
標題: 有無大人學緊小提琴? 一齊交流下! [打印本頁]

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-13 13:21     標題: 有無大人學緊小提琴? 一齊交流下!

學左半年......不過比老師話, 大人學, 手指硬, 頂龍上到5級左右, 好傷心, 我唔係玩下玩下...認真嫁...
作者: ohmygosh    時間: 09-10-13 14:16

多些做左手knuckle joints 及指板練習﹐持之以恆﹐手指會變得更加靈活。


原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-13 13:21 發表
學左半年......不過比老師話, 大人學, 手指硬, 頂龍上到5級左右, 好傷心, 我唔係玩下玩下...認真嫁...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-13 14:18

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作者: beetle    時間: 09-10-13 15:17

hi cheapbombom,

仲記得我嗎? 我依家冇學喇. 因為我右手肩同手指關節都有問題唔可以繼續.依家唯有將全部心機放喺兩個女身上. 妳要加油ar!

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-13 13:21 發表
學左半年......不過比老師話, 大人學, 手指硬, 頂龍上到5級左右, 好傷心, 我唔係玩下玩下...認真嫁...

作者: carolineorcf    時間: 09-10-13 23:00

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-13 13:21 發表
學左半年......不過比老師話, 大人學, 手指硬, 頂龍上到5級左右, 好傷心, 我唔係玩下玩下...認真嫁...

Fingers may be stiff to start with, and you may feel your shoulder aching and fingers start having lumps.  But these are all normal and will go away after 1-2 years of practice.  

My kids go to a music centre to learn, where there are also adult students.  I have not heard of the fact that they cannot go to Grade 8.  Unless you are over 60 years old!
作者: 小木偶媽咪    時間: 09-10-14 07:41

作者: judy    時間: 09-10-14 09:22

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-13 13:21 發表
學左半年......不過比老師話, 大人學, 手指硬, 頂龍上到5級左右, 好傷心, 我唔係玩下玩下...認真嫁...


作者: rookiemom    時間: 09-10-14 09:36


原帖由 小木偶媽咪 於 09-10-14 07:41 發表

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-17 12:45

Hi beetle,

我當然記得你啦, 你決定唔繼續學咪好可惜? 學慢少少有無可能? 又或者好番再學?
我學琴最大心理障礎就係我既指甲, 其實, 我學鋼琴學到3級停左, 都係因為指甲天生太長, 剪唔過肉, 老師說學上去, 指法唔啱...我襟黑鍵都唔可以垂直手指....

唉, 小提琴又重覆我的惡夢....

原帖由 beetle 於 09-10-13 15:17 發表
hi cheapbombom,

仲記得我嗎? 我依家冇學喇. 因為我右手肩同手指關節都有問題唔可以繼續.依家唯有將全部心機放喺兩個女身上. 妳要加油ar!

[ 本帖最後由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-17 12:46 編輯 ]
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-17 12:52


一齊加油啊, 我學左7個月左右....家陣練晒3首2級考試歌, 本應係陪啊女明年一齊報2級...

上星期剛轉新老師, 佢叫我地未報就唔好考住啦, 咁急考黎做咩呢? 又彈到我同啊女一文不值, 好傷心...

舊老師唔明點解新老師咁講, 又話, 仲有成半年, 你地家陣去考都一定合格, 更何況仲有大把時間練好佢, 不過新老師又話我地拉到無感情, 真矛盾....所以, 都放棄考2級了...

我拉緊篠崎book 2既中間, 你呢? 有d歌仔幾好聽....一齊互勵之....

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-13 14:18 發表
That's very discouraging bor..

I learnt for 9 months also. I used to play piano when I was young - I think violin is so much harder to play well.

EG I practiced the same song for a month. still not ...

作者: 小伊    時間: 09-10-17 16:38

作者: video_ming    時間: 09-10-17 23:14

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-17 12:52 發表

一齊加油啊, 我學左7個月左右....家陣練晒3首2級考試歌, 本應係陪啊女明年一齊報2級...

上星期剛轉新老師, 佢叫我地未報就唔好考住啦, 咁急考黎做咩呢? 又彈到我同啊女一文不值, 好傷心...

舊老師唔明 ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-17 23:48


你學左4個月, e家有繼續嗎?

半年前, 我買小提琴個陣, 都心大心細, 唔知買貴定買平好, 最後, 聽朋友講, 當買件衫, 2千都ok....唔好太平, 驚反而無心機學下去....

結果, 我就買左BV300......幾個月後, 啊女3/4轉4/4, 就買了BV400...大家都係初學, 都應該夠用啦...

點知, 學下學下, 係自己貪心, 好快, 就分辨到啊女個琴係音質好過自己個琴...

所以, 比自己一個目標, 學多一年, 隨心所欲, 會再換個靚d既琴添...當獎勵自己...講真, 自己都搵到錢, 本身唔好名牌, 人地一個LV都6-7千啦...自己一世人一次....


