
標題: 點解有人讀左國際學校既英文... [打印本頁]

作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-3 23:50     標題: 點解有人讀左國際學校既英文...

點解有人讀左英基(小學)既英文...都只係好一般既?? (幼稚園開始讀)


作者: JennyL    時間: 07-12-4 00:10

你講的 "一般" ,係邊一方面?
你係單指 spoken english 差,定係整體英語水平 ( 包括寫和讀 )差?
所謂的 "差",可能有好多原因。

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-12-4 00:14 編輯 ]
作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 00:49

原文章由 JennyL 於 07-12-4 00:10 發表
你講的 "一般" ,係邊一方面?
你係單指 spoken english 差,定係整體英語水平 ( 包括寫和讀 )差?
所謂的 "差",可能有好多原因。
個 ...

我諗你誤會喇, 第一, 我唔係話間學校差(放心),
第二, 我係話個細路差,
浸左咁多年, 唔好話寫(串字), 就連口講都好一般,
真係有的的意外, 宜家咪讀grade 3之麻.

所以, 想你地比comment係咪:
1. 同父母水平有關 (唔可單靠學校!)
2. 只有印傭識講有限英文.
作者: WYmom    時間: 07-12-4 07:30

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-3 23:50 發表
點解有人讀左英基(小學)既英文...都只係好一般既?? (幼稚園開始讀)



Is your child willing to participate in discussion in class?  Does s/he have a lot of foreign friends in school?  Have you helped your child read and write a lot at home?

I helped in class in my kid's school, there are 30 students per class, some just sit there dreaming and are not willing to respond to teachers.  Some are very talkative, some always raise their hands eagerly...

There are so many kids with different characters, in the same Y1 class, some can read over level 10, some still read level 3.  Standard can vary very much.  So where does your child stand?

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-12-4 07:31 編輯 ]
作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 09:29

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-12-4 07:30 發表

Is your child willing to participate in discussion in class?  Does s/he have a lot of foreign friends in school?  Have you helped your child read and write a lot at home?

I helped in class in my ki ...

佢係朋友個仔, 由幼稚園開始讀到宜家,



宜家一些很簡單的句子還可以, 例如: I cant find it! / where is it?  / I like this I dont like that!

在家只有印姐教, 或看英文電視.

父母只識單字或詞語, 不能說句子.

就是這樣, 以你經驗, 你覺得小朋友的"成績", 是否會在班中較後?

由幼園至今, 他班中的鬼仔只有一兩個, 巴籍就多些, 其餘全部中國人, 而且, 老師曾指, 他上課愛說廣東話....

朋友宜家開始擔心, 因為知道自己係幫唔到, 第日會唔會"無前途"?
作者: OKmom    時間: 07-12-4 10:47

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 09:29 發表

佢係朋友個仔, 由幼稚園開始讀到宜家,



宜家一些很簡單的句子還可以, 例如: I cant find it! / wher ...

Which ESF school is your friend's child studying? On HK island or Kowloon side?
作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 11:30

原文章由 OKmom 於 07-12-4 10:47 發表

Which ESF school is your friend's child studying? On HK island or Kowloon side?

Kowloon J.  --- thanks!

btw, 點解咁問呢?

佢有個妹妹, 所以諗緊比唔比埋佢讀, 還是讀番主流.

[ 本文章最後由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 11:37 編輯 ]
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-4 11:44

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作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 11:55

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 11:44 發表
The English standard of IS students varies greatly.

The following is a war story (not yet completed) written by a current IS year 2 student.  The story hasn't been polished except for a few spelling  ...

如果呢個係grade2 既學生寫既, ok!


我諗....係講緊兩個唔同既例子, 而我想知係我位小朋友既...
作者: OKmom    時間: 07-12-4 12:18

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 11:30 發表

Kowloon J.  --- thanks!

btw, 點解咁問呢?

佢有個妹妹, 所以諗緊比唔比埋佢讀, 還是讀番主流.

To learn a second language needs a lot of exposure, and need to speak it "daily". It is very crucial to provide the right language environment to the children, plus the right attitude of the children. I think KJS is an IS, it is the right language environment, but it seems your friend's child refuses to learn English, as you said he speaks Cantonese in the class, he could not benefit from this English speaking environment. And I believe he communicates with his friends in Cantonese after school. I cannot see how he can improve his English without practising.
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-4 12:39

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作者: YOSASHTO    時間: 07-12-4 13:07

I suggest the child's parents have a good open-minded talk with him and find out why he does not want to speak English.

