛在咀邊架,就算DBSPD都一樣,老師知道會對小朋友無禁好啦;萬一同學仔知道又會裨視小朋友啦;到最後,小朋友可能會感到自卑等...好恐怖... 唔知到底係咪咁?
作者: traeh    時間: 10-5-11 15:27


原帖由 SBW 於 10-5-11 15:25 發表
D家長朋友都掛在咀邊架,就算DBSPD都一樣,老師知道會對小朋友無禁好啦;萬一同學仔知道又會裨視小朋友啦;到最後,小朋友可能會感到自卑等...好恐怖... 唔知到底係咪咁? ...

作者: SBW    時間: 10-5-11 15:39

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-5-11 15:39

我都好想知,如果老師是見 開眼的,那學校都....或用這方法向符合資格的加壓力?

原帖由 traeh 於 10-5-11 15:27 發表

作者: Rachethew    時間: 10-5-11 17:09

想問一問你那位account 朋友, 有減免學費的學生有什麼不好待遇呢? 因為仔仔讀左5年, 從來不知道那位同學有津貼, 就算老師都不知道, 因為要 keep strict confidential, 減免學費通告亦不會經老師和學校交, 要自己 apply, 所以我想知有什麼蛛絲螞跡可以知道呢!

原帖由 SBW 於 10-5-11 13:46 發表
Hi. 我朋友話識得co-ed account 既朋友,話無人會claim 喎,千萬唔好claim,如果唔係,小朋友會有不太好的待遇喎。到底係咪?

作者: SBW    時間: 10-5-11 17:35

作者: VKwan    時間: 10-5-11 18:29

原帖由 Rachethew 於 10-5-11 17:09 發表
想問一問你那位account 朋友, 有減免學費的學生有什麼不好待遇呢? 因為仔仔讀左5年, 從來不知道那位同學有津貼, 就算老師都不知道, 因為要 keep strict confidential, 減免學費通告亦不會經老師和學校交, 要自己 app ...
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-5-11 19:02

成績唔好都入唔到lar... 應該係成績唔好過其他同學仲大壓力lor.

原帖由 VKwan 於 11/5/2010 18:29 發表

作者: CFaHB    時間: 10-5-11 19:08

我識個朋友係 co-edu 做老師 .....
你無 $ 老師唔會對你唔好, 因為佢地都唔理得咁多  
反而老師用語, 表達都會好小心, 係驚比人投訴呀 .....

原帖由 SBW 於 10-5-11 15:39 發表
我都想知呀,但係唔只係一個家長咁講喎,個個都係咁傳至驚!所以想同大家討論同分析一下,我覺得學生同家長未必有可能會知,但係有時學校可能真係會現實啲,老師知道唔出奇噢 ...

作者: VKwan    時間: 10-5-11 20:41

原帖由 CFaHB 於 10-5-11 19:08 發表
我識個朋友係 co-edu 做老師 .....
你無 $ 老師唔會對你唔好, 因為佢地都唔理得咁多  
反而老師用語, 表達都會好小心, 係驚比人投訴呀 .....

作者: ahtan    時間: 10-5-11 23:13

First of all, I highly doubt that the teachers will know which studentsin school receive financial aid from the school, cuz it's confidentialinformation.
Secondly, the teachers cannot and will not receivepresents or gifts from students or parents. So what does it matter tothem if the students are from rich families or not?   

原帖由 CFaHB 於 10-5-11 19:08 發表
我識個朋友係 co-edu 做老師 .....
你無 $ 老師唔會對你唔好, 因為佢地都唔理得咁多  
反而老師用語, 表達都會好小心, 係驚比人投訴呀 .....


作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-5-11 23:18

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作者: mow-mow    時間: 10-5-12 12:04

I don't think Co-ed's teachers & Headmistress would be scared of any 侓師信.
Among their alumni, there are so many prominent judges & lawyers who would be only too willing to defend the school should there be any unreasonable demand.
Rumour has it that a few years back, a parent brought a lawyer in to argue with the Headmistress regarding his child's punishment at school.
The result?
The child ended up going to a different secondary school!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 10-5-11 23:18 發表

好像寶山一樣,細路打教, 家長收侓師信。 老師都怕怕。。

不過, 無畏想咁多,收佐先算la

[ 本帖最後由 mow-mow 於 10-5-12 12:07 編輯 ]
作者: 123jump    時間: 10-5-12 18:18


原帖由 dolphin123 於 10-5-7 22:25 發表
Wrong, we are just regular middle-class family and many of the classmates are of similar family background.

For P.1, not very difficult, even a bit easier than some private schools, but I know it wi ...

作者: pooh_poohbb    時間: 10-5-12 21:15

作者: puzzledmama    時間: 10-5-13 20:04

Too many rumours and the so-called insiders' info for SPCC every year!
As matter of facts-- rich ppl are really here and there and everywhere, but middle class parents, I believe, do constitute a substantial proportion!!  
Parents are mostly humble and friendly, though you can always see Franck Muller watches, Cartier diamonds (big ones!), Chanel bags and benz...., but...no big deal la! I don't think it matters anyhow for children and parents with correct values and good virtues.  

So long as this is a good school and kids are happy there, to be rich or not so rich, this should not be a question, right?!

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