原帖由 video_ming 於 09-10-17 23:14 發表
我以前學左4個月,現在囡囡學,我上星期陪囡囡一起拉,我覺得我個小提琴的聲不好.現在我打算買個貴些陪囡囡一起拉.個小提琴又可以留給囡囡.   ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-17 23:57

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作者: video_ming    時間: 09-10-18 00:14

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-17 23:48 發表

你學左4個月, e家有繼續嗎?

半年前, 我買小提琴個陣, 都心大心細, 唔知買貴定買平好, 最後, 聽朋友講, 當買件衫, 2千都ok....唔好太平, 驚反而無心機學下去....

結果, 我就買左BV300......幾個月後,  ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-18 00:27

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-18 12:52


嘩, 你拉左7個月, 就轉把位啦, 學得咁快既?
suzuki1-8冊係啊女用緊, 我無拉, 不過, 尋日新老師叫我唔好拉篠崎啦, 因為已搵完Book2, 不如轉用suzuki, 佢由Book2開始教我..

你一日練幾耐? 進度可以去得咁快?

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-17 23:57 發表
而家拉到suzuki book4 第一首 (seitz concerto no 2)好難拉得好聽!因要返工停佐學, 自己練,not much progress

個女拉緊book1 (Minuet III) - 係我正式單對單學第一首。
而家肯定拉得好過我那時! ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-18 23:45

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-20 22:03


你練琴既時間, 係我好幾倍之上........
我通常只靠weekend練....平日晚, 十點啊女已睡...練琴會嘈住佢...

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-18 23:45 發表
each suzuki books have less songs ma...
In fact many suzuki songs are also in 篠崎 book 2/ book3, just difference sequence

My main problem now
- left/ right hand coordination
- Strings crossing - the ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-20 22:41

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-23 14:01


上星期老師加左一粒比啊女用, 佢話佢拉琴太大聲...

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-20 22:41 發表
Oh, you have to get a practice mute.... otherwise impossible to practice. And my husband would be yelling at me!

So everynight after my kids sleep its my practice time and I really enjoy it!

Weekend ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-23 23:19

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-23 23:35


真的嗎? 我真係未聽過有這樣東西, 咁真係天大既喜訊啦, 因為, 平時一到十點, 就算有時間, 都練唔到琴....我日頭要返工, 都無理由可以做到一踏入門口就練左琴先...

通常食完飯, 教完啊女功課, 自己再沖涼, 十點都起碼...係咪琴行就有得賣? 等我聽日去買先..

另, 今晚去左大會堂, 聽悉尼交響樂團, 幾十位小提琴手坐係我前面拉琴, 一個2個持弓既手勢, 拉琴既模樣好迷人啊...又激發起我努力練琴先得...

我同事笑我, 由ni一刻, 不眠不休, 拉到自己死去個刻, 可能都唔會有台上音樂家既造詣....

的確......我同事雖然講笑, 但我都知台上班樂手, 可能係幾經過幾十年既努力...

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-23 23:19 發表
the small thing is a normal mute for orchestras for a "softer effect"

you have to get a big practice mute that clamps on to the bridge - the bigger the better - it reduces the noise by 50%! you can p ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-23 23:45

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作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-24 00:04

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-24 12:20


Is it available in HK? Otherwise, could you do me a favor to order one for me too?

Big thanks!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-24 00:04 發表
Re practice mutes - mind you it makes your violin sound like 鼻賽 especially metal ones. And you cannot hear your tone properly

So I ordered one from the internet through my friend in the states, a b ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-24 12:29

Hi Wootaitai,

Honestly, my daughter is rather lazy in practing violin, perpahs only 2-3 times per week.  I always wonder if she's really interested in learning violin.

I asked her serveral times if she wants to quit, but she simply refused to do so.  At this moment, our teacher says her talent in violin is better than me.

However, attitutde is everything.  I am lost how to motivate her practice more, in particular the new teacher is indeed very deaminding.

In the past, I never listened to the VCD of the songs that I ought to play in lesson.  But now, I have to listen to the techiques and follow their performing style before I go to lesson.  I animate almost 90% but my teacher still says I have room for improvement.  Frankly speaking, I feel a bit frastrated because no matter how hard I tried, my teacher is not satisfied.

I am glad that my teacher is good.  I need to beef up my ability to meet her standard.  It's tough but luckily I enjoy it.

Let's keep it up!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-23 23:45 發表
快D買la!should be available in most places

but I think kids really do learn much faster. My daughter has been practising the exam songs only for a while and stopped practising other songs in the suzuk ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 09-10-24 13:14

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 12:29 發表
no matter how hard I tried, my teacher is not satisfied.

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-24 14:02

Hi Sindy,

Tks for your encouragement!