There may be some hidden factors affecting this that we are not aware of unless the child opens up.  Perhaps he does not like the school, and is psychologically rejecting it?  Perhaps someone is bullying him and he feels he does not fit in?  

There are lots of emotional areas we need to consider in addition to the child's ability.  We should always give the child the benefit of the doubt.

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 11:55 AM 發表

如果呢個係grade2 既學生寫既, ok!


我諗....係講緊兩個唔同既例子, 而我想知係我位小朋友既...
thanks! ...

[ 本文章最後由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-4 13:12 編輯 ]
作者: hart    時間: 07-12-4 13:14

The tone sounds familiar.  But a new account.

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 12:39 發表
I am sorry to say that I really doubt your ability in judging the English standard of a kid.

Like the war story I quoted from an IS year 2 student (i.e. equivalent to P. 1 of a local student), you co ...

作者: OKmom    時間: 07-12-4 13:30

原文章由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-4 13:07 發表
I suggest the child's parents have a good open-minded talk with him and find out why he does not want to speak English.

There may be some hidden factors affecting this that we are not aware of unless ...

作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 13:46

原文章由 OKmom 於 07-12-4 12:18 發表

To learn a second language needs a lot of exposure, and need to speak it "daily". It is very crucial to provide the right language environment to the children, plus the right attitude of the children ...

唔該晒! 你答到我問題喇!

作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 13:49

原文章由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-4 13:07 發表
I suggest the child's parents have a good open-minded talk with him and find out why he does not want to speak English.

There may be some hidden factors affecting this that we are not aware of unless ...

唁該你! 佢父母都唔知學校有無人蝦佢架!
只係, 反而試過比人投訴話佢蝦人! 因為佢真係幾霸道 !

好, 將你既意見話比佢知!
作者: OKmom    時間: 07-12-4 13:52

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 13:46 發表

唔該晒! 你答到我問題喇!


You are welcome.
作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 14:00

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 12:39 發表
I am sorry to say that I really doubt your ability in judging the English standard of a kid.

Like the war story I quoted from an IS year 2 student (i.e. equivalent to P. 1 of a local student), you co ...

1. 睇黎你係一心要人"勁讚"你篇文章噃! 如果係早的出聲吖!
2. 係都係寫文章既人"叻", 你唔駛禁肉緊! 唔通佢係你個仔??
3. 我朋友既小朋友既情況, 根本同我個人"能力"或同文章(作者)無關, 明未??
4. 上黎問野姐, 你睇, 人地答得幾"中肯"!!??
5. 我既comment係ok就ok, 如果你要人跟你個答案, 不如唔好問人啦!
6. 到此為止, 都答唔到題.
7. 我唔識英文架....邊有你咁"崇拜"呢篇文吖?? 你好少見吖??
8. ...又可能我見得多, 所以咪唔會"少見多怪"咁"崇拜"囉!!
9. 真係大開眼界!
10. 問題已解決, 多謝各位!拜拜......
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-4 14:20

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作者: wlk168win    時間: 07-12-4 15:00

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 14:20 發表
The way I used was to check whether you had made the correct judgement as I couldn't believe the English standard of a year 3 ESF student would be as poor as you described.

From how you replied, it i ...

人地既思想係唔可以改變, 所以你咩都唔信都無辦法,
呢的野, 細細個屋企都有教啦, 你無咩???

真好笑, 又唔係我個小朋友, 我既料梗係由佢父母"放"出黎架啦 !
唉, 你既理解能力真係.....呀!)) 你咁想...不如叫佢父母上黎比你
test吓, 咪知佢地有無睇錯自己個仔囉 !! 好嗎??

你亞媽係邊樹呀? 等我又test吓佢既理解能力先吖??!!

無人理你囉! 明眼人都知咩事, 你慢慢攪(事)啦!!

唉! "狗"唔識"八".
作者: JennyL    時間: 07-12-4 15:42

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 00:49 發表
我諗你誤會喇, 第一, 我唔係話間學校差(放心),
第二, 我係話個細路差,
浸左咁多年, 唔好話寫(串字), 就連口講都好一般,
真係有的的意外, 宜家咪讀grade 3之麻.