I practiced a lot more compared with before and I realize the outcome is totally different.  The more I practice, the more I love the song and viloin.

Perhaps the new teacher is right, play 1-2 songs VERY VERY well every lesson is more important to learn 5-6 new songs everytime but students cannot fully pick up the techniques they ae supposed to learn from the music piece.

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 12:29 發表
Hi Wootaitai,

Honestly, my daughter is rather lazy in practing violin, perpahs only 2-3 times per week.  I always wonder if she's really interested in learning violin.

I asked her serveral times if  ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 09-10-24 15:11

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 14:02 發表
Hi Sindy,

Tks for your encouragement!

I practiced a lot more compared with before and I realize the outcome is totally different.  The more I practice, the more I love the song and viloin.

Perhaps  ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-24 22:09

I have violin lesson this evening.  There're only 1 song for me to play for this whole week.  I have confident that I don't need to replay but eventually, I need to practice for another week.

Actually, my previous teacher taught me this song and she didn't ask me to replay.  However, the new teacher asked me to play it to her and she's still not satisfied.  The same situtation applies to my daughter.  We both learn 1 song and keep for practising for 1 month.

I can tell the new teacher is really demanding.  She told me that if you cannot play a Grade 2 song well, you cannot play a Grade 5 song well no matter how fast you learn.  The speed is not important.  You need to pick up the technique to a full extend before you proceed further.

I brought the VCD and even though my performance is really close to the demo, there're still rooms for improvement.

原帖由 Sindy 於 09-10-24 15:11 發表

係呀,學好個技巧好重要,即係我女咁,佢而家唔係學好多歌,亦都唔流暢架....但技巧學到,所以拉到出黎既同以前好唔同....我覺得,首歌順唔順,只係要表演時先咁重要啫....(我好阿q)........學好技巧,要流暢時咪練多d囉.. ...

[ 本帖最後由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 22:11 編輯 ]
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-24 22:17


I went to Tom Lee this evening and they don't have the rubber mute.  Eventually, I brought it for HK$80 at the place where I learn violin.

My teacher said that she never use this stuff before.  Instead, she think the small mute is already good enough for her to practice at night time.

My niece attended the lesson with us as she is also searching for a new teacher.  However, she didn't like my teacher as she said she cannot tolerate practing one song for 1 month, that is really true.

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 22:09 發表
I have violin lesson this evening.  There're only 1 song for me to play for this whole week.  I have confident that I don't need to replay but eventually, I need to practice for another week.

Actuall ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-24 23:14

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作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-25 00:39

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-25 08:02

You're the 1st one who gives me a 2nd thought on practicing....

Same as learning piano, I used to learn at least 3-4 songs every lesson.  But now I am stunned that I can only learn one song and worst still, I need to spend 1 month on it.  It's unbelievable!

Yesterday, a very famous voilin master I know (but he doesn't teach me) gave me a book on how to learn violin well.  Actually the book is written by a mother who's son is now the most famous violinist in China.  (close friend to the pianist Long Long).  I read 1/5 in one night.  

The violin master repeated the key message - it's not necessary to practice a lot of songs, concentrate on one piece and pursuit 100% perfect....must have good foundation, spend 75% of your time in practicing the scale in regardness of your level.

It gives me new thoughts.  I begin to accept my new teachers' methodologists in teaching violin.

I'm glad that I can share with you coz I have no friends of my age that learn violin.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-25 00:39 發表
my daughter is actually quite fond of practicing and she likes the joy of playing some new songs.

But she hates it when I point out the mistakes... “吾好投訴la。。。” and then she will be very angr ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-25 08:06

Perhpas you're a good model for her.  

How old is your daughter? How long/how often will she practice every time?

Yesterday I practiced viloin for over 1 hour and she follows me.  But this phenomom doesn't occur frequently.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-25 00:39 發表
my daughter is actually quite fond of practicing and she likes the joy of playing some new songs.

But she hates it when I point out the mistakes... “吾好投訴la。。。” and then she will be very angr ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-25 23:47

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作者: rookiemom    時間: 09-10-26 11:05


原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-25 08:02 發表
You're the 1st one who gives me a 2nd thought on practicing....

Same as learning piano, I used to learn at least 3-4 songs every lesson.  But now I am stunned that I can only learn one song and worst ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-26 22:35

My teacher shares the same thoughts with me.  She believes foundation is everything.  However,   many parents just focus on the outcome nowadays.  They request that their children must reach X grade after X years.  Or she/he needs to get at least XX marks otherwise i will change teacher.

My teacher doubts if "genius" really exists.  Most famous vilionst have a tough road and they practice for over 6-8 hours per day at least.  It's easy to teach a children to get high marks coz they can just concentrate on practising 3 songs.  However, they have weak foundation.  But most parents still press for the result and they are short-sighted.  Frankly speaking, they're copying machine and they don't really enjoy music.

For adult learners like me, I wish to enjoy music first.  Exam is just a by-product.  

I'm glad that the change of violin teacher helps me think about the meaning of learning violin.  

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-25 23:47 發表
yes, totally agree on the pts on the book you mentioned. I am glad I am learning it and can really help my daughter by understanding the problems first hand.

When I accompany my daughter to competiti ...

作者: 小伊    時間: 09-10-27 00:20

Your teacher doubts if "genius" really exists?  Can you image a 5 year-old baby playing Spanish Symphony "WELL? Most of children can't do it after learning 10 years.
作者: katiechow    時間: 09-10-27 07:34

hi all,

我自己近30歲, 先至剛剛開始學了個半月, 不過我學viola既, 但技巧大部份都同violin差唔多, 多多指教呀  ~

Cheapbombom話大人學琴手指硬, 其實我覺得唔太係, 因為現代人都成日用電腦用keyboard打下字, 手指既肌肉應該都唔會話好似你無端端start ballet咁要用到好多你日常生活真係冇點陏既肌肉既, 所以Cheapbombom努力堅持落去就ok~

我而家學琴是上group class, 覺得老師教得好快, 佢見大家是成年人, 唔想悶親大家吧, 想快d令我地叫拉到下歌仔咁, 而且班上有兩個進度既同學, 一些是初學, 一些是學了約一年; 於是學了個半月已經學拉了10個音, 所以大家都拉得好難聽下, 都未習慣音準同動作就要學d有大約6-8個音組合出黎的歌仔, 好吃力 ~而且因為是上group, 老師可以注意同糾正同學錯誤既時間少, 所以我放學後都要常常online問人其實應該怎樣怎樣, 不過大家見唔到我點拉, 其實又好多野都唔清楚既~ 我有諗過上individual class, 但viola的話可能會比較貴, 而且我有學其他樂器, 一個月要大約$4,000學費了, 再加埋viola就會太大負擔, 我都係有排都唔洗諗viola上individual了, 所以希望大家會幫到我
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-27 10:19


原來, 學比較冷門少少既樂器, 學費就貴得咁利害!

始終, 我覺得學樂器係單對單最好, 上Group會慢同針對唔到個人既需要...

真係無其他途徑會平些嗎? 音統處? 私人上網搵一搵...好金啊...

至於手指硬, 我相信打電腦要求個種靈活程度, 恐怕跟小提琴不能相提並論罷....最令我擔心既, 係我指甲太長, 係剪唔到平頭, 所以, 心中已有障礙, 老師已說, 5級頂龍, 所以已轄出去, 學得幾耐得幾耐...

我都係起步左8個月, 大家一起努力!

原帖由 katiechow 於 09-10-27 07:34 發表
hi all,

我自己近30歲, 先至剛剛開始學了個半月, 不過我學viola既, 但技巧大部份都同violin差唔多, 多多指教呀  ~

Cheapbombom話大人學琴手指硬, 其實我覺得唔太係, 因為現代人都成日用電腦用keyboard打 ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-27 10:38

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作者: Sindy    時間: 09-10-27 12:35

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-24 22:09 發表
I have violin lesson this evening.  There're only 1 song for me to play for this whole week.  I have confident that I don't need to replay but eventually, I need to practice for another week.

Actuall ...

無錯,二級歌搞唔到,五級都一樣,快都無用......我女就係,初時學鋼琴,一週十幾首歌,老師教完仲唔夠皮,要我教新歌....一二年級時都有三四級.....但而家,幾年後,都仲係五六級,但.......真係比以前好聽左彈得.......而家呢幾年,反而教既歌唔多,一年十隻手數晒添可能.....(我個女又懶練琴)但出黎既音色手勢同以前真係唔同,以前歌係彈得多,但欣賞指數甚低 ,而家熟既可能只得幾首,但真係聽出耳油
作者: katiechow    時間: 09-10-27 13:04


我是跟音統成人外展果d group學架, 成人班好人報, 大部份班都好full, 我班是full的, 所以有10人架, 仲有d同學是上晒基礎1&2就repeat再報但就學唔同進度既野咁~

viola在香港是冷門既, 出去學應該會比學violin貴了~


我學鋼琴&豎琴, 鋼琴是學演奏級果d, 所以都二千幾, 豎琴大約3-4級level, 就千幾咁; 我自己教鋼琴既, 所以會比較多時間可以練樂器law; 但我又唔係練太多, 3樣夾埋練大約4hrs/day, 第日harp再學到難d都唔知點算...
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-27 14:08


我係你, 一定搵私人啦, 無喂跟大隊dum波鐘!
你係教琴既, 咪用收番黎既學費, 比番少少出黎...有出有入!