孩子的學習 ( 語文也好,學科也好 ),有太多因素影響。


家中的英語環境,家長的英語水平,不可能對孩子的英語能力冇影響。國際學校孩子都要在課後大量閱讀,在低年級時,老師更會鼓勵家長和孩子一起讀書,如果家長英語差,孩子起碼少了一個運用/學習英語的機會。當然,部份本身聰穎的孩子,即使父母不懂英語,家中只看翡翠台,即使就讀本地學校,英語也可以學得不錯;但部份語文能力不太好的,即使家長本身係 "英文人" ,英語能力也未必一定會好。例如,我孩子 ( 讀 RC ) 班中有個 "鬼妹仔" 的英語閱讀能力就較差。


其實大部份孩子,在有像 ESF 的英語環境下,即使本身英語不是第一語言,都會很快可以掌握英語。如果像你朋友孩子的情形,始終比較少有,我建議她跟老師認真談談,看看可以如何幫助孩子。

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-12-4 15:58 編輯 ]
作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-4 17:00

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作者: RAA    時間: 07-12-4 17:07

原文章由 JennyL 於 07-12-4 15:42 發表

孩子的學習 ( 語文也好,學科也好 ),有太多因素影響。


家中的英語環境,家長的英語水平,不可能對孩子的英語能力冇影響。國際學校孩子都要在課 ...


雖然我囡囡現階段英文竟然好過中文(廣東話) , 但她在香港生活, 親朋戚友又大部份是講廣東話, 以上意見對我們處理她的第二語言, 是有一定幫助的 :) .
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-4 17:49

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-4 20:11

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作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-4 21:27

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作者: YOSASHTO    時間: 07-12-4 22:53


I can't help but reply to your statement "This is exactly the purpose of this kind of forum so that everyone can freely express what they want to say without the need of wearing a mask or be reminded of any curtesy required."

It is true that we don't know each other's true identity, and we don't have to hide behind a mask, but courtesy should never be ignored.  Even if we do not agree with the other person's viewpoints, we, as responsible adults, should respect each other's differences in opinions, and give our own views objectively.  Isn't this what the teachers teach our kids at school?  Furthermore, hostile language and tones are not good tools for helping each other, are they?  Isn't that why we come to this forum, to seek and give guidance?

An important internet etiquette is: don't write anything that you won't say to the person face-to-face.

If we all respect each other, wouldn't this world be a better place?

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 09:27 PM 發表
Hi thankful

As you replied in a more reasonable tone, I would like to talk a little bit more.

Who is christf?  I am new to BK forum and had not read too many posts before and I just remembered a few ...

作者: 一條毛    時間: 07-12-4 23:01     標題: 回覆 #25 thankful 的文章


The freshman is not a freshman. The different identifies may not know they are the same person. Ha! Ha!

[ 本文章最後由 一條毛 於 07-12-4 23:07 編輯 ]
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-5 09:10

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作者: nintendo    時間: 07-12-5 09:45

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 09:10 發表
By the way, are your kids studying in an IS?  I am looking for a good IS primary for my little daughter.  My friend told me to visit here to look for more information.  There are so many postings here and I really need time to read through them.

不如就揀寫你 quote 那篇文章的 P2 學生就讀的那間囉。

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 09:10 發表
I don't know who is "一條毛". ? and I decide not to response to those unfriendly postings anymore.

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 21:27 發表

As you replied in a more reasonable tone, I would like to talk a little bit more.

你話你唔係 christf?我估冇人信囉。
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-5 10:30

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作者: WYmom    時間: 07-12-5 11:59

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 10:30 發表
Hi nintendo,

I don't know why there are so many BK parents here said that I am "christf".  I think I really have to spend time to read through all his postings to know what's wrong with him.

To repl ...


So which IS is your friend's kid studying?  The passage you quote does appears to be written by IS students.  I believe s/he is a very smart kid who has got good support from parents.

I am not surprised to see someone said that some IS kids' English is so-so if those kids speak Cantonese more than English even in school.  Entering IS never means that parents can just assume that the kids will be very good in English automatically.  Even native English kids can be poor in read and write if parents do not care to help their kids do their work at home (read books or do the worksheets given by school as minimum).  IS usually teaches kids how to learn, but not spoon-feeding hard data to kids, so kids really need to learn through reading a lot, practise a lot show and tell, write a lot... etc.  There is no free lunch.