原帖由 katiechow 於 09-10-27 13:04 發表

我是跟音統成人外展果d group學架, 成人班好人報, 大部份班都好full, 我班是full的, 所以有10人架, 仲有d同學是上晒基礎1&2就repeat再報但就學唔同進度既野咁~

viola在香港是冷門既, 出去學應該會比 ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-29 09:04

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-29 09:27


Is it English book? Grateful if you could provide the full name of the book.

I went to shenzhen and brought a set of DVD on how to practice zuzuki well.  I just watched for the 1st 30 mins and it begins with how to hold the bow by great master in Beijing.

It's good.  I believe the DVD is not available in HK.  Also, there're a lot of resouces on how to learn violin well in the bookstore.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-29 09:04 發表

have you started on your suzuki book ar...
I recommend a book to you on the suzuki method - written by William Starr (avaiable from the library).

Very useful in exlaining the approach an ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-29 09:33

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-29 17:44


Tks for your recommendation. I've no idea that there're so many resouces in violin learning.

I found the book on Public Library but it's a restricted item for borrow.  Only 2 copies is available at CityHall Library as reference book.

I called Tom Lee and the book was sold out long time ago.  Amazon has some stocks but I want to try if it's available in HK to avoid the heavy postage cost.  

You're so knowledgable in voilin and it's amazing that you master it well in only a few month's time.

I haven't started Suzuki yet despite my teacher asked me to.  I wish to finish 篠崎 book 2 as I got only 4 more songs to play.  However, I already spend 4 lessons on 1 song.  Doubt if I can finish it in another 3 months.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-29 09:33 發表
the full title is "the Suzuki Violinist" - its in English. I borrowed that from the library before

On youtube there are some instructional videos (one guy called Professor V or something, quite good) ...

[ 本帖最後由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-29 17:45 編輯 ]
作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-29 18:02

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-29 23:59

Hi Wootaitai,

I guess I've owed HKSAR HK$2.5 so that my account is locked for further reservation service.  I'll settle the overdue payment tmw and retry the online booking system.  

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10-29 17:44 發表

Tks for your recommendation. I've no idea that there're so many resouces in violin learning.

I found the book on Public Library but it's a restricted item for borrow.  Only 2 copies is av ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-30 00:24

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-10-30 10:58


The penalty was settled and the book has been reserved alright.

Are you a full-time mom? What are your "target" primary schools?

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-30 00:24 發表
I am so stressed about my daughter's P1 application recently... so glad I have violin as my 精神食糧。。。

happy practicing ar

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-10-30 11:29

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-1 08:15


I learned violin last night and it's the first time my teaher said that I've improvement in controlling the volumn of each pitch.  She has less criticism to me.  

I shared my worries with my teacher that I doubt my daughter is not really interested in violin coz she seldom practice (perhaps only 2-3 times per week).  She observed that my daughter shows interest and a certain cuoristy in it but she lacks patient.  The problem is that, my daughter assumes she can play it well after practising for a few times.  She will feel bored if keep practising the same song.

However, my teacher said at least she can do the technique the piece required.  So she will help change her attitidue.  Of course, practice more is a basic prerequisitic for good progress.  She encouraged me to take a optimistic view towards my daughter.

It's the 1st lesson of my niece last night too.  My teacher cannot help but complained that we all went so far (1 yr to complete Tiu Kei Book 2) and she will slow down our progress.  All our foundation are week and she is very demanding on the basic skill.

It's true.  I need to repeat the "practising song" (the one similar to scale practice but of course a lot more complicated) coz I'm weak in controlling the volumn of each bar and no mark comparision in the melody.....Oh...I need to treat it as a SONG but not just notes and pitch accuracy.  My pervious teacher never requires me to achieve this level. I need to put more "passion" into it.  It's the first time I need to pay attention to all these.  It's a lot more thanpitch accuracy and rhydom...

To my surprise, I need not repeat the music sheet and I can proceed to the next song that I like.  Happy!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-10-30 11:29 發表
no la, I wish I could be FTM, can practice all day!

I target the most difficult schools ar. Now officially all "certified" and have to go back to my back up options

quote]原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-10 ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-2 09:30

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Sindy    時間: 09-11-2 13:13


作者: neighbour931    時間: 09-11-2 14:56

兩個位當然唔同啦, f 音會按近個頂位
原帖由 Sindy 於 09-11-2 13:13 發表


作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-2 15:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: neighbour931    時間: 09-11-2 15:19

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-2 15:00 發表
I thought A# (Bflat ) and F are same finger position isnt it?

Yes, I make a mistake. I suppose F and B. So F is the same as A#
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-2 17:34


A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, 跟普通的F, 咁位置才一樣..

原帖由 neighbour931 於 09-11-2 15:19 發表

Yes, I make a mistake. I suppose F and B. So F is the same as A#

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-2 17:40

大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:34 發表

A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-2 17:52


Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a voilin teacher (from APA) teached violin in another room.  Ooops....his technique is fantastic.....I talked to the staff in the learning centre, and realized the fee is HK$500 per hour even for beginners.  However, these teacher will be very demanding and if you're not serious in voilin, it's just a waste of money.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-2 15:00 發表
I thought A# (Bflat ) and F are same finger position isnt it?

作者: Fatty    時間: 09-11-2 19:21


我屋企有2個,已經生"秀", 買佐都無嘜點用過,可以話係無用。

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:40 發表
大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

作者: Sindy    時間: 09-11-2 21:47

原帖由 Fatty 於 09-11-2 19:21 發表

我屋企有2個,已經生"秀", 買佐都無嘜點用過,可以話係無用。
你可以用一張硬卡紙,分2邊貼在手指板同馬仔之間(可以用波士貼),效果都係一樣。不過,其實,呢D係治標唔治本,弓唔直係因為右手運用唔正確,先會咁。試下 ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 09-11-2 21:48

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:34 發表

A絃一手指係B音, 而E絃一手指係F音, 如果兩個音一齊放, 唔同位置噃, 因為A去B係一個音階, E去F只係半個音階, 所以, E絃按F, 手指就貼頂按...

定係你地講緊再高深既野? 請指教...

如果你地話A#, ...

作者: neighbour931    時間: 09-11-2 22:18

Which room of teacher you are listen to ? $500 is worth to let the children learn the right thing.
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:52 發表

Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a  ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-2 22:38

有少少明, 等我試下先....
弓要直, 唔係一朝一夕, 要苦練的....

原帖由 Sindy 於 09-11-2 21:47 發表

曾經聽過一個教授教,點樣可以感受拉得直支弓,搵個人幫下你手,張支弓放係碼仔同指版中間,隻手沿支弓上上落落,當支弓係個軌道(但弓唔郁),咁隻手上到最盡時,係咩樣,隻手落弓時又係咩樣,就會好清楚架啦 ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-2 22:41

I mean the music centre where I'm learning voilin.  They have 7 violin teachers altogether, some are APA graduates and some are diploma grade.  My teacher is now learning diploma II.

原帖由 neighbour931 於 09-11-2 22:18 發表
Which room of teacher you are listen to ? $500 is worth to let the children learn the right thing.

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-2 23:57

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Sindy    時間: 09-11-3 06:38

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 22:38 發表
有少少明, 等我試下先....
弓要直, 唔係一朝一夕, 要苦練的....

作者: beetle    時間: 09-11-3 10:41

直弓器真係幫助不大. 可以試下對住鏡慢拉空絃(一定要慢and全弓), 自己留意支弓有冇走樣. 日子有功, 弓一定直!

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:40 發表
大家有無聽過直弓器? 之前係Yahoo  Auction有得賣, 過了一輪又唔見了影, 聽聞係改善弓拉唔直好好既輔助工具....

[ 本帖最後由 beetle 於 09-11-3 10:51 編輯 ]
作者: beetle    時間: 09-11-3 10:47

$500 per hour seems to be the standard fee for an APA graduate (may be fresh graduate?).  
For a professional teacher, they charge the same no matter what grade you're in.  This is their "time cost" ma (just like solicitor, haha).

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-2 17:52 發表

Why don't you find a violin teacher? I believe self-learning is very risky as you might not know whether your posture, pitch accuracy, rythodm is on the right path...

Last Sat, I heard a  ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-3 15:35

For me, I dun really care to pay for HK$2,000/month for voilin fee as long as the teacher is good.  However, I am more concerned about the teacher's attitude.  Will he/she feel bored to teach a beginner? I agree that a demanding teacher is good for learner in the long run though it is pain.

I am glad that my daugther told me that she begins to love this new teacher.  Out of my surprsie, she said the previous teacher is less professional compared wtih the present one.  She said "if she is not demanding, I will not know my weakness".

A bit change in her attitude.

原帖由 beetle 於 09-11-3 10:47 發表
$500 per hour seems to be the standard fee for an APA graduate (may be fresh graduate?).  
For a professional teacher, they charge the same no matter what grade you're in.  This is their "time cost" m ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-9 16:42

Hi Wootaitai,

I collected the book you recommended from Public Library last Sat.  Seems a lot of words, and  I believe the last part is the essence (techniques for each Suzuki piece)

My husband told me that we're improving a lot since we follow the new teacher.  He can tell we're playing more lively and with passion.  So no matter how long we practice, he becomes to enjoy the sound utter by violin.

Same for my duaghter, her skill is also improving.  Despite she's been practising one song for a few weeks, she no longer complains and enjoy practising.  My teacher is developing her patient.  

Last week, the teacher provides an option for her - to repeat the song for 1 more week or kick start  a new one since she's repeated three times for a song.  Unsurprisingly, she prefers to repeat for the 4th time because she has confidence that she can do it even much better at the last attempt.