If parents co-ordinate with school to work together in helping their kids, usually the kids are motivated to learn positively and can excel.  I think this applies to all types of schools, there are always very good and just so-so performing kids, no matter it is SPCC, DGS, DBS or LS.
作者: hart    時間: 07-12-5 12:12

Of course you do.  其實你係咪某人真係唔重要,只有你自己先知。

不過樓主沒有對你post出嚟P2小朋友的文章表示讚賞佩服,你就很不服氣,更豪不客氣地指”doubt your ability in judging the English standard of a kid.” 這是怎樣的態度?就算你不是他,你跟他(和網友交往的態度和言談)又有甚麽分別?


原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 17:49 發表

...I personally know the parents of the case I quoted.

作者: YOSASHTO    時間: 07-12-5 12:38


I think you stepped on quite a few toes with your first posting.  Regardless of whether you are who we all think you are, using the name "freshman" gives the impression you have a fresh mind, and are open to ideas.  However, by just entering the discussion thread and throwing out a piece of written work to challenge wlk168win is very threatening, especially the way you hinted that she is not making good judgement.  This is similar to going to a Karaoke, going on stage, and pointing out at someone to say s/he sang poorly.  I suggest you reflect on your actions, which initated this hostile exchange.

Anyway, to answer your question, yes, my son is an international school student.  Like many parents have shared here, no matter how good a school is, the parents have to understand and accept the teaching methodologies, and work together with the teachers so that their child can grow and blossom.

Having said that, when selecting a school, not so much is dependent on what others say about it, but your own understading and "buy-in" to the school's systems, curriculum, and methodologies.  A clear picture of and alignment with the school's vision, mission, and guiding principle is also vital to your child's success and your satisfaction with the school in later years.

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 09:10 AM 發表
Hi Yosashto,

Yes, I think you are right. If we respect each other's views, it can foster more fruitful discussions.  

Similarly, I don't like the tone of those postings like "一條毛" . I don't know  ...

作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-5 12:39

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作者: WYmom    時間: 07-12-5 12:59

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-5 12:39 發表
Hi WYmom,

As the atmosphere in BK is not so friendly, so I don't want to disclose too much about the background of my friends and their kid.  I can only tell that my friends' son is studying in an IS ...


Thanks for your sharing.  Yes, that's the way how parents support the kids positively.  In IS, we don't care too much how the kids perform as compared to others, but more concern if the kids are progressing positively and are becoming more confident.  

I believe you can find a very good school for your daughter with your good friend's experience.
作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-5 13:58

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作者: Cara2006    時間: 07-12-5 18:17

原文章由 thankful 於 07-12-4 20:11 發表
I am referring to christf who is infamous for his habit of opening new accounts under different names.  The real intention of a writer is hard to discern, just as is hard to know your true identity.   ...

This is not the first time, and will not be the last time, he created new accounts in order to criticise people.

I just cannot believe a person can be so thick-skinned.
Everyone recognises the way he writes and his tone.
Every time someone says something that he thinks is negative about international schools, he would immediately react and defend.

You can say he is quite stupid. Because everytime, he is using almost exactly the same tone, same arguments, same tactics and sometimes the same wordings. How can anyone not remembering him.

People, just do not mess with ESF or GSIS in particular. Not even one single negative comment is allowed. He would chase you to the end of the world.

However, if you have negative comments with other schools, in particular ICS, CAIS or SIS, he would be more then happy to jump in and second you.

People in ESF, just be thankful, ok, because his son has left and is no longer with your school. People in all other ISs (including ESF), just pray that his son is doing well at GSIS, so that he can stay and not come to your school.

However, no one can be so sure. Heard that his problematic son is having problems at GSIS, again. According to him, his son has never stayed in one school for a long time. His son as been in 3 kindergartens and 2 primary schools, and is now only in P2 or P3. Recently he is saying that his son has problems at GSIS. Just keep your fingers crossed that the kid would not being leaving GSIS for YOUR international school.

People with GSIS, you are probably wishing that his son would leave. But please, for the good of all other international schools, just keep him there.

If I were a GSIS parent, I would feel so embarassed. He is always coming out praising the school when there is a chance.
作者: Cara2006    時間: 07-12-5 19:29

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 17:49 發表

From the original tone of this thread, it seemed that there is again another BK parent who hatred IS and would like to bad mouth the IS students.  Therefore, I quoted one of the cases I known not only to check the creditability of the her personal judgement but also to show that many IS students are in fact not so bad.  

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 21:27 發表

Who is christf?  I am new to BK forum and had not read too many posts before and I just remembered a few ...

" again another BK parent " --- 你以前成日黎 bk 咩?你點解知以往好多人 bad mouth 國際學校呢?