Of course, it's smoother and smoother.  When we keep repeating same song, it's not boring.  On the contracy, it become a wonderful music piece and we both enjoyed having a sense of accomplishment.

My husband said the standard is close to listening to the CD.  I believe he just want to give us reassurance in our efforts.

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-3 15:35 發表
For me, I dun really care to pay for HK$2,000/month for voilin fee as long as the teacher is good.  However, I am more concerned about the teacher's attitude.  Will he/she feel bored to teach a beginn ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-9 16:49

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-10 09:56

the last 3 songs of TiuKei book 2 ja ma....
I will shift to Suzuki shortly afterwards......

I've read almost 1/4 of the book and despite it's wordy, I find new insights that enlightened me again.....students should listen to the music peiece (viaCD) N times before they start to play....the result is amazing....

At times when I learn piano, my teacher has a different view....one should never listen to the music piece before they learn.  Otherwise, they just memorize the melody but not really reading the sheet....

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-9 16:49 發表
Hi - that's great ar... yes the essense is the last part indeed.

Your progress is great ar! what song are you playing now?

I am also planning to take lessons again with my daughter... if the music  ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-10 10:09

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-12 09:29


Tks again for recommending the book to me.  I'm a bit inspired after reading Suzuki's "Mother-tongue Approach"....

His talk to students and teachers are interesting...compared learning voilin with baby learning to spk and eat.......step by step...one progress at a time, ....training your crew.(body)


I am pleased to find that my daugther does practice more this week.  She shows certain improvements in intonation!

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-10 10:09 發表
yeah the CD is really useful ar. Also you can play along to the piano accompaniment.

I always have some breakthrough in the skills for each song after practicing with the accompaniment.. (but first n ...

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-13 22:09

明年2月, 就學左小提琴一年, 心思思想換一個更好既琴當生日禮物, 問題係, 自己部琴已經係BV300, 成2千蚊, 又唔係唔夠用, 只係初級, 問題係自己貪心, 又覺得有能力, 想買部再好少少當獎勵自己, 算唔算過份? 換的話, 可能budget 4千蚊, 可以去到BV600....會唔會又勁過頭呢? 我驚襯唔到部琴....

問左2個無學樂器既朋友, 佢地話我起碼用多一年至考慮啦, 花錢都要睇需要...太好既琴, 技不如人都是浪費了一部好琴...

老公叫我想換就換, 係心頭好既話, 自己最清楚....旁人又點會明呢? 買左既話, 部BV300又點處置?

[ 本帖最後由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-13 22:12 編輯 ]
作者: neighbour931    時間: 09-11-13 22:54

有一樣野你要注意, 個琴貴左, 唔等於一定好聲左, 每個人對聲音既喜好會有出入, 而且琴耍拉好一段時間才開聲, 開始既時候好多時會覺得拉返原來個琴仲好聽d, 除非你原來個琴真係好差. 另外, 好容易買開會有癮.
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-13 22:09 發表
明年2月, 就學左小提琴一年, 心思思想換一個更好既琴當生日禮物, 問題係, 自己部琴已經係BV300, 成2千蚊, 又唔係唔夠用, 只係初級, 問題係自己貪心, 又覺得有能力, 想買部再好少少當獎勵自己, 算唔算過份? 換的話,  ...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-14 00:35

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 小伊    時間: 09-11-14 14:42

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-15 12:47

聽你地咁講, 買到4-5千都唔3唔4既話, 那麼我暫時都係拉住部BV300先啦....我都明白, 係無止境既追求, 不如練好些再算...

尋晚學完琴, 仍要repeat, 工人同老公都話, 仍然未得咩? 你已經跟CD差不多了...我就話, 老師說我按4手指時雖然音是準了, 但1, 2, 3手指位未放好, 都仍然未掌握了基本技巧...

又係一死穴, 以前老師唔要求我轉線時按4手指, 同時要按埋
1, 2, 3手指, 咁真係要練下先做到, 個4手指只係1/4拍, 如果再按埋123手指, 時間馬上拖慢了....

我已是第5堂拉同一首歌, 今次只久2個bar, 由頭從來...恐怕我是蚊都訓了.....

老師又重提我的指甲問題, 你咁長, 唔會學到上去....係咪又叫我早早放棄算了呢?  
原帖由 小伊 於 09-11-14 14:42 發表

作者: 小伊    時間: 09-11-15 17:24

作者: isak    時間: 09-11-15 17:46



原帖由 小伊 於 09-11-15 17:24 發表

作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-15 20:48

我唔係唔肯剪指甲, 係剪到盡都剪唔到...
我甲型係天生長, 就算剪盡了, 仍然指甲長過肉, 我老師都說我學上去會有問題..
我學琴, 也是3級停了, 因為用指甲按黑鐽, 滑了位, 否則就打扁隻手指襟, 手勢錯...

所以, 我只有3日剪一次指甲.....唔學琴既朋友, 就讚我甲型靘, 唔洗去修甲, 本身已即呈弧型, 我巴不得剪光佢...

如果我有得剪唔剪, 就抵自己死啦, 仲有面ling出黎講咩....啊女手甲完全無我既情況, 真係天生...

原帖由 isak 於 09-11-15 17:46 發表



作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-15 20:49

佢示範左N次, 我覺得係無理由囉....

原帖由 小伊 於 09-11-15 17:24 發表

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-16 09:49

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-16 10:13

比如說, 我在拉A弦, 有一個音是Ab, 即是要在D弦用4手指拉, 不能拉A空弦, 那麼, 老師要求我1, 2, 3手指位也要按住D弦, 或者就算不能實際接住, 也要輕輕放在上面, 作好隨時準備妥當的狀態...因為, 這首歌不用你往下音階拉, 但下一首歌就可能要了...

我尋晚練了少少....相對就咁襟4手指, 就難了少少..但, 相信練夠100次, 我也能辦到罷...

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-16 09:49 發表

--> what does that mean??

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-11-16 10:26

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作者: cheapbombom    時間: 09-11-16 12:37

Suzuki suggests we practice in small chunks....I try his method recently and it works! Don't rush, a few bars per each time, and then knit the whole piece together.  

Actually, my teacher asked me to "Study" the piece every time before we actually play it.  Highlight which pattern is repeated.  Indeed, you may find the music full of repetition.  Do concentrate on practising the main melody - normally it consists of 34 bars and it already helps you complete almost 1/2 of the song.  Proceed by picking a few diversions as it's basically developed form the scale....

Most importantly, practice the scale, pick the key melody, you've already finished 90% of the song.  I love learning a new music piece in such a mechanical way, haha...

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-11-16 10:26 發表
I see... your teacher has really hight "requirements" bor.

I also started lessons with my daughter's teacher. He corrected my bow hold again and I had some breakthrough in the song I am playin alread ...

作者: beetle    時間: 09-11-17 01:21

可以看得出妳老師都幾有心機教妳. 妳要加油!

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-16 10:13 發表
比如說, 我在拉A弦, 有一個音是Ab, 即是要在D弦用4手指拉, 不能拉A空弦, 那麼, 老師要求我1, 2, 3手指位也要按住D弦, 或者就算不能實際接住, 也要輕輕放在上面, 作好隨時準備妥當的狀態...因為, 這首歌不用你往下音 ...

作者: beetle    時間: 09-11-17 01:28

等妳練得多手指頭可能會練出一舊肉, 咁就冇問題喇!

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-15 20:48 發表
我唔係唔肯剪指甲, 係剪到盡都剪唔到...
我甲型係天生長, 就算剪盡了, 仍然指甲長過肉, 我老師都說我學上去會有問題..
我學琴, 也是3級停了, 因為用指甲按黑鐽, 滑了位, 否則就打扁隻手指襟, 手勢錯...

所以, 我只 ...

作者: 小伊    時間: 09-11-17 01:35

作者: neighbour931    時間: 09-11-17 08:56

其實好多人開始都係指甲長過肉的, 當日子有功, 指甲修剪頻密, 指甲會慢慢縮左上去, 我以前彈結他都係咁樣既, 最初學都係指甲長過肉, 彈左幾年, 就會愈剪愈入, 而家無彈好幾年又再生番出d, 呢個係一個正常又普遍的情況, 你老師無理由唔知喎
原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-15 20:48 發表
我唔係唔肯剪指甲, 係剪到盡都剪唔到...
我甲型係天生長, 就算剪盡了, 仍然指甲長過肉, 我老師都說我學上去會有問題..
我學琴, 也是3級停了, 因為用指甲按黑鐽, 滑了位, 否則就打扁隻手指襟, 手勢錯...

所以, 我只 ...

作者: ohmygosh    時間: 09-11-17 09:30

我也是這般要求我的學生﹗因為vertical movements 必定是最快速和準確的。其實多做左手的關節活動練習及按弦練習﹐日子有功﹐這個看似艱難的approach所需的技巧也可以穩定的進步和達到目標。另外﹐這種approach也能加強演奏者的sense of key。

原帖由 cheapbombom 於 09-11-16 10:13 發表
比如說, 我在拉A弦, 有一個音是Ab, 即是要在D弦用4手指拉, 不能拉A空弦, 那麼, 老師要求我1, 2, 3手指位也要按住D弦, 或者就算不能實際接住, 也要輕輕放在上面, 作好隨時準備妥當的狀態...因為, 這首歌不用你往下音 ...

作者: ohmygosh    時間: 09-11-17 09:44



原帖由 小伊 於 09-11-17 01:35 發表

作者: siuyuenzi    時間: 09-11-17 10:56


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