" I am new to BK forum and had not read too many posts" --- 下,乜後來又話自己係新人,咁你都幾神通廣大喎。

原文章由 freshman 於 07-12-4 21:27 發表
Anyway, I think it is not necessary to dig out the objectives of any contributors.

最初,係你話你質疑有人 bad mouth 國際學校;
而家又話 "not necessary to dig out the objectives of any contributors"。
即係你質疑人地就得,但係一比人踢爆你個 "真身" ,就又縮。
咁 bk 真係比你玩晒啦。

[ 本文章最後由 Cara2006 於 07-12-6 08:21 編輯 ]
作者: joys2334    時間: 07-12-6 08:29

好似睇個學校封newsletter, 在各科, 尤其在高年級, maths 科方面都高的..

算la.  I don't care.  小朋友不是用來滿足父母的期望/慾望 .  等佢地自己lead their own lives la.....想迫死佢地咩

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 11:30 發表

Kowloon J.  --- thanks!

btw, 點解咁問呢?

佢有個妹妹, 所以諗緊比唔比埋佢讀, 還是讀番主流.

作者: Share    時間: 07-12-6 10:52

我個仔都很喜歡battle of Britain,second World War 和武器資料,也很喜歡說這方的資料,不過他的語言能力很差,啊了很久才能又零碎又混亂的表達.寫就更差,





作者: christf    時間: 07-12-6 11:27

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-6 13:48

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-6 14:43

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作者: freshman    時間: 07-12-6 14:59

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-6 15:29

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-6 16:52

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-6 17:19

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作者: YOSASHTO    時間: 07-12-6 19:19


I disagree with your view that just because you don't know the person, and they cannot see you, you can be rude to them.  This is just like saying that it's ok to throw rubbish on the streets if no one can see you, or if there is no punishment.  It is a matter of good and bad citizenship, and in my opinion, Hong Kong is lagging behind western cultures in citizenship education (公文教育).

I have been teaching students about blogging.  When they write a blog, it is to a general audience who they may not know, and who may not even respond.  However, it is extremely important to respect each other, both in the original blog and in any responding comments to others' blogs.  As adults, we need to set a good example of respecting each other, even complete strangers.

I agree with you that it is good to positively challenge each other's thoughts and opinions.  However, let's not be rude and put down other people in the process of doing so.  This is what we call "Cyber-Bullying", and is a very hot topic in International Schools right now.  As IS parents, we all should be following these rules, and be teaching them to our children.

Hope this does not offend anyone.

原文章由 christf 於 07-12-6 11:27 AM 發表
I have a different view with you.  At internet, if we are communicating with someone we know or for some business purposes, etc. we should of course behave properly.

However, for this kind of open forum, we should not have too many binds. That is why we have no need to disclose our own idenities otherwise many of us would have a lot of hesitations in expressing ourselves freely.  This is exactly the beauty of such imaginary web world.

[ 本文章最後由 YOSASHTO 於 07-12-6 19:25 編輯 ]
作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-6 20:22

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作者: Cara2006    時間: 07-12-7 09:41

講真,p1 考小學,都只係睇識唔識講英文,入到去,好多根本都讀唔上。
樓主話朋友的孩子 p3 都唔識講英文,我知唔係唯一一個 case;衰 d 講,好多本地小學,尤其名英文小學,如 dgs dbs ghs,d 學生都唔會話咁差。
唔好話我針對學校,我都信唔係老師學校唔掂喎,而係根本有 d 學生就唔應該讀國際學校。
睇 bk 就知啦,而家個個都話比小朋友讀國際學校,但係根本好多家長本身,唔好話對國際學校教學模式唔清楚,其實自己本身的英語都唔好。大佬呀,國際學校個個老師校長都係外籍,通告係全英文,你自己英文唔好,唔好講到要教小朋友做功課啦,我就知有 d 家長連學校簡單的通告都唔識睇。
其實老師學校都好難做,p1 interview 時都係問 d 簡單問題,其實好多小朋友都識答,又話咩自己集團幼稚園有優先,唉,就係咁先死。讀佢地幼稚園的,唔一定英文好,而大把唔係讀佢地幼稚園的,反而英文 (包括家長的英語水平) 更好,我覺得佢地真係比個 "優先取錄權" 包袱累死。
話就話讀過兩年佢地集團的幼稚園,但係英文真係好?尤其係某分校的地區,會有好質素孩子嗎?舉例,你估人地住九龍塘西貢有幾多會去山長水遠讀?唔好話我偏見 (我都只係住草根的官塘),不過大把真係滿口英語的,甚至係外籍小朋友,都住九龍塘西貢,哩點根本大家都知,不過個個都要扮清高,唔敢出聲講。
我信老師都做足功夫,學生質素係唔掂,家長本身英文字都唔識多個,點教都死,最多係同家長講,叫佢補下英文,不過 d 較草根的家長又覺得,我比得咁多錢,就認為學校要負責晒教好學生。而家太多人根本係死要入國際學校,又成日有其他家長誤導人,講到好似係人入去讀都得,唉,面對現實啦,竹門對竹門,木門對木門,真係唔好勉強囉。個個都話唔鍾意本地教育,但係問心,你自己係唔係無論經濟上,心理想,學習上,都可以支持孩子?
即係好似個個男人都鍾意 ferrari,但係唔係話你買得起就得,要好多其他配合,油錢,insurance 都唔同買價 corolla,一闊三大,屋企個車位泊唔泊得落有係問題。要面對現實,冇咁大個頭,唔好學人戴咁大頂帽。孩子返黎比分通告你都唔識睇,孩子本書有字唔識讀你又唔識教,你覺得冇問題?
學校亦慘喎,p1 收了咁差的學生,讀上去根本真係唔惦,但又唔可以趕佢走,你話幾慘。
佢地 d 學校,係就係有一批好叻的學生,成績好好,但係亦因此,同時有一批學生係好差的。冇,一入去就神仙,家長水平低,乜都唔理,學生點會有好表現?
話時話,好多真係英文好的,家長水平高的,都因為佢地個騎離 "優先權制" 併於門外,部份甚至係外籍小孩,但人地好多都成功入了其他國際學校,講真,真正損失係邊個?
學校好唔好,唔係話係 bk 吹噓下就得;在 bk ,只係少部份家長,得罪講,人地 HKIS,CIS 有幾多家長上黎 BK?大部份 BK 人 (包括我) 都只係少部份較中下層的家長,當中有好多真係好少認識國際學校學生,你係佢地面前吹噓下,佢地會信,但係出面好多人都知,集團學校學生質素唔係真係咁好。
你吹噓係為認叻嗟,令學校的 waiting list 更長,就顯得自己學校好好,但係,waiting list 的學生,有幾多真係 "適合" 讀國際學校呢?有冇諗過,有好多家長可能因為你的言論,貿然為孩子考學校?有 d 好采過骨,孩子成功入讀,但係讀落根本追唔上,或發覺學校有好多方面唔合自己先前諗的,結果換來將來的後悔,你真係忍心咁做?

[ 本文章最後由 Cara2006 於 07-12-7 09:50 編輯 ]
作者: Cara2006    時間: 07-12-7 10:09

你朋友個 case 唔夠我朋友的 extreme。
我朋友個仔今年 p4,每個星期補英文,中文,數每科兩次,唔係去補習社,係私人補習,費用之高可想而知。但係 reading,spelling 依然長期係最低的一個 group。
其實好多佢地學校的學生都有出去補中英數,中文較多人揀 kumon,數就較多人揀學林,英文算係最少人補,但其實人數比例都好多。
唔好以為佢地真係可以靠晒學校,當然,個別真係較叻的,可以乜都唔補,但係數目好少,亦因此,你可以估計佢地 d 學生質素真係好參差。
作者: christf    時間: 07-12-10 12:39

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-10 12:58

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-10 13:33

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-10 14:03

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-10 15:11

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-10 15:27

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作者: christf    時間: 07-12-10 16:32

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-10 16:35

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作者: thankful    時間: 07-12-10 20:16

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作者: Cara2006    時間: 08-1-10 22:16

原文章由 wlk168win 於 07-12-4 09:29 發表

佢係朋友個仔, 由幼稚園開始讀到宜家,



宜家一些很簡單的句子還可以, 例如: I cant find it! / wher ...

作者: Y6baba    時間: 08-1-10 23:29

原文章由 Cara2006 於 08-1-10 22:16 發表


小心D 乜

[ 本文章最後由 Y6baba 於 08-1-10 23:44 編輯 ]
作者: RAA    時間: 08-1-11 10:33

原文章由 Y6baba 於 08-1-10 23:29 發表

小心D 乜

佢嘅意思係小心d, 揀學校時, 唔好揀esf囉 .

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